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Bankruptcy Court Case Documents

Miles Guo / Ho Wan Kwok

Case 22-50073
  1. Doc 3524 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal . Filed by George Peter Angelich on behalf of Meta Platforms, Inc., Interested Party. Appellee Designation due by 09/24/2024. (Angelich, George)
  2. Doc 3523 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal . Filed by George Peter Angelich on behalf of Apple Inc., Interested Party. Appellee Designation due by 09/24/2024. (Angelich, George)
  3. Doc 3522 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal (RE:)[3462] Notice of Appeal. Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of FFP (BVI) Limited, Interested Party., Statement of Issues on Appeal, (RE:)[3462] Notice of Appeal Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of FFP (BVI) Limited, Interested Party Appellee Designation due by 09/24/2024. (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  4. Doc 3521 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal (RE:)[3458] Notice of Appeal. Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party., Statement of Issues on Appeal, (RE:)[3458] Notice of Appeal Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party Appellee Designation due by 09/24/2024. (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  5. Doc 3520 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal (RE:)[3460] Notice of Appeal. Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Interested Party., Statement of Issues on Appeal, (RE:)[3460] Notice of Appeal Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Interested Party Appellee Designation due by 09/24/2024. (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  6. Doc 3519 ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT, Case No. 3:24-cv-00284-KAD (ECF No. 26) (RE: [2969] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC, [3458] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC, [3460] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, [3462] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party FFP (BVI) Limited, [3463] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party Apple Inc., [3464] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party Meta Platforms, Inc., [3467] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party Ogier, [3468] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party Weddle Law PLLC).
  7. Doc 3518 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal (RE:)[3458] Notice of Appeal, [3460] Notice of Appeal, [3462] Notice of Appeal, [3463] Notice of Appeal, [3464] Notice of Appeal, [3467] Notice of Appeal, [3468] Notice of Appeal. Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Weddle Law PLLC, Interested Party., Statement of Issues on Appeal, (RE:)[3458] Notice of Appeal, [3460] Notice of Appeal, [3462] Notice of Appeal, [3463] Notice of Appeal, [3464] Notice of Appeal, [3467] Notice of Appeal, [3468] Notice of Appeal Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Weddle Law PLLC, Interested Party Appellee Designation due by 09/24/2024. (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  8. Doc 3517 Second Circuit Appeal Case Number 24-1271 (RE: [3170] Notice of Appeal to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (RE: [3078] ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT AFFIRMING BANKRUPTCY COURT, Case No. 3:23-cv-00375-KAD) and (RE: [3085] JUDGMENT FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT, Case No. 3:23-cv-00375-KAD) (RE: [1595] Notice of Appeal and [1750] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo, Attorney Lee Vartan, Interested Party Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC) Filed by Appellant Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Lee Vartan, Esq., and Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC.
  9. Doc 3516 Motion to Withdraw Appearance Filed by Peter J. Zarella on behalf of Rui Ma, Weican Meng, Zheng Wu, 20 Largest Creditors, Creditor. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Zarella, Peter)
  10. Doc 3515 Notice of Change in Hourly Rates of Eisner Advisory Group LLC as Tax Advisors Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  11. Doc 3514 ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT 3:24-cv-01373 (ECF No. 8) (RE: [3463] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party Apple Inc.). ORDER OF TRANSFER. Case reassigned to Judge Kari A. Dooley for all further proceedings. Signed by Judge Omar A. Williams on 9/4/24. (Velez, F) (Entered: 09/04/2024) (kg)
  12. Doc 3513 Order Granting Motion to Withdraw as Attorney (RE: [3510]). (sr)
  13. Doc 3512 Order Granting Motion to Withdraw as Attorney (RE: [3509]). (sr)
  14. Doc 3511 Request for Status Conference Filed by Eric S. Goldstein on behalf of Sedgwick Realty Corp., Anthem Health Plans, Inc., Anthem HealthChoice Assurance, Inc. f/k/a Empire HealthChoice Assurance, Inc. d/b/a Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, Direct Persuasion LLC, Federal Express Corporation Creditors,. (RE: [3163] Order on Motion for Order). (Goldstein, Eric)
  15. Doc 3510 Motion to Withdraw Appearance of Aaron A. Romney. Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Mei Guo, Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Hudson Diamond Holding LLC, Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Leading Shine NY Ltd.,. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  16. Doc 3509 Motion to Withdraw Appearance of Aaron A. Romney. Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  17. Doc 3508 Notice of Appearance Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Leading Shine NY Ltd. Interested Party, . (Moriarty, James)
  18. Doc 3507 Notice of Appearance Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Hudson Diamond NY LLC Interested Party, . (Moriarty, James)
  19. Doc 3506 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50592 for the Month Ending: 07/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  20. Doc 3505 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order, [3168] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  21. Doc 3504 Order Granting Motion (I) for Authority to Employ and Retain Real Property Broker, effective as of August 23, 2024, for sale of Greenwich Property, (II) authority to Fund Expenses related to Greenwich Property and (III) for Related Relief (RE: [3450]). (sr)
  22. Doc 3503 ORDERS FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT, Case Nos. 3:24-cv-01372-KAD (ECF No. 9); 3:24-cv-01389-KAD (ECF No. 8); 3:24-cv-01391-KAD (ECF No. 8) (RE: [3462] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party FFP (BVI) Limited); (RE: [3468] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party Weddle Law PLLC); (RE: [3467] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party Ogier). (dd) 3:24-cv-01372-KAD In re: Kwok ORDER OF TRANSFER. Case reassigned to Judge Kari A. Dooley for all further proceedings. Signed by Judge Sarala V. Nagala on August 30, 2024. (Bergeson, S). 3:24-cv-01389-KAD In Re: Kwok ORDER OF TRANSFER. Case reassigned to Judge Kari A. Dooley for all further proceedings. Signed by Judge Sarala V. Nagala on August 30, 2024. (Bergeson, S). 3:24-cv-01391-KAD In Re: Kwok ORDER OF TRANSFER. Case reassigned to Judge Kari A. Dooley for all further proceedings. Signed by Judge Sarala V. Nagala on August 30, 2024. (Bergeson, S).
  23. Doc 3500 Hearing Held. (RE: [3450] Application to Employ Compass, Inc. as Broker for Sale of Greenwich Property and for Authority to Fund Expenses of Greenwich Property filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Revised proposed order to be submitted by the Chapter 11 Trustee. (rms)
  24. Doc 3499 Notice of Appearance Filed by Michelle Amanda Antao on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Interested Party, . (Antao, Michelle)
  25. Doc 3498 Notice of Corrected Redline Form of Revised Proposed Order Filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3497] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Mitchell, Kari)
  26. Doc 3497 Affidavit (Supplemental) of Julie Grace Burke and Revised Proposed Order Filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3450] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Mitchell, Kari)
  27. Doc 3496 Adversary case 24-05313. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee against Boies Schiller Flexner LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  28. Doc 3495 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Darryl S. Laddin (RE: [3449]). (sr)
  29. Doc 3494 ORDER REGARDING HEARING SCHEDULED ON APPLICATION TO EMPLOY COMPASS, INC.: A hearing on the Application to Employ Compass, Inc. (the ‘Application,’ ECF No. [3450]) is scheduled to be held on September 3, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Because the hearing on the Application is non-evidentiary and in order to minimize costs to the jointly administered Chapter 11 estates, it is hereby ORDERED: The hearing on the Application scheduled to be held on September 3, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. will be held remotely via ZoomGov.com. Appearing parties must contact the Clerk’s Office for instructions to connect to the ZoomGov.com hearing by sending an email to: [email protected].(RE: [3450] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on August 30, 2024. (rms)
  30. Doc 3493 ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT, Case No. 3:24-cv-01371-KAD (ECF No. 8) (RE: [3460] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP). (dd) ORDER OF TRANSFER. Case reassigned to Judge Kari A. Dooley for all further proceedings. Signed by Judge Michael P Shea on 8/29/2024. (Sichanh, C) (Entered: 08/29/2024)
  31. Doc 3492 Notice of Appearance Filed by Ronald Ian Chorches on behalf of American Express Company, Inc. Creditor, . (Chorches, Ronald)
  32. Doc 3491 Notice and Acknowledgment of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-01391-SVN (RE: [3467] Notice of Appeal). (dd)
  33. Doc 3489 Amended Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE: [3467] Notice of Appeal) (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal, ECF No. 3467 # (2) Order Granting Second Motion for Extension of Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 3417). (dd)
  34. Doc 3488 Notice and Acknowledgment of Docketing Notice of Appeal to the U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-01389-SVN (RE: [3468] Notice of Appeal). (dd)
  35. Doc 3487 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [3486] Transcript). (lw)
  36. Doc 3485 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3450] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3452] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing, [3484] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  37. Doc 3484 Affidavit (Supplemental) of David Haffenreffer Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3450] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  38. Doc 3483 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50542 for the Month Ending: 07/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  39. Doc 3482 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-01374(KAD) (RE: [3464] Notice of Appeal (kg))
  40. Doc 3481 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-01373(OAW) (RE: [3463] Notice of Appeal (kg))
  41. Doc 3480 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-01372(SVN) (RE: [3462] Notice of Appeal (kg))
  42. Doc 3479 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-01371 (MPS) (RE: [3460] Notice of Appeal (kg))
  43. Doc 3478 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-01370 (KAD) (RE: [3458] Notice of Appeal (kg))
  44. Doc 3477 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on August 27, 2024. (RE: [3476] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  45. Doc 3476 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 8/27/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  46. Doc 3475 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE: [3468] Notice of Appeal (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order granting second motion for extension of deadline for trustee to file avoidance actions)(kg)
  47. Doc 3474 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE: [3467] Notice of Appeal (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order granting second motion for extension of deadline for trustee to file avoidance actions)(kg)
  48. Doc 3473 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE: [3464] Notice of Appeal (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order granting second motion for extension of deadline for trustee to file avoidance actions)(kg)
  49. Doc 3472 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE: [3463] Notice of Appeal (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order granting second motion for extension of deadline for trustee to file avoidance actions)(kg)
  50. Doc 3471 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE: [3462] Notice of Appeal (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order granting second motion for extension of deadline for trustee to file avoidance actions)(kg)
  51. Doc 3470 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE: [3460] Notice of Appeal (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order granting second motion for extension of deadline for trustee to file avoidance actions)(kg)
  52. Doc 3469 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE: [3458] Notice of Appeal (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order granting second motion for extension of deadline for trustee to file avoidance actions)(kg)
  53. Doc 3468 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A11056786 Fee Amount of $298 [3417] Order on Motion to Extend Time Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Weddle Law PLLC, Interested Party. Appellant, Weddle Law PLLC. Appellee(s), Luc Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 09/11/2024. Transmission of Designation due by 09/27/2024.
  54. Doc 3467 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A11056779 Fee Amount of $298 [3417] Order on Motion to Extend Time Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Ogier, Interested Party. Appellant, Ogier. Appellee(s), Luc Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 09/11/2024. Transmission of Designation due by 09/27/2024.
  55. Doc 3466 Notice of Appearance Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Ogier Interested Party
  56. Doc 3465 Order Amending Order Directing Parties To Mediation, Appointing The Honorable James J. Tancredi As Mediator, And Amending Order Approving Procedures Applicable To Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings To Facilitate Consensual Pre-Litigation And Pre-Appearance Mediation. (RE: [3396]).
  57. Doc 3464 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A11055677 Fee Amount of $298 [3417] Order on Motion to Extend Time Filed by George Peter Angelich on behalf of Meta Platforms, Inc., Interested Party. Appellant, Meta Platforms, Inc.. Appellee(s), Luc A. Despins, as Chapter 11 Trustee. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 09/10/2024. Transmission of Designation due by 09/26/2024.
  58. Doc 3463 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A11055675 Fee Amount of $298 [3417] Order on Motion to Extend Time Filed by George Peter Angelich on behalf of Apple Inc., Interested Party. Appellant, Apple Inc.. Appellee(s), Luc A. Despins, as Chapter 11 Trustee. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 09/10/2024. Transmission of Designation due by 09/26/2024.
  59. Doc 3462 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A11055658 Fee Amount of $298 [3417] Order on Motion to Extend Time Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of FFP (BVI) Limited, Interested Party. Appellant, FFP (BVI) Limited. Appellee(s), Luc Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 09/10/2024. Transmission of Designation due by 09/26/2024.
  60. Doc 3461 Notice of Appearance Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of FFP (BVI) Limited Interested Party
  61. Doc 3460 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A11055599 Fee Amount of $298 [3417] Order on Motion to Extend Time Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Interested Party. Appellant, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP. Appellee(s), Luc Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 09/10/2024. Transmission of Designation due by 09/26/2024.
  62. Doc 3459 Notice of Appearance Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Interested Party
  63. Doc 3458 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A11055487 Fee Amount of $298 [3417] Order on Motion to Extend Time Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party. Appellant, G Club Operations LLC. Appellee(s), Luc Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 09/10/2024. Transmission of Designation due by 09/26/2024.
  64. Doc 3455 Notice of Filing Monthly Fee Statement for Kroll, LLC (July 2024) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee..
  65. Doc 3454 Order Granting Sixteenth Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 Authorizing Discovery with Respect to Additional Individuals, Relevant Banks, and Entities that Deal in Automobiles (RE: [3398])
  66. Doc 3452 Order Scheduling Expedited Hearing on Motion of Trustee, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(a), 328, and 363(b), Bankruptcy Rules 2014(a) and 2016, and Local Rule 2014-1, for Entry of Order (I) Authorizing Employment and Retention of Compass, Inc., Effective as of August 23, 2024, as Broker for Sale of Greenwich Property, (II) Authorizing Trustee to Fund Expenses Related to Greenwich Property and (III) for Related Relief. Hearing to be held on 9/3/2024 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objections are due 8/30/2024 at 4:00 p.m. Certificate of service to be filed in advance of the hearing. (RE: [3450] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)
  67. Doc 3451 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [3450] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)
  68. Doc 3450 Application to Employ Compass, Inc. as Broker for Sale of Greenwich Property and for Authority to Fund Expenses of Greenwich Property Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee.
  69. Doc 3449 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Darryl S. Laddin Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Ronald Ian Chorches on behalf of Darryl S. Laddin, Attorney. Receipt #11049101 Fee Amount $200.
  70. Doc 3448 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 07/31/2024 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee..
  71. Doc 3447 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction.
  72. Doc 3445 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (July 2024) for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor..
  73. Doc 3443 Notice of Filing Monthly Fee Statements (May and June 2024) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  74. Doc 3441 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on August 13, 2024. (RE: [3421] Request for Transcript filed by Interested Party Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP). (lw)
  75. Doc 3439 Certificate of Service Filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3398] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Mitchell, Kari)
  76. Doc 3432 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [3396] Motion to Amend Order Directing Partis to Mediation, Appointing The Honorable James J. Tancredi as Mediator, and Amending Order Approving Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings to Facilitate consensual Pre-Litigation Mediation filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 8/27/2024 at 01:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: 8/26/2024. (rms)
  77. Doc 3431 Adversary case 24-05311. Complaint (11 (Recovery of money/property – 542 turnover of property)) (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (91 (Declaratory judgment)) (02 (Other (e.g. other actions that would have been brought in state court if unrelated to bankruptcy))) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Bouillor Holdings Limited, Qiang Guo, Mei Guo, New Dynamic Development Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  78. Doc 3430 Adversary case 24-05310. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Qiu Yue Shou. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  79. Doc 3429 Adversary case 24-05309. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Haitong International Securities. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  80. Doc 3428 Adversary case 24-05308. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against The Golden Sealine Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  81. Doc 3427 Adversary case 24-05307. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Softcat PLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Mitchell, Kari)
  82. Doc 3426 Adversary case 24-05306. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against I.com Solutions Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Mitchell, Kari)
  83. Doc 3425 Adversary case 24-05305. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Telehouse International Corporation of Europe Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  84. Doc 3424 Adversary case 24-05304. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Teneo Ltd UK. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Mitchell, Kari)
  85. Doc 3423 Adversary case 24-05303. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against CyberApt Recruitment Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Mitchell, Kari)
  86. Doc 3422 Order Granting Amended Emergency Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing Trustee to Fund Maintenance of Mahwah Mansion and for Related Relief (RE: [3381]). (rms)
  87. Doc 3421 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 08/13/2024 Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Interested Party Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  88. Doc 3419 Adversary case 24-05302. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Whole Alpha Trading LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  89. Doc 3417 Order Granting Second Motion for Extension of Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions. (RE:[3329]) . (rms),8/14/2024
  90. Doc 3416 Adversary case 24-05301. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Qun Ju. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  91. Doc 3415 Adversary case 24-05300. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against IW Group Services UK Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  92. Doc 3414 Adversary case 24-05299. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Zendesk Inc. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  93. Doc 3413 Adversary case 24-05298. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against HP Inc UK Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  94. Doc 3412 Adversary case 24-05297. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Kionasoft LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  95. Doc 3411 Adversary case 24-05296. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Offensive Shield Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  96. Doc 3410 Adversary case 24-05295. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against G Club Two. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  97. Doc 3409 Adversary case 24-05294. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Hays Specialist Recruitment Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  98. Doc 3408 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record: (RE: [3329] First Supplemental Motion to Extend August 15, 2024 Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is under advisement. (RE:[3381] Amended Emergency Motion Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b) for Entry of Order Authorizing Trustee to Fund Expenses of Mahwah Mansion and for Related Relief filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is granted. Revised proposed order will be submitted on or before 8/14/2024. (rms)
  99. Doc 3407 Adversary case 24-05293. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Goodman Masson Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  100. Doc 3406 Adversary case 24-05292. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Epic IT Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  101. Doc 3405 Adversary case 24-05291. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Callsign Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  102. Doc 3404 Notice of Filing of Invoices of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services During July 2024 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  103. Doc 3403 Adversary case 24-05290. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Birchstone Capital AG. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  104. Doc 3402 Adversary case 24-05289. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Aviva PLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  105. Doc 3401 Adversary case 24-05288. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against 5ivetech Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  106. Doc 3400 Adversary case 24-05287. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Ascentiq Solutions Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  107. Doc 3399 Adversary case 24-05286. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Clear Treasury (UK Trading) Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  108. Doc 3398 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Relevant Banks(Sixteenth Omnibus) Filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Mitchell, Kari)
  109. Doc 3397 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3396] Motion to Amend filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  110. Doc 3396 Motion to Amend Mediation Procedures to Facilitate Consensual Pre-Litigation Mediation Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [3163] Order on Motion for Order) (Linsey, Patrick)
  111. Doc 3395 List of Witnesses and Exhibits Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3329] Motion to Extend Time filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  112. Doc 3394 Notice of Monthly Fee Statement (July 2024) of Prager Dreifuss AG Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  113. Doc 3393 Notice of Monthly Fee Statement (June 2024) of Prager Dreifuss AG Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  114. Doc 3392 Response Filed by Michael T. Conway on behalf of Taurus Fund LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3381] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Conway, Michael)
  115. Doc 3391 Reply to (related document(s): [3329] Motion to Extend Time to Extend Deadline to File Avoidance Actions (First Supplemental Motion) to 02/15/2025 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3329] Motion to Extend Time filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  116. Doc 3389 Notice of Appearance Filed by Virginia T Shea on behalf of Rui Ma, Weican Meng, Zheng Wu 20 Largest Creditors, Creditor, . (Shea, Virginia)
  117. Doc 3388 Order Granting Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Hold Remote Hearing on August 13, 2024 (RE: [3384]). (rms)
  118. Doc 3387 Order Granting Motion To Appear Remotely for August 13, 2024 Hearing (RE: [3378]). (rms)
  119. Doc 3386 Order Granting Motion To Appear Remotely for August 13, 2024 Hearing (RE: [3377]). (rms)
  120. Doc 3384 Motion for Order Scheduling Hearing on Remote Basis Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  121. Doc 3383 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3381] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3382] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  122. Doc 3382 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING ON AMENDED EMERGENCY MOTION FOR ORDER AUTHORIZING TRUSTEE TO FUND MAINTENANCE OF MAHWAH MANSION: On July 30, 2024, a Status Conference was held in the adversary proceeding styled Despins v. Taurus Fund, LLC, Case No. 22-50073 (JAM), Adv. P. No. 23-05017 (JAM) (Bankr. D. Conn. Aug. 24, 2023) discussing whether the defendants in that adversary proceeding (the “”Defendants””) would continue to fund certain services and expenses related to maintenance of a mansion in Mahwah, New Jersey (the “”Mahwah Mansion””). On August 1, 2024, the Defendants advised they would not continue to pay for the maintenance of the Mahwah Mansion. (Adv. ECF No. 109.) On August 5, 2024, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) for the bankruptcy estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the “”Individual Debtor””), filed an Emergency Motion for Order Authorizing Trustee to Fund Maintenance of Mahwah Mansion (the””Motion””). (ECF No. [3370].) During a hearing on August 6, 2024, the Trustee discussed, among other things, the scheduling of an emergency hearing on the Motion and his intent to file an amended motion. On August 7, 2024, the Trustee filed an amended motion (the “”Amended Motion””). (ECF No. [3381].) The Amended Motion also requests the Court limit notice of the Amended Motion and emergency hearing. Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: A hearing on the Amended Motion (ECF No. [3381]) shall be held on August 13, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT; and it is further ORDERED: At or before 12:00 p.m. on August 12, 2024, parties in interest shall file any response or objection to the Emergency Motion; and it is further ORDERED: Notice of the Amended Motion and this Order shall be limited to (i) the Individual Debtor; (ii) the Defendants; (iii) the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors; (iv) the United States Trustee; and (v) any parties receiving electronic notice and service of documents in this Chapter 11 case; and it is further ORDERED: On or before August 7, 2024, the Trustee shall serve the Amended Motion and this Order on the parties listed in the preceding paragraph. On or before August 9, 2024, the Trustee shall file a certificate of service demonstrating compliance with this Order. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on August 7, 2024. (rms)
  123. Doc 3381 Amended Motion for Order Authorizing Funding to Maintain Mahwah Mansion (Emergency Motion) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [3370] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  124. Doc 3380 ORDER REGARDING MOTION FOR ORDER DIRECTING PRESERVATION OF EVIDENCE: On July 11, 2024, the Trustee filed a sealed motion for order directing preservation of evidence (the “”Motion””). (ECF No. [3305].) On July 25, 2024, Microsoft Corporation filed a response to the Motion. (ECF No. [3353].) Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: On or before August 16, 2024, the Trustee shall file a reply to Microsoft’s response. Upon review of the reply, the Court will determine whether a hearing on the Motion is necessary. (RE: [3305] ). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on August 7, 2024. (rms)
  125. Doc 3379 Notice of Filing Objections to the First Supplemental Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Extend August 15, 2024 Deadline For Trustee To File Avoidance Actions in Pending Adversary Proceedings Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Weddle Law PLLC.. (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  126. Doc 3378 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on August 13, 2024 at 1:00PM for hearing to be held on First Supplemental Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Extend August 15, 2024 Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 3329 Filed by George Peter Angelich on behalf of Apple Inc., Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Angelich, George)
  127. Doc 3377 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on August 13, 2024 at 1:00PM for hearing to be held on First Supplemental Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Extend August 15, 2024 Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 3329 Filed by George Peter Angelich on behalf of Meta Platforms, Inc., Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Angelich, George)
  128. Doc 3376 Notice of Filing of Apple Inc.’s Objection to Extension of Deadline to File Avoidance Actions Filed by George Peter Angelich on behalf of Apple Inc. Interested Party.. (Angelich, George)
  129. Doc 3375 Notice of Filing of Meta Platforms, Inc.’s Objection to Extension of Deadline to File Avoidance Actions Filed by George Peter Angelich on behalf of Meta Platforms, Inc. Interested Party.. (Angelich, George)
  130. Doc 3374 Objection and Memorandum of Law in Opposition Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3329] Motion to Extend Time filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  131. Doc 3373 Objection Filed by Christopher J. Major on behalf of Hing Chi Ngok Interested Party. (RE: [3329] Motion to Extend Time filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Major, Christopher)
  132. Doc 3372 Status Report Filed by James C. Graham on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3265] Amended Order). (Graham, James)
  133. Doc 3371 Notice of Change in Hourly Rates of Kroll, LLC, Forensic Investigator of Chapter 11 Trustee Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  134. Doc 3370 Motion for Order Authorizing Funding to Maintain Mahwah Mansion (Emergency Motion) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  135. Doc 3367 Sixth Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling DBS Bank LTD to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena. Hearing to be held on 9/24/2024 at 01:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [3361]) (lw)
  136. Doc 3361 Motion to Adjourn Hearing Upon Consent Filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2396] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Mitchell, Kari)
  137. Doc 3359 Order Granting Fifth Interim Application of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., as Local and Conflicts Counsel to the Chapter 11 Trustee and as Counsel to Debtors Genever Holdings Corporation and Genever Holdings LLC for allowance of Fees and Reimbursement of Expenses for the period from January 1, 2024 through April 30, 2024 (RE: [3287]). (sr)
  138. Doc 3358 Order Approving Fourth Interim Fee Application of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, as Claims and Noticing Agent for Allowance of Compensation for services rendered and for Reimbursement of all Actual and Necessary Expenses incurred for the period from January 1, 2024 through April 30, 2024 (RE: [3284]). (sr)
  139. Doc 3357 Order Approving Fifth Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the period from January 1, 2024 through March 31, 2024 (RE: [3283]). (sr)
  140. Doc 3356 Order Granting Second Interim Fee Application of Harney Westwood & Riegels LP, as British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Counsel, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for period from January 1, 2024 through April 30, 2024 (RE: [3280]). (sr)
  141. Doc 3355 Order Granting First Interim Fee Application of Kroll, LLC, as Forensic Investigators, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for period from January 1, 2024 through April 30, 2024 (RE: [3276]). (sr)
  142. Doc 3354 Order Approving First Interim Fee Application of Eisner Advisory Group LLC, as Tax Advisor to Trustee and Genever Debtors, for Allowance of Compensation for Services rendered and for Reimbursement of All Actual and necessary Expenses incurred for the period from October 23, 2023 through April 30, 2024 (RE: [3274]). (sr)
  143. Doc 3366 Update to Withdrawal of Proof of Claim filed by Nuoxi Liu (RE: [3363] Withdrawal of Proof of Claim # 10250). (pc),7/25/2024
  144. Doc 3365 Update to Withdrawal of Proof of Claim filed by Xianhong Zhang. (RE: [3362] Withdrawal of Proof of Claim # 10251). (pc),7/25/2024
  145. Doc 3364 Withdrawal of Proofs of Claim # 64 and # 100 filed by Tao An (Attachments: # (1) Envelope) (pc),7/8/2024
  146. Doc 3363 Withdrawal of Proof of Claim # 10250 filed by Nuoxi Liu (Attachments: # (1) Envelope) (pc),7/8/2024
  147. Doc 3362 Withdrawal of Proof of Claim # 10251 filed by Xianhong Zhang (Attachments: # (1) Envelope) (pc),7/8/2024
  148. Doc 3352 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50592 for the Month Ending: 06/30/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  149. Doc 3351 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3329] Motion to Extend Time filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3332] Notice of Hearing – Appendix M/N or AP). (Linsey, Patrick)
  150. Doc 3350 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order, [3168] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  151. Doc 3349 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50542 for the Month Ending: 06/30/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  152. Doc 3348 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney London England (RE: [3339]). (sr),7/24/2024
  153. Doc 3347 Notice of June 2024 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  154. Doc 3346 Order Granting First Interim Fee Application of Prager Dreifuss AG, as Swiss Law Counsel, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for period from January 17, 2024 through April 30, 2024 (RE: [3281]). (sr)
  155. Doc 3345 Order Granting Second Interim Fee Application of O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC, as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for period from January 1, 2024 through April 30, 2024 (RE: [3279]). (sr)
  156. Doc 3344 Order Approving Fourth Interim Fee Application of Pullman & Comley, LLC, as Counsel to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and Reimbursement of Expenses incurred from January 1, 2024 through April 30, 2024 (RE: [3278]). (sr)
  157. Doc 3343 Order Granting First Interim Fee Application of Pallas Partners LLP, as Solicitors in United Kingdom, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for period from December 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024 (RE: [3277]). (sr)
  158. Doc 3342 Hearing Held. Orders Granting to enter. Revised proposed order for ECF Nos. 3274, 3276, 3280, 3283, 3284 and 3287 to be submitted on or before July 24, 2024. (RE: [3274] First Interim Application for Compensation filed by Other Prof. Eisner Advisory Group LLC, [3276] Second Interim Application for Compensation, [3277] Second Interim Application for Compensation, [3278] Fourth Interim Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Pullman & Comley, LLC, [3279] Second Interim Application for Compensation, [3280] Third Interim Application for Compensation, [3281] First Interim Application for Compensation, [3283] Fifth Interim Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [3284] Amended Fourth Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, [3287] Fifth Interim Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe& Monteith, P.C.) (lw)
  159. Doc 3341 Notice of Appearance Filed by Bryan Ha on behalf of Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc., Rule of Law Society IV, Inc., . (Ha, Bryan)
  160. Doc 3340 Notice of Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney. (RE: [3287] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Linsey, Patrick)
  161. Doc 3339 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, London England Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Eric S. Goldstein on behalf of RV Retailer East, LLC, Creditor. Receipt #A11012787 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Goldstein, Eric)
  162. Doc 3338 Supplemental Document Certificate of Good Standing for Justin Baumgartner, Esq. Filed by Justin S. Baumgartner on behalf of On The Spot Home Improvement, Inc. Creditor. (RE: [3326] Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice). (Baumgartner, Justin)
  163. Doc 3337 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 06/30/2024 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  164. Doc 3336 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3325] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  165. Doc 3335 ORDER REGARDING HEARING SCHEDULED ON JULY 23, 2024: A hearing on the Applications for Compensation (the “”Applications,”” ECF No. [3274], [3276], [3277], [3278[, [3279], [3280], [3281], [3283], [3284], and [3287]) are scheduled to be held on July 23, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Because the hearing on the Applications is non-evidentiary and no timely objections to the Applications have been filed, in order to minimize costs to the jointly administered Chapter 11 estates, it is herebyORDERED: The hearing on the Applications scheduled to be held on July 23, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. will be held remotely via ZoomGov.com. Appearing parties must contact the Clerk’s Office for instructions to connect to the ZoomGov.com hearing by sending an email to: [email protected]. (RE: [3274] Application for Compensation filed by Other Prof. Eisner Advisory Group LLC, [3276] Application for Compensation, [3277] Application for Compensation, [3278] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Pullman & Comley, LLC, [3279] Application for Compensation, [3280] Application for Compensation, [3281] Application for Compensation, [3283] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [3284] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, [3287] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe& Monteith, P.C.). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on July 22, 2024. (rms)
  166. Doc 3334 Notice of Appearance Filed by Kari A. Mitchell on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, . (Mitchell, Kari)
  167. Doc 3333 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (June 2024) for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (McCormack, Michael)
  168. Doc 3332 Notice of Hearing Issued on Appendix M Matter (RE: [3329] First Supplemental Motion to Extend August 15, 2024 Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 8/13/2024 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: 8/6/2024. Movant Replies due by 8/9/2024. Service to be made by the Movant on or before 7/23/2024 by 4:00 PM. Certificate of Service due by 7/25/2024. (rms)
  169. Doc 3331 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [3330] Transcript) (lw),7/22/2024
  170. Doc 3329 Motion to Extend Time to Extend Deadline to File Avoidance Actions (First Supplemental Motion) to 02/15/2025 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  171. Doc 3328 Notice of Appearance of Counsel and Request for Notices Filed by Matthew J. Schenker on behalf of Microsoft Corporation Interested Party, . (Schenker, Matthew)
  172. Doc 3327 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustees Notice of Resumption of Certain Stayed Adversary Proceedings upon Conclusion of Debtors Criminal Trial in United States District Court for Southern District of New York Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3038] Order on Motion to Stay). (Bassett, Nicholas)
  173. Doc 3326 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Justin S. Baumgartner (RE: [3320]). (sds),7/18/2024
  174. Doc 3325 Order (I) Authorizing Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever US, and Genever BVI to Enter Into Amendment to DIP Credit Agreement. (RE: [3259]) (lw)
  175. Doc 3324 Notice of Filing of Invoices of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services during June 2024 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  176. Doc 3323 Order Limiting Service of Motion to Extend August 15, 2024 Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions (RE: [3301]) . (rms)
  177. Doc 3322 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on July 16, 2024. (RE: [3318] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  178. Doc 3321 Notice of Update on Outcome of Debtor’s Criminal Trial Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  179. Doc 3320 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Justin Baumgartner Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Eric S. Goldstein on behalf of On The Spot Home Improvement, Inc., Creditor. Receipt #A11002945 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Goldstein, Eric)
  180. Doc 3319 Hearing Held. Motions granted. Revised proposed order for ECF No. 3259 to be submitted on or before July 17, 2024. Revised proposed order for ECF No. 3301 to be submitted on or before July 18, 2024. (RE: [3259] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [3301] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  181. Doc 3318 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 7/16/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  182. Doc 3317 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $1,351,385.50 (reduction of $841.50; deferral of Civil RICO Adv Proc time of $5,341.50 to a future fee application) and Expenses of $17,663.61. Further, there will be a 10% holdback on payment of approved fees of the fifth interim fee application. Additionally, no objection to payment of 50% of the existing holdback on approved fees from the fourth interim fee application. Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3287] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Claiborn, Holley)
  183. Doc 3316 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $2,790.70 (reduction of $3,268.40) and Expenses of $1,340.37 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3284] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  184. Doc 3315 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $4,037,000.70 (reduction of $104,700.00) and Reduced Expenses of $259,211.31 (reduction of $3,422.52) Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3283] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Claiborn, Holley)
  185. Doc 3314 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3281] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  186. Doc 3313 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $281,138.00 (reduction of $12,854.00) and Expenses of $30,910.01 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3280] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  187. Doc 3312 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3279] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  188. Doc 3311 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3278] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Pullman & Comley, LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  189. Doc 3310 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3277] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  190. Doc 3309 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Fees of $860,312.10 and Reduced Expenses of $16,273.87 (reduction of $150.20) Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3276] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  191. Doc 3308 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $65,600.00 (reduction of $1,376.00) Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3274] Application for Compensation filed by Other Prof. Eisner Advisory Group LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  192. Doc 3307 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion to Seal Motion for Order to Preserve Evidence. (Related Doc # [3306]). (rms),7/12/2024
  193. Doc 3306 Motion to Seal (RE: related document(s)[3305] Sealed Document Filed). Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion to Preserve Evidence Filed by Dennis M. Carnelli on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [3305] Sealed Document Filed filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Carnelli, Dennis)
  194. Doc 3304 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3301] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3302] Motion to Expedite Hearing filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3303] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Barron, Douglass)
  195. Doc 3303 Order Scheduling Expedited Hearing. (RE: [3302]) (lw),7/9/2024
  196. Doc 3302 Motion to Expedite Hearing / Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Expedite Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Limit Service of Motion to Extend August 15, 2014 Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [3301] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Barron, Douglass)
  197. Doc 3301 Motion to Limit Notice / Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Limit Service of Motion to Extend August 15, 2024 Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2494] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2515] Order on Motion for Order) (Barron, Douglass)
  198. Doc 3300 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50592 for the Month Ending: 05/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment for May 2024 MOR) (Skalka, Douglas)
  199. Doc 3299 Amended Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50592 for the Month Ending: 03/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to March 2024 MOR) (Skalka, Douglas)
  200. Doc 3298 Certificate of Service Filed by Kristin B. Mayhew on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Creditor Committee. (RE: [3278] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Pullman & Comley, LLC, [3288] Notice of Hearing – Appendix M/N or AP). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B) (Mayhew, Kristin)
  201. Doc 3297 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3274] Application for Compensation filed by Other Prof. Eisner Advisory Group LLC, [3276] Application for Compensation, [3277] Application for Compensation, [3279] Application for Compensation, [3280] Application for Compensation, [3281] Application for Compensation, [3283] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [3284] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, [3288] Notice of Hearing – Appendix M/N or AP). (Linsey, Patrick)
  202. Doc 3296 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3287] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., [3288] Notice of Hearing – Appendix M/N or AP). (Linsey, Patrick)
  203. Doc 3295 Order, Pursuant to 28 U.S.C.§ 1452 and Bankruptcy Rules 9006(b) and 9027, Extending Trustee’s Deadline for Removal of Civil Actions. (RE:[3293]) . (sr)
  204. Doc 3294 Amended Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 04/30/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  205. Doc 3293 Motion to Extend Time to Remove Civil Actions to 11/27/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  206. Doc 3292 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Bryan Ha (RE: [3286]). (sds),6/28/2024
  207. Doc 3291 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Michael A. Siedband (RE: [3285]). (sds),6/28/2024
  208. Doc 3290 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 05/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  209. Doc 3289 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order, [3168] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  210. Doc 3288 Notice of Hearing Issued on Appendix N Matter (RE: [3274] First Interim Application for Compensation filed by Other Prof. Eisner Advisory Group LLC, [3276] Second Interim Application for Compensation of Kroll, LLC, as Forensic Investigators, [3277] Second Interim Application for Compensation of Pallas Partners LLP, as Solicitors in United Kingdom, [3278] Fourth Interim Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Pullman & Comley, LLC, [3279] Second Interim Application for Compensation of O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC, as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel, [3280] Third Interim Application for Compensation of Harney Westwood & Riegels LP, as British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Counsel, [3281] First Interim Application for Compensation of Prager Dreifuss AG, as Swiss Law Counsel, [3283] Fifth Interim Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [3284] Fourth (Amended)Interim Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, [3287] Fifth Interim Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). Hearing to be held on 7/23/2024 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: 7/16/2024. Movant Replies due by 7/19/2024. Service to be made on or before 7/3/2024 by 4:00 PM Certificate of Service due by 7/8/2024. (rms)
  211. Doc 3287 Interim Application for Compensation (Fifth Interim) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $1,357,568.50, Expenses: $17,663.61. Filed by Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  212. Doc 3286 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Bryan Ha Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Jon P. Newton on behalf of Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc., Rule of Law Society IV, Inc., Receipt #A10978549 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A – Declaration of Bryan Ha # (2) Proposed Order) (Newton, Jon)
  213. Doc 3285 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Michael A. Siedband Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Jessica Signor on behalf of Federal Express Corporation, Creditor. Receipt #A10978462 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Signor, Jessica)
  214. Doc 3284 Amended Interim Application for Compensation / Fourth (Amended) Interim Fee Application of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC as Claims and Noticing Agent for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of all Actual and Necessary Expenses Incurred for the Period from January 1, 2024 Through April 30, 2024 for Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, Other Professional, Fee: $6,059.10, Expenses: $1,340.37. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney (RE: [3275] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC) (Bongartz, Georg)
  215. Doc 3283 Interim Application for Compensation (Fifth Interim) for Paul Hastings LLP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $4,141,700.76, Expenses: $262,633.83. Filed by Paul Hastings LLP, Trustee’s Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  216. Doc 3282 ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR EXTENSTION OF TIME: On June 24, 2024, Neubert Pepe & Monteith, PC (“”Neubert Pepe””), counsel to the Chapter 11 trustee, filed a motion (the “”Motion””) for an extension of time to file an interim fee application. (ECF No. 3273.) Pursuant to prior consent order, the deadline is currently extended through June 24, 2024. (ECF No. 3185.) Neubert Pepe seeks an extension until June 25, 2024. The Motion indicates that the Office of the United States Trustee, the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, and the largest creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund, LP all consent to the relief requested. Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: The Motion (ECF No. 3273) is GRANTED. Neubert Pepe shall have until June 25, 2024 to file an interim application for compensation. (RE:[3273]) . Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on June 24, 2024. (zaz)
  217. Doc 3281 Interim Application for Compensation / First Interim Fee Application of Prager Dreifuss AG, as Swiss Law Counsel, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from January 17, 2024 Through April 30, 2024, Fees: CHF 67,183.75, Expenses CHF 1,343.65. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  218. Doc 3280 Interim Application for Compensation / Third Interim Fee Application of Harney Westwood & Riegels LP, as British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Counsel, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from January 1, 2024 Through April 30, 2024 for Harney Westwood & Riegels LP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $293,992.00, Expenses: $30,910.01. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  219. Doc 3279 Interim Application for Compensation / Second Interim Fee Application of O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC, as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from January 1, 2024 Through April 30, 2024 for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC, Special Counsel, Fee: $29,365.00, Expenses: $1,649.86. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  220. Doc 3278 Interim Application for Compensation Fourth Interim Application of Pullman & Comley, LLC as Counsel to Creditor’s Committee for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from January 1, 2024 through April 30, 2024 for Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Comm. Aty, Fee: $56420.00, Expenses: $581.40. Filed by Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B # (3) Proposed Order) (Kaplan, Jonathan)
  221. Doc 3277 Interim Application for Compensation / Second Interim Fee Application of Pallas Partners LLP, as Solicitors in United Kingdom, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from December 1, 2023 Through April 30, 2024, Fees: $107,271.50, Expenses: $875.63 for Pallas Partners LLP, Other Professional, Fee: $107,271.50, Expenses: $875.63. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  222. Doc 3276 Interim Application for Compensation / Second Interim Fee Application of Kroll, LLC, as Forensic Investigators, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from January 1, 2024 Through April 30, 2024, Fee: $860,312.10, Expenses $16,424.07 for Kroll, LLC, Other Professional, Fee: $860,312.10, Expenses: $16,424.07. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  223. Doc 3275 Interim Application for Compensation / Fourth Interim Fee Application of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC as Claims and Noticing Agent for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of all Actual and Necessary Expenses Incurred for the Period from January 1, 2024 Through April 30, 2024, Fee: $6,059.10, Expenses: $1,340.37 for Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, Other Professional, Fee: $6,059.10, Expenses: $1,340.37. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  224. Doc 3274 Interim Application for Compensation / First Interim Fee Application of Eisner Advisory Group LLC, as Tax Advisor to Trustee and Genever Debtors, for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of all Actual and Necessary Expenses Incurred for the Period from October 23, 2023 Through April 30, 2024, Fee: $66,976.00, Expenses: $0.00 for Eisner Advisory Group LLC, Other Professional, Fee: $66,976, Expenses: $0.00. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  225. Doc 3273 Motion to Extend Time to File Interim Fee Application to June 25, 2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  226. Doc 3272 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3259] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [3260] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [3263] Notice of Hearing – Appendix M/N or AP). (Bongartz, Georg)
  227. Doc 3271 Notice of May 2024 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  228. Doc 3270 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 05/31/2024 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  229. Doc 3269 Amended Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 04/30/2024 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  230. Doc 3268 Amended Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 03/31/2024 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  231. Doc 3267 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jon P. Newton on behalf of Rule of Law Society IV, Inc. Interested Party, . (Newton, Jon)
  232. Doc 3266 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jon P. Newton on behalf of Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc. Interested Party, . (Newton, Jon)
  233. Doc 3265 Amended Order Pursuant to Sections 105(a), 363(b), 541, and 542 of the Bankruptcy Code Approving Liquidation of VCTR Shares, Distribution of Proceeds, and Related Relief (Amending ECF No. 3244). (RE: [3244], [3255]) (lw)
  234. Doc 3264 Order Granting Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to (I) Modify October 6, 2022 Protective Order Entered Pursuant to Sections 105 and 107 of Bankruptcy Code and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(C) and the Stipulated Addendum to the Protective Order; and (II) Redesignate Bank Statements Previously Designated “”Highly Confidential”” as “”Confidential””. (RE: [923], [3213]) (lw)
  235. Doc 3263 Notice of Hearing Issued on Appendix N Matter. (RE: [3259] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 7/16/2024 at 01:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: 7/11/2024. Service to be made on or before 6/21/2024. Certificate of Service due by 6/24/2024 by 4:00 PM. (lw)
  236. Doc 3262 Notice of of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (May 2024) for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (McCormack, Michael)
  237. Doc 3261 Order Limiting Service of Notice of Joint Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee and Debtors Genever US and Genever BVI for Entry of Final Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363 and 364, Authorizing Amendment to Interdebtor Postpetition Financing Agreement. (RE: [3260]) (lw)
  238. Doc 3260 Motion to Limit Notice / Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Limit Service of Joint Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee and Debtors Genever US and Genever BVI for Entry of Final Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363 and 364, Authorizing Amendment to Interdebtor Postpetition Financing Agreement Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors (RE: [3259] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) (Despins, Luc)
  239. Doc 3259 Motion for Order / Joint Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee and Debtors Genever US and Genever BVI for Entry of Final Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363 and 364, Authorizing Amendment to Interdebtor Postpetition Financing Agreement Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (Despins, Luc)
  240. Doc 3258 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO WITHDRAW APPEARANCE. The Motion to Withdraw as Attorney, ECF No. 3251, is GRANTED. The appearance of Attorney Carolina A. Fornos for G Club Operations LLC is hereby withdrawn. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on June 18, 2024. (RE: [3251]). (lw)
  241. Doc 3257 Order Granting First Interim Fee Application of UK Barristers for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from January 24, 2023 through January 9, 2024 (RE: [3188]). (sr)
  242. Doc 3256 Hearing Held. Order Granting to enter. (RE: [3188] Interim Application for Compensation). (lw),6/18/2024
  243. Doc 3255 Motion to Reconsider and Amend Prior Order of Court (ECF 3244) to Include Two Paragraphs Inadvertently Omitted from Proposed Order Submitted to Court Filed by James C. Graham on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [3244] Order on Motion for Order) (Graham, James)
  244. Doc 3254 Notice of Filing of Invoices of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services during May 2024 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  245. Doc 3253 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [3252] Transcript). (lw),6/17/2024
  246. Doc 3252 Transcript . Hearing held on 6/10/2024 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 07/8/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 07/18/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 09/16/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  247. Doc 3251 Motion to Withdraw Appearance Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Interested Party. (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  248. Doc 3250 Notice of Appearance Filed by Nancy Bohan Kinsella on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, . (Kinsella, Nancy)
  249. Doc 3249 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion to Hold Remote Hearing on June 18, 2024. (RE: [3247]). (lw)
  250. Doc 3248 Adversary Proceeding 5:24-ap-5132 Closed. Notice of Dismissal filed pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i). See ECF No. 13 . (pc)
  251. Doc 3247 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on June 18, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. for hearing to be held on First Interim Fee Application of UK Barristers for Compensation for Period from January 1, 2023 through February 29, 2024, ECF No. 3188 (Motion to Hold Hearing on Remote Basis) Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Skalka, Douglas)
  252. Doc 3246 Notice of Modified Protective Order (Consented To) Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [923] Order on Motion for Protective Order). (Skalka, Douglas)
  253. Doc 3245 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on June 10, 2024. (RE: [3239] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  254. Doc 3244 Order Pursuant to Sections 105(a), 363(b), 541, and 542 of the Bankruptcy Code Approving Liquidation of VCTR Shares, Distribution of Proceeds, and Related Relief. (RE: [3203]). (lw)
  255. Doc 3243 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3188] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  256. Doc 3242 Certificate of Service Filed by Robert J. Grand on behalf of Lamp Capital LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3203] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Grand, Robert)
  257. Doc 3241 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on June 10, 2024. Filed by Robert J. Grand on behalf of Lamp Capital LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3203] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Grand, Robert)
  258. Doc 3240 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on 06/10/2024. Filed by James C. Graham on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3203] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Graham, James)
  259. Doc 3239 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 6/10/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  260. Doc 3238 Hearing Held. The Trustee and Lamp Capital are to submit a proposed revised order or submit their respective proposed revised orders at or before 5:00 p.m. on June 10, 2024. (RE: [3203] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  261. Doc 3237 Consent Order Adjourning UBS AG’S Deadline By Which To Respond To Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee To (1) Modify October 6,2022 Protective Order Entered Pursuant To Sections 105 And 107 Of Bankrupcty Code And Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 26(C) And The Stipulated Addendum To The Protective Order ;And (II)Redesignate Bank Statements Previously Designated “”Highly Confidential “” As “”Confidential””(RE: [3233]). (sds)
  262. Doc 3236 Fifth Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling DBS Bank LTD to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena. (RE: [3235]). (lw),6/10/2024
  263. Doc 3235 Motion for Order Adjourn Hearing with Consent Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  264. Doc 3234 Objection Filed by Robert J. Grand on behalf of Lamp Capital LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3203] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Grand, Robert)
  266. Doc 3232 Notice of Monthly Fee Statement (May 2024) of Prager Dreifuss AG Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  267. Doc 3231 Notice of Filing Monthly Fee Statement (March 2024) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  268. Doc 3230 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (Re:[3227] Transcript). (lw),6/3/2024
  269. Doc 3229 Notice of Filing Monthly Fee Statement (February) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  270. Doc 3228 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 04/30/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  271. Doc 3227 Transcript . Hearing held on 5/28/2024 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 06/21/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 07/1/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 08/29/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  272. Doc 3226 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on May 28, 2024. (RE: [3225] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  273. Doc 3225 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 5/28/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  274. Doc 3224 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order, [3168] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  275. Doc 3223 Order Granting Fifteenth Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for entry of Order under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 authorizing Discovery with respect to Additional Individuals, Relevant Banks, and Entities that deal in Automobiles (RE: [3193]) . (sr)
  276. Doc 3222 Change of Mailing Address for Mei Kuen Kwok Filed by Mei Kuen Kwok. (Attachments: # (1) Envelope) (pc),5/21/2024
  277. Doc 3221 Notice of March 2024 Monthly Fee Statement of Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  278. Doc 3220 Consent Order regarding Transfer of Ownership of Ducati Motorcycle to Estate (RE: [3177]). (sr),5/28/2024
  279. Doc 3219 Order Granting Application of Chapter 11 Trustee for entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Expanding Retention and Employment of Harney Westwood and Riegels LP to also serve as Cayman Islands Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [3178]). (sr)
  280. Doc 3218 Hearing Held. (RE: [3177] Motion for Order Regarding Transfer of Ownership of Ducati Motorcycle (Upon Consent) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3178] Application for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Expanding Retention and Employment of Harney Westwood and Riegels LP to Also Serve as Cayman Islands Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Orders Granting to enter for the reasons stated on the record. (rms)
  281. Doc 3217 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3203] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3211] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing, [3212] Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  282. Doc 3216 Adversary case 24-05280. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee against H.R. Owen Dealerships Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  283. Doc 3215 Adversary case 24-05279. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee against McLaren Racing Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  284. Doc 3214 ORDER REGARDING HEARINGS SCHEDULED ON MAY 28, 2024: A hearing on the Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion for Entry of Consent Order Regarding Transfer of Ownership of Motorcycle to Estate (the “”Motion,”” ECF No. [3177]) and on the Application for Entry of Order Expanding Retention and Employment of Harney Westwood and Riegels LP to Also Serve as Cayman Islands Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee (the “”Application,”” ECF No. [3178]) are scheduled to be held on May 28, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Because the hearings on the Motion and the Application are non-evidentiary and no timely objections to the Motion and Application have been filed, in order to minimize costs to the jointly administered Chapter 11 estates, it is herebyORDERED: The hearings on the Motion and the Application scheduled to be held on May 28, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. will be held remotely via ZoomGov.com. Appearing parties must contact the Clerk’s Office for instructions to connect to the ZoomGov.com hearing by sending an email to: [email protected]. (RE: [3177] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3178] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 24, 2024. (rms)
  285. Doc 3213 Motion for Order (I) Modifying October 6, 2022 Protective Order and Stipulated Addendum to Protective Order, and (II) Redesignating Bank Statements Previously Designated “”Highly Confidential”” as “”Confidential”” Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. Contested Matter Response(s) due by 6/7/2024. (Linsey, Patrick)
  286. Doc 3212 Notice of Revised Proposed Order Granting Motion to Approve Liquidation of VCTR Shares, Distribution of Proceeds, and Related Relief Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3203] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  287. Doc 3211 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION TO EXPEDITE HEARING ON MOTION TO LIQUIDATE ASSETS: On May 21, 2024, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, filed a Motion for Order Approving Liquidation of VCTR Shares (the “”Asset Sale Motion””, ECF No. [3203]) and a Motion to Expedite Hearing on the Asset Sale Motion (the “”Motion to Expedite””, ECF No. [3204]). Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: The Motion to Expedite (ECF No. [3204]) is GRANTED IN PART as set forth herein; and it is further ORDERED: A hearing on the Asset Sale Motion (ECF No. [3023]) shall be held on June 10, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT; and it is further ORDERED: On or before June 6, 2024, parties in interest shall file any response or objection to the Asset Sale Motion; and it is further ORDERED: On or before May 24, 2024, the Trustee shall serve this Order and the Asset Sale Motion on (i) the Office of the United Trustee for the District of Connecticut; (ii) the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors; (iii) counsel for the Reverence Fund; (iv) counsel for Merrill Lynch; (v) counsel that appeared for Lamp Capital LLC in Despins ex rel. Kwok v. Lamp Capital LLC (In re Kwok), Case No. 22-50073 (JAM), Adv. P. No. 23-05023 (JAM); (vi) all parties who have requested notice in Mr. Kwok’s Chapter 11 case pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 2002; (vii) all parties who receive service and notice Mr. Kwok’s Chapter 11 case by operation of the Court’s electronic filing system; and (viii) any party who requested notice in Mr. Kwok’s Chapter 11 case, but is unable to accept electronic filing as indicated on the Notice of Electronic Filing; and it is further ORDERED: The Trustee may serve only the foregoing parties in interest; and it is further ORDERED: On or before May 28, 2024, the Trustee shall file a certificate of service indicating compliance with this Order. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 23, 2024. (rms)
  288. Doc 3210 Supplemental Document / Certificate of Good Standing – Richard J. Reding Filed by Elizabeth Norris Krasnow on behalf of Indium Software Inc. Interested Party. (RE: [3144] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Indium Software Inc., [3165] Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice). (Krasnow, Elizabeth)
  289. Doc 3209 Affidavit / Ninth Supplemental Declaration of Disinterestedness of Luc A. Despins Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [515] Application to Appoint Trustee filed by U.S. Trustee U. S. Trustee, [538] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [633] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [802] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1435] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1581] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1710] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2204] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3039] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Despins, Luc)
  290. Doc 3208 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 04/30/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  291. Doc 3207 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (April 2024) for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (McCormack, Michael)
  292. Doc 3206 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 04/30/2024 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  293. Doc 3205 Notice of April 2024 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  294. Doc 3204 Motion to Expedite Hearing and Limit Notice Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [3203] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  295. Doc 3203 Motion for Order Approving Liquidation of VCTR Shares, Distribution of Proceeds, and Related Relief Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  296. Doc 3202 Notice of Monthly Fee Statement (April 2024) of Prager Dreifuss AG Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  297. Doc 3201 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3193] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  298. Doc 3200 Notice of Avoidance Defendants as to Which Mediation Referrals Have Occurred Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3163] Order on Motion for Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  299. Doc 3199 Notice of Appearance Filed by Charles R. Bennett Jr. on behalf of Cayuse Government Services, LLC Interested Party, . (Bennett, Charles)
  300. Doc 3198 Notice of February 2024 Monthly Fee Statement of Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  301. Doc 3197 Supplemental Document Certificate of Good Standing Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3152] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC). (Vartan, Lee)
  302. Doc 3196 Notice of January 2024 Monthly Fee Statement of Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  303. Doc 3195 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [3178] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Claiborn, Holley)
  304. Doc 3194 Supplemental Document / Certificates of Good Standing (MA, RI and NH Filed by Vincent J. Averaimo on behalf of Cayuse Government Services, LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3172] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Cayuse Government Services, LLC). (Averaimo, Vincent)
  305. Doc 3193 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Individuals Affiliated With the Debtor, Relevant Banks and Entities That Deal in Automobiles(Fifteenth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  306. Doc 3192 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3190] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  307. Doc 3191 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3178] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3184] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  308. Doc 3190 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [3188] Interim Application for Compensation). Hearing to be held on 6/18/2024 at 01:30 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 5:00 PM on 6/11/2024. (lw)
  309. Doc 3189 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3177] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3184] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  310. Doc 3188 Interim Application for Compensation / First Interim Fee Application of UK Barristers for Compensation for Period from January 1, 2023 through February 29, 2024. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  311. Doc 3187 Notice of Filing of Invoices of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services during April 2024 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  312. Doc 3186 Sealed Order. So Ordered (RE: ECF No. 3182). (rms),5/13/2024
  313. Doc 3185 Consent Order Extending Time for Professionals to File Interim Fee Applications (RE:[3179]) . (sr),5/13/2024
  314. Doc 3184 Amended Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: 3177 Motion for Order Regarding Transfer of Ownership of Ducati Motorcycle filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, 3178 Application Expanding Retention and Employment of Harney Westwood and Riegels LP to Also Serve as Cayman Islands Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 5/28/2024 at 12:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 5:00 PM on 5/22/2024. Certificate of Service due by 5/15/2024. Service to be made on or before 5/14/2024 by 5:00 PM (rms)
  315. Doc 3183 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: 3177 Motion for Order Regarding Transfer of Ownership of Ducati Motorcycle filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, 3178 Application Expanding Retention and Employment of Harney Westwood and Riegels LP to Also Serve as Cayman Islands Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 5/28/2024 at 12:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 5:00 PM on 5/22/2024. Certificate of Service due by 5/15/2024. Service to be made on or before 5/14/2024 by 5:00 PM (rms)
  316. Doc 3182 Sealed Document Filed. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Skalka, Douglas)
  317. Doc 3181 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [3180] Transcript). (lw),5/13/2024
  318. Doc 3180 Transcript . Hearing held on May 6, 2024 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 06/3/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 06/13/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 08/12/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  319. Doc 3179 Motion to Extend Time to File Interim Fee Applications Upon Consent to June 24, 2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  320. Doc 3178 Application to Employ Harney Westwood and Riegels LP as Cayman Islands Counsel / Application of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Expanding Retention and Employment of Harney Westwood and Riegels LP to Also Serve as Cayman Islands Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Despins, Luc)
  321. Doc 3177 Motion for Order Regarding Transfer of Ownership of Ducati Motorcycle (Upon Consent) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  322. Doc 3176 Notice of Appearance Filed by Vincent J. Averaimo on behalf of Cayuse Government Services, LLC Defendant, . (Averaimo, Vincent)
  323. Doc 3175 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on May 6, 2024. (RE: [3173] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  324. Doc 3174 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Charles R. Bennett Jr. (RE: [3172]). (sr),5/8/2024
  325. Doc 3173 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 5/6/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  326. Doc 3172 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Charles R. Bennett Jr. Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Vincent J. Averaimo on behalf of Cayuse Government Services, LLC, Defendant. Receipt #A10918297 Fee Amount $200. (Averaimo, Vincent)
  327. Doc 3171 PDF with attached Audio File. Court Date & Time [ 5/6/2024 12:04:55 PM ]. File Size [ 6114 KB ]. Run Time [ 00:16:59 ]. (courtspeak).,5/6/2024
  328. Doc 3170 Notice of Appeal to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (RE: [3078] ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT AFFIRMING BANKRUPTCY COURT, Case No. 3:23-cv-00375-KAD) and (RE: [3085] JUDGMENT FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT, Case No. 3:23-cv-00375-KAD) (RE: [1595] Notice of Appeal and [1750] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo, Attorney Lee Vartan, Interested Party Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC) Filed by Appellant Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Lee Vartan, Esq., and Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC. (kg)
  329. Doc 3169 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee Updating Parties in Interest with Respect to Debtor’s Criminal Proceedings Pending in United States District Court for Southern District of New York Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  330. Doc 3168 Order Granting Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363(b) and 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007(a), for Entry of Order (I) Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Clean Remaining Area of Sherry Netherland Apartment and (II) Granting Other Related Relief. (RE: [3128]). (lw)
  331. Doc 3167 Hearing Held. Order Granting to enter. (RE: [3128] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (lw)
  332. Doc 3166 Order Granting Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion To Hold Remote Hearing on May 6, 2024 (RE: [3164]). (rms)
  333. Doc 3165 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Richard J. Reding (RE: [3144]). (sds),5/3/2024
  334. Doc 3164 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on May 6, 2024 at 12 noon for hearing to be held on Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363(b) and 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007(a), for Entry of Order (I) Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Clean Remaining Area of Sherry Netherland Apartment and (II) Granting Other Related Relief, ECF No. 3128 (Motion to Hold Hearing on Remote Basis) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor. (Linsey, Patrick)
  335. Doc 3163 Order Directing Parties to Mediation, Appointing the Honorable James J. Tancredi as Mediator, and Amended Order Approving Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings (RE: [2578], [3003]). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 # (2) Exhibit 2 # (3) Exhibit 3-A # (4) Exhibit 3-B # (5) Exhibit 4) (rms)
  336. Doc 3162 Supplemental Document Filed by Melissa I Falk Wernick on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3134] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC). (Falk Wernick, Melissa)
  337. Doc 3161 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee Providing Update with Respect to British Virgin Islands Proceedings, as Related to K Legacy Ltd. and London Apartment Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Barron, Douglass)
  338. Doc 3160 Supplemental Document Certificate of Good Standing Filed by Sam Della Fera Jr on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3132] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC). (Della Fera, Sam)
  339. Doc 3159 Supplemental Document Certificate of Good Standing Filed by Thomas M. Walsh on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3133] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC). (Walsh, Thomas)
  340. Doc 3158 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Lee Vartan (RE: [3152]). (gr),5/2/2024
  341. Doc 3157 Notice of Appearance Filed by Brian D. Rich on behalf of WA & HF LLC Defendant, . (Rich, Brian)
  342. Doc 3156 Notice of Filing Third Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  343. Doc 3155 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  344. Doc 3154 Supplemental Document Certificate of Good Standing of Ryan Trombley Filed by Eric S. Goldstein on behalf of Direct Persuasion LLC Creditor. (RE: [3138] Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice). (Goldstein, Eric)
  345. Doc 3153 Supplemental Document Certificate of Good Standing of Benjamin Mintz Filed by Eric S. Goldstein on behalf of Direct Persuasion LLC Creditor. (RE: [3137] Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice). (Goldstein, Eric)
  346. Doc 3152 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Lee Vartan Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Aaron Romney on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC, Interested Party. Receipt #A10908522 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit # (2) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  347. Doc 3151 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [3150] Transcript). (lw),4/30/2024
  348. Doc 3150 Transcript . Hearing held on 4/23/2024 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 05/21/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 05/31/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 07/29/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  349. Doc 3149 Notice of March 2024 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  350. Doc 3148 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3128] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [3129] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [3130] Order on Motion To Limit Notice). (Bongartz, Georg)
  351. Doc 3147 Notice of Appearance Filed by Matthew D. Valauri on behalf of Clayman Rosenberg Kirshner & Linder LLP Interested Party, . (Valauri, Matthew)
  352. Doc 3146 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Melissa F. Wernick (RE: [3134]). (sr),4/26/2024
  353. Doc 3145 Amended Order Limiting Service, Shortening Notice, and Scheduling Expedited Hearing Regarding Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363(b) and 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007(a), for Entry of Order (I) Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Clean Remaining Area of Sherry Netherland Apartment and (II) Granting Other Related Relief. (RE: [3129], [3130]) (lw)
  354. Doc 3144 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Richard J. Reding Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Elizabeth Norris Krasnow on behalf of Indium Software Inc., Defendant. Receipt #A10904723 Fee Amount $200. (Krasnow, Elizabeth)
  355. Doc 3143 Notice of Appearance of Counsel and Demand for Service of Papers Filed by Elizabeth Norris Krasnow on behalf of Indium Software Inc. Defendant, . (Krasnow, Elizabeth)
  356. Doc 3142 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Thomas M. Walsh (RE: [3133]). (sr),4/26/2024
  357. Doc 3141 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Sam Della Fera Jr. (RE: [3132]). (sr),4/26/2024
  358. Doc 3140 Notice of Appearance for Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC Filed by Daniel A. Byrd on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC Interested Party, . (Byrd, Daniel)
  359. Doc 3139 Notice of Monthly Fee Statement (January 17, 2024 through March 31, 2024) of Prager Dreifuss AG Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  360. Doc 3138 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Ryan M. Trombley (RE: [3126]). (sr),4/25/2024
  361. Doc 3137 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Benjamin Mintz (RE: [3125]). (sr),4/25/2024
  362. Doc 3136 Notice of Appearance Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC Interested Party, . (Moriarty, James)
  363. Doc 3135 Notice of Appearance Filed by Stephen M. Kindseth on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC Interested Party, . (Kindseth, Stephen)
  364. Doc 3134 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Melissa F. Wernick Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Aaron Romney on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC, Interested Party. Receipt #A10903003 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit # (2) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  365. Doc 3133 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Thomas M. Walsh Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Aaron Romney on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC, Interested Party. Receipt #A10902990 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit # (2) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  366. Doc 3132 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Sam Della Fera, Jr. Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Aaron Romney on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC, Interested Party. Receipt #A10902972 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit # (2) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  367. Doc 3131 Notice of Appearance Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC Interested Party, . (Romney, Aaron)
  368. Doc 3130 Order Limiting Service, Shortening Notice, and Scheduling Expedited Hearing Regarding Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363(b) and 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007(a), for Entry of Order (I) Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Clean Remaining Area of Sherry Netherland Apartment and (II) Granting Other Related Relief. (RE: [3129]) . (lw)
  369. Doc 3129 Motion to Limit Notice / Genever Holdings LLCs Motion to Limit Service, Shorten Notice, and Schedule Expedited Hearing Regarding Genever Holdings LLCs Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363(b) and 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007(a), for Entry of Order (I) Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Clean Remaining Area of Sherry Netherland Apartment and (II) Granting Other Related Relief Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtor (RE: [3128] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) (Despins, Luc)
  370. Doc 3128 Motion for Order / Genever Holdings LLCs Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363(b) and 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007(a), for Entry of Order (I) Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Clean Remaining Area of Sherry Netherland Apartment and (II) Granting Other Related Relief Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtor. (Despins, Luc)
  371. Doc 3127 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 03/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  372. Doc 3126 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Ryan M. Trombley Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Eric S. Goldstein on behalf of Direct Persuasion LLC, Creditor. Receipt #A10901863 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Goldstein, Eric)
  373. Doc 3125 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Benjamin Mintz Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Eric S. Goldstein on behalf of Direct Persuasion LLC, Creditor. Receipt #10901858 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Goldstein, Eric)
  374. Doc 3124 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Amy M. Oden (RE: [3117]). (sr),4/24/2024
  375. Doc 3123 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on April 23, 2024. (RE: [3120] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  376. Doc 3122 Amended Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney (RE: [3109], [3118] ). (rms)
  377. Doc 3121 Hearing Held. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order Modifying Avoidance Action Procedures to Include Procedures for Mediation of Avoidance Actions filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Granted. Revised proposed order to be submitted on or before May 7, 2024. (rms)
  378. Doc 3120 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 4/23/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  379. Doc 3119 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Rahman Connelly (RE: [3110]). (sr),4/23/2024
  380. Doc 3118 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Andrew M. Troop (RE: [3109]). (sr),4/23/2024
  381. Doc 3117 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Amy Oden Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, David B. Zabel on behalf of Blueberry Builders, LLC, Interested Party. Receipt #A10898322 Fee Amount $200. (Zabel, David)
  382. Doc 3116 Withdrawal Of Defendant Leicester Hill Infromatices LLC’s Response To Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion To Modify Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings to Include Procedures For Mediation of Avoidance Actions Filed by Ronald Ian Chorches on behalf of Leicester Hill Infromatices LLC Defendant.. (Chorches, Ronald)
  383. Doc 3115 Notice of Appearance Filed by Heather Spaide on behalf of Blueberry Builders, LLC Interested Party, . (Spaide, Heather)
  384. Doc 3114 ORDER DENYING MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE WITHOUT PREJUDICE. The Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, ECF No. 3107, is DENIED without prejudice due to the failure of the Visiting Attorney to sign the Affidavit in support of the Motion. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on April 23, 2024.(RE: 3107) (gr)
  385. Doc 3113 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 03/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  386. Doc 3112 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 03/31/2024 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  387. Doc 3111 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of Weddle Law PLLC Defendant, . (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  388. Doc 3110 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Rahman Connelly Declaration as Exhibit A Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Interested Party. Receipt #B10896626 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order # (2) Certificate of Good Standing) (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  389. Doc 3109 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Andrew M. Troop with Declaration as Exhibit A Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Interested Party. Receipt #10896555 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order # (2) Certificate of Good Standing) (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  390. Doc 3108 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Interested Party, . (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  391. Doc 3107 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Amy M. Oden Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, David B. Zabel on behalf of Blueberry Builders, LLC, Interested Party. Receipt #A10895677 Fee Amount $200. (Zabel, David)
  392. Doc 3106 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (March 2024) for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (McCormack, Michael)
  393. Doc 3105 Notice of Second Revised Proposed Amended Order Approving Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Actions (Mediation Procedures) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [3037] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  394. Doc 3104 Notice of Appearance Filed by David B. Zabel on behalf of Blueberry Builders, LLC Interested Party, . (Zabel, David)
  395. Doc 3103 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Richard J. Corbi (RE: [3094]). (sr),4/17/2024
  396. Doc 3102 Order Authorizing Withdrawal of Appearance of Stephen P. Brown (RE: [3060]). (sr),4/17/2024
  397. Doc 3101 Notice of Filing of Eighth Invoice of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  398. Doc 3100 Objection in Part to Proposed Amended Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claims Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Weddle Law PLLC Defendant. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  399. Doc 3099 Notice of Appearance Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Weddle Law PLLC Defendant, . (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  400. Doc 3098 Objection in Part to Proposed Amended Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claims Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  404. Doc 3094 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Richard J. Corbi with Declaration as Exhibit A Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of Weddle Law PLLC, Defendant. Receipt #A10884646 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  405. Doc 3093 Response Filed by Ronald Ian Chorches on behalf of Leicester Hill Infromatices LLC Defendant. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Chorches, Ronald)
  406. Doc 3092 Notice of Appearance Filed by Ronald Ian Chorches on behalf of Leicester Hill Infromatices LLC Defendant, . (Chorches, Ronald)
  407. Doc 3091 Objection to Modify Procedures for Mediation Filed by Vincent M. Marino on behalf of Blueberry Builders, LLC Interested Party.. (Marino, Vincent)
  408. Doc 3090 Notice of Appearance Filed by Vincent M. Marino on behalf of Blueberry Builders, LLC Interested Party, . (Marino, Vincent)
  409. Doc 3089 Objection LIMITED OBJECTION TO PROPOSED AMENDED ORDER APPROVING PROCEDURES APPLICABLE TO AVOIDANCE CLAIM ADVERSARY PROCEEDINGS Filed by Henry P. Baer on behalf of Fox News Network, LLC Interested Party.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A) (Baer, Henry)
  410. Doc 3088 Objection LIMITED OBJECTION TO PROPOSED AMENDED ORDER APPROVING PROCEDURES APPLICABLE TO AVOIDANCE CLAIM ADVERSARY PROCEEDINGS Filed by Henry P. Baer on behalf of Marcum LLP Interested Party.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A) (Baer, Henry)
  411. Doc 3087 Objection Limited Objection to Trustee’s Proposed Amended Order Approving Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings Filed by Matthew Pesce on behalf of 3 COLUMBUS CIRCLE LLC Interested Party.. (Pesce, Matthew)
  412. Doc 3086 Notice of Appearance Filed by Henry P. Baer on behalf of Post Oak Motors, LLC, Teris-Phoenix, LLC, Nardello & Co., LLC, . (Baer, Henry)
  413. Doc 3085 JUDGMENT FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT, Case No. 3:23-cv-00375-KAD (ECF No. 1595) (RE: [1595] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo, Attorney Lee Vartan, Interested Party Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC, [1750] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo, Attorney Lee Vartan, Interested Party Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC). (dd)
  414. Doc 3084 Objection Limited Objection to Motion for Order Modifying Avoidance Action Procedures to Include Procedures for Mediation of Avoidance Actions Filed by Jessica Signor on behalf of Anthem Health Plans, Inc., Anthem HealthChoice Assurance, Inc. f/k/a Empire HealthChoice Assurance, Inc. d/b/a Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Signor, Jessica)
  415. Doc 3083 Objection Limited Objection to Motion for Order Modifying Avoidance Action Procedures to Include Procedures for Mediation of Avoidance Actions Filed by Jessica Signor on behalf of Art Wolfe, Inc. Interested Party. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Signor, Jessica)
  416. Doc 3082 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jessica Signor on behalf of Art Wolfe, Inc. Interested Party, . (Signor, Jessica)
  417. Doc 3081 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jessica Signor on behalf of Anthem Health Plans, Inc. Interested Party, . (Signor, Jessica)
  418. Doc 3080 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jessica Signor on behalf of Anthem HealthChoice Assurance, Inc. f/k/a Empire HealthChoice Assurance, Inc. d/b/a Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Interested Party, . (Signor, Jessica)
  419. Doc 3079 Order on Motion for Permission to Withdraw Appearance (RE: [3076]). (sr),4/8/2024
  420. Doc 3078 ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT AFFIRMING BANKRUPTCY COURT, Case No. 3:23-cv-00375-KAD (ECF No. 40) (RE: [1595] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo, Attorney Lee Vartan, Interested Party Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC). (kg)
  421. Doc 3077 Supplemental Document / David Wander’s Certificate of Good Standing Filed by David H. Wander on behalf of Yinying Wang Interested Party. (RE: [2581] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Yinying Wang). (Wander, David)
  422. Doc 3076 Motion to Withdraw Appearance / Motion for Permission to Withdraw Appearance Filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Luft, Avram)
  423. Doc 3075 Notice of Appearance /Notice of Appearance and Request for Service of Papers Filed by Frank A. Oswald on behalf of Clayman Rosenberg Kirshner & Linder LLP Interested Party, . (Oswald, Frank)
  424. Doc 3074 ORDER REGARDING SEALED MOTION FOR ORDER AUTHORIZING USE OF POTENTIALLY PRIVILEGED DOCUMENTS: On December 5, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the ‘Trustee’) for the bankruptcy estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the ‘Individual Debtor’), filed under seal a motion (the ‘Motion’) seeking authorization to use certain documents potentially subject to the Trustee Privilege as defined in the Consent Order Regarding Control of Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Protection (the ‘Consent Privileges Order’) (ECF No. 856) in the adversary proceeding styled Despins ex rel. Kwok v. Guo (In re Kwok), Case No. 22-50073 (JAM), Adv. P. No. 23-05008 (JAM) (the ‘Bombardier Adversary Proceeding’). (ECF No. 2420.) The Individual Debtor objected to the Motion. (ECF No. 2432.) On December 18, 2023, a hearing was held on the Motion. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Court took the matter under advisement.Subsequently, the Trustee filed a motion for summary judgment in the Bombardier Adversary Proceeding, which this Court has granted in part. Accordingly, it is hereby
  425. Doc 3073 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 02/29/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  426. Doc 3072 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 02/29/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  427. Doc 3071 Fourth Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling DBS Bank LTD to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena. (RE: [3070]). (lw),4/3/2024
  428. Doc 3070 Motion to Adjourn Hearing Upon Consent Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2396] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  429. Doc 3069 Supplemental Document /Certificate of Good Standing New York Filed by Frederick Hyman on behalf of Mercantile Bank International Corp., Yieldesta LP. (RE: [3008] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Mercantile Bank International Corp., Interested Party Yieldesta LP). (Hyman, Frederick)
  430. Doc 3068 Notice of Appearance Filed by Frederick Hyman on behalf of Mercantile Bank International Corp., Yieldesta LP, . (Hyman, Frederick)
  431. Doc 3067 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee Regarding Update with Respect to Debtor’s Criminal Proceedings Pending in United States District Court for Southern District of New York Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  432. Doc 3066 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: 3003 Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, 3035 Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, 3037 Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  433. Doc 3065 ORDERS FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT, Case No. 3:22-cv-01028-KAD (ECF No. 59) and Case No. 3:23-cv-00153-KAD (ECF No. 42) (RE: [723] Notice of Appeal filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, and ECF No. [1443] Notice of Appeal filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, respectively). (kg) 3:22-cv-01028-KAD: ORDER ADMINISTRATIVELY CLOSING CASE. The parallel litigation of Despins v. Ace Decade Limited et al. (Adv. Proc. No. 23-05028) is pending before a U.K. court and the Bankruptcy Court. By joint status report the parties agree that until resolution of such proceeding, this appeal should remained stayed. See ECF No. 57. In the interest of judicial efficiency this case is administratively closed. Any party may move to reopen within 90 days after a final judgment is entered in the parallel action. The Clerk of the Court is directed to administratively close this case. Signed by Judge Kari A. Dooley on 3/26/2024.(Gould, K.) 3:23-cv-00153-KAD: ORDER ADMINISTRATIVELY CLOSING CASE. The parallel litigation of Despins v. Ace Decade Limited et al. (Adv. Proc. No. 23-05028) is pending before a U.K. court and the Bankruptcy Court. By joint status report the parties agree that until resolution of such proceeding, this appeal should remained stayed. See ECF No. 40. In the interest of judicial efficiency this case is administratively closed. Any party may move to reopen within 90 days after a final judgment is entered in the parallel action. The Clerk of the Court is directed to administratively close this case. Signed by Judge Kari A. Dooley on 3/26/2024.(Gould, K.)
  434. Doc 3064 Order Granting Motion To Withdraw Appearance (RE: [3056]). (rms),3/29/2024
  435. Doc 3063 Order Granting Motion To Withdraw Appearance (RE: [3052]). (rms),3/29/2024
  436. Doc 3062 Order Granting Motion To Withdraw Appearance (RE: [3051]). (rms),3/29/2024
  437. Doc 3061 Notice and Acknowledgment of Docketing Record on Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-00284-KAD (RE: [2969] Notice of Appeal). (kg)
  438. Doc 3060 Motion to Withdraw Appearance Filed by Stephen P Brown Esq on behalf of Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc., Interested Party. (Brown, Stephen)
  439. Doc 3059 Transmittal of Record of Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-00284-KAD (RE: [2969] Notice of Appeal, [3001] Appellant Designation, Statement of Issues on Appeal, [3053] Appellee Designation) (Attachments: # (1) Electronic Record). (dd)
  440. Doc 3058 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [3055] Transcript). (lw),3/28/2024
  441. Doc 3057 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [3054] Transcript). (lw),3/28/2024
  442. Doc 3056 Motion to Withdraw Appearance Filed by David M.S. Shaiken on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited, Interested Party. (Shaiken, David)
  443. Doc 3055 Transcript . Hearing held on 3/26/2024 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 04/18/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 04/29/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 06/26/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  444. Doc 3054 Transcript . Hearing held on 3/19/2024 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 04/18/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 04/29/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 06/26/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  445. Doc 3053 Appellee Designation of Contents for Inclusion in Record of Appeal (RE:)[2969] Notice of Appeal, [3001] Appellant Designation Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  446. Doc 3052 Motion to Withdraw Appearance of Francis J. Lawall Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Proposed Order) (Lawall, Francis)
  447. Doc 3051 Motion to Withdraw Appearance of Joanna J. Cline Filed by Joanna J. Cline on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Proposed Order) (Cline, Joanna)
  448. Doc 3050 Amended Order Granting Application of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., for Fourth Interim Allowance of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses as Local and Conflicts Counsel to the Chapter 11 Trustee and as Counsel to Debtors Genever Holdings Corporation and Genever Holdings LLC (RE: 2936). (RE: [3021] ). (rms)
  449. Doc 3049 Notice of Appearance Filed by Thomas M. Walsh on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Hudson Diamond Holding LLC, Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Leading Shine NY Ltd., . (Walsh, Thomas)
  450. Doc 3048 Adversary case 24-05276. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against ZYB & Associates, LLC, Yongbing Zhang. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  451. Doc 3047 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on March 26, 2024. (RE: [3044] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  452. Doc 3046 Order Granting Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Order Enforcing Judgment and Requiring Turnover of Storage Unit Contents to Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2955]). (sr),3/26/2024
  453. Doc 3045 Hearing Held. (RE: [2955] Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Order Enforcing Judgment and Requiring Turnover of Storage Unit Contents to Chapter 11 Estate filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Order Granting to enter for the reasons stated on the record. (rms),3/26/2024
  454. Doc 3044 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 3/26/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  455. Doc 3043 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  456. Doc 3042 Order, Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1452 and Bankruptcy Rules 9006(b) and 9027, Extending Trustee’s Deadline for Removal of Civil Actions. (RE:[3025]) . (rms)
  457. Doc 3041 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order Granting Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Order Enforcing Judgment and Requiring Turnover of Storage Unit Contents to Chapter 11 Estate Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2955] Motion to Enforce filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bassett, Nicholas)
  458. Doc 3040 Order Granting Fourteenth Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 Authorizing Discovery with Respect to Additional Relevant Banks and Human Resources and Payroll Processing Companies . (RE: [2996]) . (rms),3/25/2024
  459. Doc 3039 Affidavit / Eighth Supplemental Declaration of Disinterestedness of Luc A. Despins Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [538] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [633] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [802] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1435] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1581] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1710] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2204] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Despins, Luc)
  460. Doc 3038 Order Staying Adversary Proceedings and Granting Other Relief Pending Disposition of Criminal Proceeding (RE: [2975]). (rms),3/22/2024
  461. Doc 3037 Scheduling Order Regarding Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §§ 105(a) and 363, Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure 7016, 7026, and 9006, and District of Connecticut Local Bankruptcy Rule 7016-1, to Modify Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings to Include Procedures for Mediation of Avoidance Actions (RE: [3003] Motion for Order Modifying Avoidance Action Procedures to Include Procedures for Mediation of Avoidance Actions Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee). Hearing to be held on 4/23/2024 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  462. Doc 3036 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order Staying Adversary Proceedings and Granting Other Relief Pending Disposition of Criminal Proceeding Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bassett, Nicholas)
  463. Doc 3035 Notice of Filing Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [3003] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  464. Doc 3034 Amended Order (A) Granting Application of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of Prager Dreifuss AG as Swiss Law Counsel (RE: 2931). The prior Order, ECF No. [3019], was entered in error. (rms)
  465. Doc 3033 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 02/29/2024 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  466. Doc 3032 Order Granting Thirteenth Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for entry of Order under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 Authorizing Discovery with respect to Additional Entities and Individuals affiliated with Debtor and Entities doing Business with Debtor (RE: [2984]) . (sr),3/21/2024
  467. Doc 3031 Order Approving Fourth Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period from September 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 (RE: [2935]). (sr)
  468. Doc 3030 Order Approving Third Interim Fee Application of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC as Claims and Noticing Agent for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of all Actual and Necessary Expenses incurred for the Period from September 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 (RE: [2930]). (sr)
  469. Doc 3029 Notice of February 2024 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  470. Doc 3028 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on March 19, 2024. (RE: [3015] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  471. Doc 3027 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney. (RE: [3022] Proposed Order Requested by Judge filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Skalka, Douglas)
  472. Doc 3026 Supplemental Document Certificate of Good Standing Filed by Thomas M. Walsh on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Hudson Diamond Holding LLC, Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Leading Shine NY Ltd.. (RE: [2956] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo, Interested Party Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Interested Party Hudson Diamond Holding LLC, Interested Party Leading Shine NY Ltd.). (Walsh, Thomas)
  473. Doc 3025 Motion to Extend Time to Remove Civil Actions to 7/30/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  474. Doc 3024 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Frederick Hyman (RE: [3008]). (sr),3/20/2024
  475. Doc 3023 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (February 2024) for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (McCormack, Michael)
  476. Doc 3022 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on 3/19/2024. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney. (RE: [2936] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Skalka, Douglas)
  477. Doc 3021 Order Granting Application of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., for Fourth Interim Allowance of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses as Local and Conflicts Counsel to the Chapter 11 Trustee and as Counsel to Debtors Genever Holdings Corporation and Genever Holdings LLC (RE: [2936]). (sr)
  478. Doc 3020 Order Granting Second Interim Fee Application of Harney Westwood & Riegels LP, as British Virgin Islands Counsel, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from August 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 (RE: [2933]). (sr)
  479. Doc 3019 Order (A) Granting Application of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of Prager Dreifuss AG as Swiss Law Counsel (RE: [2931]). (sr)
  480. Doc 3018 Order Granting First Interim Fee Application of Kroll, LLC, as Forensic Investigators, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from August 2, 2023 through December 31, 2023 (RE: [2929]). (sr)
  481. Doc 3017 Order Granting First Interim Fee Application of O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC, as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from July 27, 2023 through December 31, 2023 (RE: [2928]). (sr)
  482. Doc 3016 Order Approving Third Interim Fee Application of Pullman & Comley, LLC, as Counsel to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred from September 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 (RE: [2872]). (sr)
  483. Doc 3015 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 3/19/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  484. Doc 3014 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record: (RE: [2872] Third Interim Application for Compensation of Pullman & Comley, LLC filed by Creditor Pullman & Comley, LLC) is granted. (RE:[2928] First Interim Application for Compensation of O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC) is granted. (RE:[2929] First Interim Application for Compensation of Kroll, LLC) is granted. (RE:[2930] Third Interim Application for Compensation of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC) is granted. Revised proposed order due 3/22/2024. (RE:[2931] Application to Employ Praeger Dreifuss AG filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is under advisement. (RE:[2933] Second Interim Application for Compensation for Harney Westwood & Riegels LP) is granted. (RE:[2935] Interim Application for Compensation for Paul Hastings LLP filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP) is granted. Revised proposed order due 3/22/2024.(RE:[2936] Fourth Interim Application for Compensation for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.) is granted. Further revised proposed order due 3/22/2024.Status Conference Held. (RE:[2981] Order Scheduling Status Conference). Proposed scheduled order due: Amended motion to be filed and served by 3/22/2024. Objections to amended motion due 4/12/2024. Trustee’s reply due 4/19/2024. Hearing to be held on 4/23/2024 at 1:00 PM. Stay orders to be submitted by 3/22/2024. (rms)
  485. Doc 3013 Notice of Filing of Seventh Invoice of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  486. Doc 3012 Notice of Filing Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2936] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Linsey, Patrick)
  487. Doc 3011 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2996] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  488. Doc 3010 Amended Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 01/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  489. Doc 3009 Amended Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 01/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  490. Doc 3008 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Frederick Hyman Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Scott A. Lessne on behalf of Mercantile Bank International Corp., Yieldesta LP, Receipt #A10847297 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B) (Lessne, Scott)
  491. Doc 3007 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on March 19, 2024 at 1:30PM for hearing to be held on Order Scheduling Status Conference, ECF No. 2981 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  492. Doc 3006 Notice of Appearance Filed by Scott A. Lessne on behalf of Mercantile Bank International Corp., Yieldesta LP, . (Lessne, Scott)
  493. Doc 3005 Notice of Appearance Filed by Henry P. Baer on behalf of Fox News Network, LLC, Marcum LLP, . (Baer, Henry)
  494. Doc 3004 Notice of Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2931] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  495. Doc 3003 Motion for Order Modifying Avoidance Action Procedures to Include Procedures for Mediation of Avoidance Actions Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  496. Doc 3002 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO WITHDRAW APPEARANCE. The Motion to Withdraw Appearance of Douglas M. Evans on behalf of Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc., Rule of Law Society IV, Inc., ECF No. 2974, is GRANTED. (RE: [2974]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 14, 2024. (rms)
  497. Doc 3001 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal (RE:)[2969] Notice of Appeal. Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party., Statement of Issues on Appeal, (RE:)[2969] Notice of Appeal Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party Appellee Designation due by 03/27/2024. (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  498. Doc 3000 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2984] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  499. Doc 2999 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection subject to revision of order to provide for a 20% holdback. Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2936] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Claiborn, Holley)
  500. Doc 2998 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $6,718,104.50 (consensual reduction of $192,930) and reimbursement of Expenses of $714,717.61 (consensual reduction of $3,518.70). (Fourth Interim) Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2935] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Claiborn, Holley)
  501. Doc 2997 Objection Limited Objection of the United States Trustee Filed by Holley L. Claiborn on behalf of U. S. Trustee U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2931] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Claiborn, Holley)
  502. Doc 2996 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Relevant Banks and Human Resources and Payroll Processing Companies(Fourteenth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  503. Doc 2995 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2993] Transcript). (lw),3/12/2024
  504. Doc 2994 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 01/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  505. Doc 2993 Transcript . Hearing held on 3/5/2024 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 04/2/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 04/12/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 06/10/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  506. Doc 2992 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $7,862.00 (reduction of $2,555) and expenses of $1,606.43 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2930] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  507. Doc 2991 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2929] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  508. Doc 2990 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2933] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  509. Doc 2989 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2928] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  510. Doc 2988 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2872] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Committee Pullman & Comley, LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  511. Doc 2987 Notice of Appearance and Demand for Notices and Papers Filed by Richard J Bernard on behalf of Cirrus Design Corporation d/b/a Cirrus Aircraft Interested Party, . (Bernard, Richard)
  512. Doc 2986 Change of Mailing Address for Genevieve Weiner Filed by William S. Fish on behalf of DBS BANK LTD. Defendant.. (Fish, William)
  513. Doc 2985 Answer to Complaint Filed by Interested Party Defeng Cao (RE: [2576] Complaint) (Carbone, Michael)
  514. Doc 2984 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated With Debtor, and Entities Doing Business With Debtor(Thirteenth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  515. Doc 2983 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2982] Transcript). (lw),3/7/2024
  516. Doc 2982 Transcript . Hearing held on 2/27/24 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 03/28/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 04/8/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 06/5/2024.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  517. Doc 2981 ORDER SCHEDULING STATUS CONFERENCE: During a hearing held on March 5, 2024, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) for the bankruptcy estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, requested the Court schedule a Status Conference in these jointly administered Chapter 11 cases to discuss, among other things, the case management of recently filed adversary proceedings, a forthcoming motion to establish mediation procedures for avoidance actions, and a motion to stay certain other adversary proceedings and depositions in the main case (ECF No. [2975]). Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: A Status Conference shall be held at 1:30 p.m. on March 19, 2024 in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT; and it is further ORDERED: On or before March 15, 2024, the Trustee shall file any motion to establish mediation procedures. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 7, 2024. (rms)
  518. Doc 2980 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on March 5, 2024. (RE: [2978] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  519. Doc 2979 Order Compelling Banco Popular De Puerto Rico to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena (RE: [2778]). (sr),3/5/2024
  520. Doc 2978 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 3/5/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  521. Doc 2977 Hearing Held. (RE: [2778] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Order Granting to enter for the reasons stated on the record. (rms),3/5/2024
  522. Doc 2976 ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT, Case No. 3:24-cv-00284-KAD (ECF No. 8) (RE: [2969] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC). (kg) ORDER OF TRANSFER: The Honorable Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer hereby transfers the above-identified case to the docket of THE HONORABLE Kari A. Dooley for all purposes. All future pleadings and filings in this case shall bear docket number 3:24CV284 (KAD). Pleadings or documents related to this action shall be filed with the Clerks Office in Bridgeport, Connecticut, where the docket is maintained. [See Local Rule 3(a).] Signed by Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer on 3/4/2024.(Lewis, D) (Entered: 03/04/2024)
  523. Doc 2975 Motion To Stay / Trustee’s Motion to Stay Adversary Proceedings and Obtain Other Relief Pending Disposition of Criminal Proceeding Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Bassett, Nicholas)
  524. Doc 2974 Motion to Withdraw Appearance Filed by Douglas M. Evans on behalf of Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc., Rule of Law Society IV, Inc.,. (Evans, Douglas)
  525. Doc 2973 Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2968] Notice of Hearing). (Barron, Douglass)
  526. Doc 2972 Notice and Acknowledgment of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:24-cv-00284-JAM (RE: [2969] Notice of Appeal). (dd)
  527. Doc 2971 Notice of Filing Monthly Fee Statement (January) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  528. Doc 2970 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE: [2969] Notice of Appeal (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal, # (2) ECF No. 2921 Memorandum of Decision and Order). (dd)
  529. Doc 2969 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A10823546 Fee Amount of $298 [2921] Memorandum of Decision and Order Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party. Appellant, G Ckub Operations, LLC. Appellee(s), Luc Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 03/13/2024. Transmission of Designation due by 03/29/2024. (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  530. Doc 2968 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2955] Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Order Enforcing Judgment and Requiring Turnover of Storage Unit Contents to Chapter 11 Estate filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 3/26/2024 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 PM on 3/19/2024. Certificate of Service due by 3/4/2024. Service to be made on or before 3/1/2024 by 5:00 PM (rms)
  531. Doc 2967 Third Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling DBS Bank Ltd to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena.(RE: [2959]). Hearing adjourned to 4/9/2024 at 01:30 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [2396] ) (rms)
  532. Doc 2966 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on February 27, 2024. (RE: [2965] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  533. Doc 2965 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2963] Hearing Held Hearing held on February 27, 2024 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  534. Doc 2964 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2933] Application for Compensation, [2935] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [2936] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., [2943] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  535. Doc 2963 Status Conference Held. (RE: [2941] ). (rms),2/27/2024
  536. Doc 2962 Notice of Filing of Sixth Invoice of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  537. Doc 2961 Notice of Filing Chapter 11 Trustee’s Presentation for Feb. 27, 2024 Status Conference Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  538. Doc 2960 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 01/31/2024 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  539. Doc 2959 Motion to Adjourn Hearing Upon Consent Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2396] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  540. Doc 2958 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Thomas M. Walsh (RE: [2956]). (sr),2/26/2024
  541. Doc 2957 ORDER REGARDING STATUS CONFERENCE. A Status Conference is scheduled to be held on February 27, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Because the Status Conference is the only matter scheduled, and in order to minimize costs to the jointly administered Chapter 11 estates, it is herebyORDERED: The Status Conference will be held remotely via Zoomgov.com. Appearing parties must contact the Clerk’s Office for instructions to connect to the ZoomGov.com hearing by sending an email to: [email protected]; and it is furtherORDERED: All pending Motions to Appear Remotely at the Status Conference are denied as moot due to the entry of this Order. (RE: [2941], [2944], [2948] ). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 26, 2024. (rms)
  542. Doc 2956 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Thomas M. Walsh Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Aaron Romney on behalf of Leading Shine NY Ltd., Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Hudson Diamond Holding LLC, Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Receipt #A10817935 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Thomas M. Walsh, Esq. # (2) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  543. Doc 2955 Motion to Enforce / Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Order Enforcing Judgment and Requiring Turnover of Storage Unit Contents to Chapter 11 Estate Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 # (2) Exhibit 2 # (3) Exhibit 3 # (4) Exhibit 4 # (5) Exhibit 5 # (6) Exhibit 6 # (7) Exhibit 7 # (8) Exhibit 8 # (9) Exhibit 9 # (10) Exhibit 10 # (11) Exhibit 11 # (12) Exhibit 12 # (13) Exhibit 13 # (14) Exhibit 14 # (15) Exhibit 15 # (16) Exhibit 16 # (17) Exhibit 17 # (18) Exhibit 18 # (19) Exhibit 19 # (20) Exhibit 20 # (21) Exhibit 21 # (22) Exhibit 22) (Bassett, Nicholas)
  544. Doc 2954 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney John J. Kuster (RE: [2951]). (sr),2/23/2024
  545. Doc 2953 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2943] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  546. Doc 2952 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Shlomo Maza (RE: [2946]). (sr),2/22/2024
  547. Doc 2951 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, John J. Kuster Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, William S. Fish on behalf of DBS BANK LTD., Defendant. Receipt #A10816268 Fee Amount $200. (Fish, William)
  548. Doc 2950 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 12/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  549. Doc 2949 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2947] Transcript). (lw),2/22/2024
  550. Doc 2948 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on February 27, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. for hearing to be held on Status Conference, ECF No. 2934 Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Vartan, Lee)
  551. Doc 2947 Transcript . Hearing held on 2/13/24 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 03/14/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/25/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 05/22/2024.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  552. Doc 2946 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Shlomo Maza Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. Receipt #A10814994 Fee Amount $200. (Linsey, Patrick)
  553. Doc 2945 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 01/31/2024 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  554. Doc 2944 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on February 27, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. for hearing to be held on Status Conference, ECF No. 2934 Request Filed by Jon P. Newton on behalf of Chris Lee, Qidong Xia,. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Newton, Jon)
  555. Doc 2943 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2928] Interim Application for Compensation, [2929] Interim Application for Compensation, [2930] Interim Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, [2931] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2933] Interim Application for Compensation, [2935] Interim Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [2936] Interim Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). Hearing to be held on 3/19/2024 at 01:30 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 5:00 PM on 3/12/2024. (lw)
  556. Doc 2942 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  557. Doc 2941 ORDER GRANTING REQUEST FOR STATUS CONFERENCE. The Request for Status Conference filed by the Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, ECF No. 2934, is GRANTED. A Status Conference will be held in this case on February 27, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. Signed by Judge Julie  A. Manning on February 20, 2024. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 20, 2024. (RE:[2934]). (lw)
  558. Doc 2940 Notice of January, 2024 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  559. Doc 2939 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2778] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2927] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  560. Doc 2938 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (January) for McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (McCormack, Michael)
  561. Doc 2937 Certificate of Service Filed by Jonathan Kaplan on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Creditor Committee. (RE: [2872] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Committee Pullman & Comley, LLC, [2926] Notice of Hearing). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B # (3) Exhibit C) (Kaplan, Jonathan)
  562. Doc 2936 Interim Application for Compensation (Fourth Interim) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $1,038,670.00, Expenses: $37,709.63. Filed by Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  563. Doc 2935 Interim Application for Compensation for Paul Hastings LLP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $6,911,034.50, Expenses: $718,236.31. Filed by Paul Hastings LLP, Debtor’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  564. Doc 2934 Request for Status Conference Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2578] Order on Motion for Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  565. Doc 2933 Interim Application for Compensation (Second Interim) for Harney Westwood & Riegels LP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $101597, Expenses: $1825. Filed by Harney Westwood & Riegels LP, Trustee’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  566. Doc 2932 Notice of Filing Monthly Fee Statement (December 2023) for Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Paul Hastings LLP Debtor’s Attorney.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  567. Doc 2931 Application to Employ Prager Dreifuss AG as Swiss Law Counsel / Application of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of Prager Dreifuss AG as Swiss Law Counsel Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Despins, Luc)
  568. Doc 2930 Interim Application for Compensation / Third Interim Fee Application of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC as Claims and Noticing Agent for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of All Actual and Necessary Expenses Incurred for the Period from September 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 for Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, Other Professional, Fee: $10,417.00, Expenses: $1,606.43. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  569. Doc 2929 Interim Application for Compensation / First Interim Fee Application of Kroll, LLC, as Forensic Investigators, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from August 2, 2023 through December 31, 2023 for Kroll, LLC, Other Professional, Fee: $1,019,095.5, Expenses: $93,702.91. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  570. Doc 2928 Interim Application for Compensation / First Interim Fee Application of O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC, as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from July 27, 2023 through December 31, 2023 for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC, Special Counsel, Fee: $191,730.00, Expenses: $5,240.02. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  571. Doc 2927 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING ON MOTION TO COMPEL: On February 12, 2024, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the ‘Trustee’) for the bankruptcy estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, filed the Motion to Compel Banco Popular de Puerto Rico to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena (the ‘Motion’). (ECF No. [2778].) Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: A hearing on the Motion (ECF No. [2778]) shall be held at 1:00 p.m. on March 5, 2024 in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT; and it is further ORDERED: On or before March 1, 2024, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico (‘Banco Popular’) shall file any response or objection to the Motion; and it is further ORDERED: On or before February 19, 2024, the Trustee shall serve Banco Popular with the Motion and this Order. On or before February 20, 2024, the Trustee shall file a certificate of service demonstrating compliance with this Order. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 16, 2024. (rms)
  572. Doc 2926 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2872] Third Interim Application for Compensation for Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Comm. Aty, Fee: $89,835.50, Expenses: $392.14. Filed by Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Committee). Hearing to be held on 3/19/2024 at 01:30 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 PM on 3/12/2024. (rms)
  573. Doc 2925 Adversary case 24-05275. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Lamp Capital LLC, Golden Spring (New York) Limited, Greenwich Land LLC, HCHK Technologies Inc., HCHK Property Management Inc., Lexington Property and Staffing Inc., Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Leading Shine NY Ltd., G Club International Limited, G Club Operations LLC, G Fashion, G Fashion Media Group Inc., Rule of Law Foundation III Inc., Rule of Law Society IV Inc., GFNY Inc., Anton Development Limited, Himalaya International Clearing Ltd., China Golden Spring Group (Hong Kong) Ltd, GF Italy LLC, ACA Capital Limited, Hamilton Investment Management Ltd, Hamilton Opportunity Fund SPC, Hamilton Capital Holding Ltd, Himalaya Currency Clearing Pty Ltd, Himalaya International Financial Group Ltd, Himalaya International Reserves Ltd, Saraca Media Group Inc., G Fashion International Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  574. Doc 2924 Adversary case 24-05274. Complaint (12 (Recovery of money/property – 547 preference)) (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Kin Ming Je, Sin Ting Rong. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  575. Doc 2923 Adversary case 24-05273. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee for Damages for Violations of the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act and Conspiracy to Violate the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against HING CHI NGOK, et al.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Attachments: # 1 Schedule 1) (Barron, Douglass)
  576. Doc 2922 Adversary case 24-05272. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Hayman Hong Kong Opportunities Offshore Fund LP, Hayman Hong Kong Opportunities Onshore Fund LP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  577. Doc 2921 Memorandum of Decision and Order Granting in Part Motion to Extend Deadlines (RE: [2509] ). (rms),2/15/2024
  578. Doc 2920 Adversary case 24-05271. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 548, 549, and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law Sections 273, 274, and 276 (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Weihua Li, Junjie Jiang, Rongrong Li, Zhang Lin, Mi Kyung Yang, Xue Wang, Yaping Zhang, Zhixuan Li, Fanggui Zhu, Yuechen Lan, Tian Shu Huang, Shiying Li, Cameron Smee, Roger Smee, Jianxiao Chen. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  579. Doc 2919 Adversary case 24-05270. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Crocker Mansion Estate LLC, Taurus Fund LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  580. Doc 2918 Adversary case 24-05269. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Himalaya Australia Athena Farm Inc., Himalaya Australia PTY Ltd., Himalaya Boston Mayflower LLC, Himalaya New World Inc., Himalaya New York Rock, Himalaya Shanghai Farm LLC, Himalaya UK Club, Himalaya Worldwide LS, HML Vancouver Sailing Farm Ltd., Golden Gate Himalaya Farm LLC, MOS Himalaya Foundation Inc., UK Himalaya Ltd.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  581. Doc 2917 Adversary case 24-05268. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Pure Global Group Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  582. Doc 2916 Adversary case 24-05267. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 548, 549, and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law Sections 273, 274, and 276 (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Khaled Ashafy. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  583. Doc 2915 Adversary case 24-05266. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Gong Jianfen. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  584. Doc 2914 Adversary case 24-05265. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Siu Ming Je. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  585. Doc 2913 Adversary case 24-05264. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Smaragdos Mamzeris. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  586. Doc 2912 Adversary case 24-05263. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against G Club Holdco I LLC, G Club Three, HAA Group Pty Ltd., Mountains of Spices Inc., Omicron Nutraceutical LLC, Rosy Acme Ventures Limited, BSA Strategic Fund, BSA Strategic Fund I, Hong Kong International Funds Investments Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  587. Doc 2911 Adversary case 24-05262. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 548, 549, and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law Sections 273, 274, and 276 (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Red Team Partners. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  588. Doc 2910 Adversary case 24-05261. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 548, 549, and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law Sections 273, 274, and 276 (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Starling Bank Ltd.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  589. Doc 2909 Adversary case 24-05260. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 548, 549, and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law Sections 273, 274, and 276 (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against GCP Investment Advisors SL. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  590. Doc 2908 Adversary case 24-05259. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544 and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Top Target General Trading LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  591. Doc 2907 Adversary case 24-05258. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Hogan Lovells International LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  592. Doc 2906 Adversary case 24-05257. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544 and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Mishcon de Reya LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  593. Doc 2905 Adversary case 24-05256. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544 and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against New Mulberry Pte Ltd.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  594. Doc 2904 Adversary case 24-05255. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544 and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Ziba Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  595. Doc 2903 Adversary case 24-05254. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against NAV Consulting Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  596. Doc 2902 Adversary case 24-05253. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Ivy Capital Advisor Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  597. Doc 2901 Adversary case 24-05252. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Gettr USA, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  598. Doc 2900 Adversary case 24-05251. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against LLC STZ Fund No. 1. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  599. Doc 2899 Adversary case 24-05250. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Scarabaeus Wealth Management AG. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  600. Doc 2898 Adversary case 24-05249. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee for Estate of Ho Wan Kwok, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 541, 542, and 544, Seeking (I) Declaratory Judgment that Certain Entities are Alter Egos of Debtor and (II) Related Relief (11 (Recovery of money/property – 542 turnover of property)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) (91 (Declaratory judgment)) (02 (Other (e.g. other actions that would have been brought in state court if unrelated to bankruptcy))) filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against ACA Capital Group Ltd., Alfa Global Ventures Limited, Alfonso Global Ventures Limited, Anton Development Limited, Bravo Luck Limited, Celestial Tide Limited, China Golden Spring Group (Hong Kong) Ltd., Eastern Profit Corporation Limited, Freedom Media Ventures Limited, G Club International Limited, G Club Operations LLC, G Fashion (CA), G Fashion Hold Co A Limited, G Fashion Hold Co B Limited, G Fashion International Limited, GFashion Media Group Inc.,, G Music LLC, GF IP, LLC, GF Italy, LLC, GFNY, Inc., Hamilton Capital Holding Limited, Hamilton Investment Management Limited, Hamilton Opportunity Fund SPC, Haoran He, Himalaya Currency Clearing Pty Ltd., Himalaya International Clearing Limited, Himalaya International Financial Group Limited, Himalaya International Payments Limited, Himalaya International Reserves Limited, Jovial Century International Limited, K Legacy Ltd., Karin Maistrello, Leading Shine Limited, Major Lead International Limited, Mei Guo, Next Tycoon Investments Limited, Qiang Guo, Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc., Rule of Law Society IV, Inc., Saraca Media Group, Inc., Seven Mission Group LLC, William Je, Wise Creation International Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 # 2 Exhibit 2) (Barron, Douglass)
  601. Doc 2897 Adversary case 24-05248. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Curiosity Corp. LLC, Dark Shadows LLC, Flying Colours Corp., River Valley Operations LLC, Supreme SG PTE Ltd, Top California Beach Corp., Tut Co. Limited, Wang’s Realty Management Service Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  602. Doc 2896 Adversary case 24-05247. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Anthony DiBattista. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  603. Doc 2895 Adversary case 24-05246. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 548, and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law Sections 273, 274, and 276 (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against WA & HF LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  604. Doc 2894 Adversary case 24-05245. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Postpetition Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 549 and 550 (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against RM Auctions Deutschland GMBH, Qiang Guo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  605. Doc 2893 Adversary case 24-05244. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Quick-Equip LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  606. Doc 2892 Adversary case 24-05243. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 548, and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law Sections 273, 274, and 276 (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Ihotry Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  607. Doc 2891 Adversary case 24-05242. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee Seeking Avoidance and Recovery of Fraudulent Transfers and Related Relief Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 544, 548, and 550 and New York Debtor & Creditor Law Sections 273, 273-a, 274, 275, 276 and 278 (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Cotton Craft Textiles Intl Trading. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Luft, Avram)
  608. Doc 2890 Adversary case 24-05241. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against MZC Financial Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  609. Doc 2889 Adversary case 24-05240. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Fengjie Ma. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  610. Doc 2888 Adversary case 24-05239. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Jianhai Jiao. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  611. Doc 2887 Adversary case 24-05238. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Qiang Guo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  612. Doc 2886 Adversary case 24-05237. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Qiang Hu. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  613. Doc 2885 Adversary case 24-05236. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Feng YI. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  614. Doc 2884 Adversary case 24-05235. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Halley Chen CPA Professional Corporation. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  615. Doc 2883 Adversary case 24-05234. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Lyzon Enterprises Corporation. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  616. Doc 2882 Adversary case 24-05233. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Brune Law PC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  617. Doc 2881 Adversary case 24-05232. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Daiho Zhou. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  618. Doc 2880 Adversary case 24-05231. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against 9 East 40th Street LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  619. Doc 2879 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/15/2024
  620. Doc 2878 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/15/2024
  621. Doc 2877 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/15/2024
  622. Doc 2876 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/15/2024
  623. Doc 2875 Notice of November 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  624. Doc 2874 Sealed Document Filed. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  625. Doc 2873 Adversary case 24-05230. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Cayuse Government Services, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  626. Doc 2872 Interim Application for Compensation for Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Comm. Aty, Fee: $89,835.50, Expenses: $392.14. Filed by Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Committee. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B # (3) Proposed Order) (Kaplan, Jonathan)
  627. Doc 2871 Adversary case 24-05229. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Marcum LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  628. Doc 2870 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  629. Doc 2869 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  630. Doc 2868 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  631. Doc 2867 Adversary case 24-05228. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Forbes Hare. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  632. Doc 2866 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  633. Doc 2865 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  634. Doc 2864 Adversary case 24-05227. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Tao Zheng. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  635. Doc 2863 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  636. Doc 2862 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  637. Doc 2861 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  638. Doc 2860 Adversary case 24-05226. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against ACASS Canada LTD.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  639. Doc 2859 Adversary case 24-05225. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Cirrus Design Corporation, Qiang Guo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  640. Doc 2858 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  641. Doc 2857 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  642. Doc 2856 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  643. Doc 2855 Adversary case 24-05224. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against OSC Orbit Service Company LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  644. Doc 2854 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  645. Doc 2853 Adversary case 24-05223. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against G-Translators Pty Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  646. Doc 2852 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  647. Doc 2851 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  648. Doc 2850 Adversary case 24-05222. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Sedgwick Realty Corp.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  649. Doc 2849 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  650. Doc 2848 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  651. Doc 2847 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  652. Doc 2846 Adversary case 24-05221. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Gypsy Mei Food Services LLC, Mei Guo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  653. Doc 2845 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  654. Doc 2844 Adversary case 24-05220. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Trasco Bremen GmbH. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  655. Doc 2843 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  656. Doc 2842 Stipulated Tolling Order Under Seal (RE: ECF No. 2837) (rms),2/14/2024
  657. Doc 2841 Adversary case 24-05219. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Jason Miller. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  658. Doc 2840 Adversary case 24-05218. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Hou Yuan Chan. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  659. Doc 2839 Adversary case 24-05217. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Haisong Peng. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  660. Doc 2838 Adversary case 24-05216. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against GPP SRL. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  661. Doc 2837 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion (I) Authorizing Sealed Filing of Proposed Stipulated Tolling Orders and (II)) Approving and Entering Proposed Stipulated Tolling Orders (RE: [2801]). (rms),2/14/2024
  662. Doc 2836 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on February 13, 2024. (RE: [2833] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  663. Doc 2835 Adversary case 24-05215. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Bradley Staples, dba, Staples Building Solutions. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  664. Doc 2834 Adversary case 24-05214. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Petrillo Klein & Boxer LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  665. Doc 2833 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2827] Hearing Held Hearing held on February 13, 2024 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  666. Doc 2832 Sealed Document Filed. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  667. Doc 2831 Adversary case 24-05213. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Georgiou Payne Stewien LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  668. Doc 2830 Adversary case 24-05212. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Michael Li & Co.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  669. Doc 2829 Adversary case 24-05211. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Putnam’s Landscaping LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  670. Doc 2828 Adversary case 24-05210. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Jiayao Gan. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  671. Doc 2827 Hearing Held. (RE: [2509] Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 108, 546(a), and 549 Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee.). Ruling to follow. (rms)
  672. Doc 2826 Adversary case 24-05209. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against John B. Berryhill. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  673. Doc 2825 Adversary case 24-05208. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Zeisler & Zeisler, P.C.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  674. Doc 2824 Adversary case 24-05207. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Bering Yachts, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  675. Doc 2823 Adversary case 24-05206. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Hao Haidong. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  676. Doc 2822 Adversary case 24-05205. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Marini Pietrantoni Muniz LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  677. Doc 2821 Adversary case 24-05204. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against G4S Security Systems (Hong Kong) Ltd.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  678. Doc 2820 Adversary case 24-05203. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Oasis Tech Limited.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  679. Doc 2819 Adversary case 24-05202. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (12 (Recovery of money/property – 547 preference)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Clayman Rosenberg Kirshner & Linder LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  680. Doc 2818 Adversary case 24-05201. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against O.S.C. Orbit II Service Company LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  681. Doc 2817 Adversary case 24-05200. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Wedlake Bell LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  682. Doc 2816 Adversary case 24-05199. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Lawall & Mitchell, LLC, Aaron Mitchell. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  683. Doc 2815 Adversary case 24-05198. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against G-Service LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  684. Doc 2814 Adversary case 24-05197. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Great Lakes Drone Company, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  685. Doc 2813 Adversary case 24-05196. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello P.C.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  686. Doc 2812 Adversary case 24-05195. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Shujuan Milne. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  687. Doc 2811 Adversary case 24-05194. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against McManimon, Scotland & Baumann, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  688. Doc 2810 Notice of Withdrawal of Objection Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Fried, Lisa)
  689. Doc 2809 Adversary case 24-05193. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Fiesta Investment Ltd. f/k/a Fiesta Property Developments Ltd.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  690. Doc 2808 Adversary case 24-05192. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Forbes Hare LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  691. Doc 2807 Adversary case 24-05191. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Deng Qian. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  692. Doc 2806 Adversary case 24-05190. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Redis Lab, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  693. Doc 2805 Adversary case 24-05189. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against TD Avenue (The Diamond Avenue). Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  694. Doc 2804 Adversary case 24-05188. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Weddle Law PPLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  695. Doc 2803 Notice of Filing Second Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  696. Doc 2802 Sealed Document Filed. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  697. Doc 2801 Motion for Order Approving Proposed Stipulated Tolling Orders and Authorizing Sealed Filing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  698. Doc 2800 Adversary case 24-05187. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Wildes & Weinberg, P.C.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  699. Doc 2799 Adversary case 24-05186. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Berkeley Rowe Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  700. Doc 2798 Adversary case 24-05185. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Structure Design Build LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  701. Doc 2797 Adversary case 24-05184. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Yankwitt LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  702. Doc 2796 Adversary case 24-05183. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Reverence Capital Partners Opportunities Fund I (Cayman) L.P.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  703. Doc 2795 Adversary case 24-05182. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Max Krasner. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  704. Doc 2794 Adversary case 24-05181. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Ganfer Shore Leeds & Zauderer, LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  705. Doc 2793 ORDER DENYING MOTION. The Motion to Permit Stuart Sarnoff and Annecca Smith to Appear Remotely, ECF No. [2741], is DENIED as moot due to the entry of the Order Regarding Scheduled Hearing, ECF No. [2762] (RE: [2741]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 12, 2024. (rms)
  706. Doc 2792 ORDER DENYING MOTION. The Motion to Permit Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC to Appear Remotely, ECF No. [2739], is DENIED as moot due to the entry of the Order Regarding Scheduled Hearing, ECF No. [2762] (RE: [2739]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 12, 2024. (rms)
  707. Doc 2791 Adversary case 24-05180. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Richmond Strategic Advisors, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  708. Doc 2790 ORDER DENYING MOTION. The Motion to Permit Lisa J. Fried to Appear Remotely, ECF No. [2736], is DENIED as moot due to the entry of the Order Regarding Scheduled Hearing, ECF No. [2762] (RE: [2736]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 12, 2024. (rms)
  709. Doc 2789 ORDER DENYING MOTION. The Motion to Permit Genevieve G. Weiner to Appear Remotely, ECF No. [2611], is DENIED as moot due to the entry of the Order Regarding Scheduled Hearing, ECF No. [2762] (RE: [2611]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 12, 2024. (rms)
  710. Doc 2788 ORDER DENYING MOTION. The Motion to Permit Eric Schmitt to Appear Remotely, ECF No. [2593], is DENIED as moot due to the entry of the Order Regarding Scheduled Hearing, ECF No. [2762] (RE: [2593]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 12, 2024. (rms)
  711. Doc 2787 Adversary case 24-05179. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Rising Sun Capital LTD.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  712. Doc 2786 Adversary case 24-05178. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Super Star Project Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  713. Doc 2785 Adversary case 24-05177. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Xiaobo He. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  714. Doc 2784 Adversary case 24-05176. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Luminescence Co. LTD. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  715. Doc 2783 Adversary case 24-05175. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Lai Lau. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  716. Doc 2782 Adversary case 24-05174. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against SGB Packaging Group, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  717. Doc 2781 Adversary case 24-05173. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Wenhua Gong. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  718. Doc 2780 Adversary case 24-05172. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Federal Corporation. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  719. Doc 2779 Adversary case 24-05171. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Joseph Chen. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  720. Doc 2778 Motion to Compel Banco Popular de Puerto Rico to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit Exhibit B # (3) Exhibit Exhibit C # (4) Exhibit Exhibit D # (5) Exhibit Exhibit E) (Linsey, Patrick)
  721. Doc 2777 Adversary case 24-05170. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against The Gertz File Investigative Reporting Project Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  722. Doc 2776 Adversary case 24-05169. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against D&D Solutions LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  723. Doc 2775 Adversary case 24-05168. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against The Francis Firm PLLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  724. Doc 2774 Adversary case 24-05167. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against GS Security Solutions Inc., Scott Barnett. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  725. Doc 2773 Adversary case 24-05166. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Chris Lee. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  726. Doc 2772 Adversary case 24-05165. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Oxford Visionary LTD.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  727. Doc 2771 Adversary case 24-05164. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against National Sweepstakes Company, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  728. Doc 2770 Adversary case 24-05163. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Harcus Parker Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  729. Doc 2769 Adversary case 24-05162. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Nardello & Co., LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  730. Doc 2768 Adversary case 24-05161. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Mandelli USA, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  731. Doc 2767 Adversary case 24-05160. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against LA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  732. Doc 2766 Adversary case 24-05159. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Gold Leaf Consulting Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  733. Doc 2765 Adversary case 24-05158. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against RV Retailer East, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  734. Doc 2764 Adversary case 24-05157. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against D.P. Textile Apparel, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  735. Doc 2763 Trustee’s Witness and Exhibit Lists in Connection with February 13, 2024 Hearing on Trustee’s Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 108, 546(a), and 549 Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bassett, Nicholas)
  736. Doc 2762 ORDER REGARDING SCHEDULED HEARING. A hearing on the Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion to Extend Time to File Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 2509, is scheduled to be held on February 13, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. Due to the predicted winter storm, it is hereby
  737. Doc 2761 Adversary case 24-05156. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against 12476517 Canada Society. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  738. Doc 2760 Adversary case 24-05155. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Hayashi Meiou. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  739. Doc 2759 Adversary case 24-05154. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Kamel Debeche. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  740. Doc 2758 Adversary case 24-05153. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Ming Ni. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  741. Doc 2757 Adversary case 24-05152. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  742. Doc 2756 Adversary case 24-05151. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Li Sho Yo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  743. Doc 2755 Adversary case 24-05150. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Jialin Qin. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  744. Doc 2754 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on February 13, 2024 at 1:30PM for hearing to be held on Trustees Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 2509 Filed by Michael A. Carbone on behalf of Defeng Cao, Interested Party. (Carbone, Michael)
  745. Doc 2753 Adversary case 24-05149. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against The Deputy Group, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  746. Doc 2752 Adversary case 24-05148. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Galaxy Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  747. Doc 2751 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on February 13, 2024 at 1:30PM for hearing to be held on Trustee’s Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 2509 Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Mei Guo, Interested Party. (Moriarty, James)
  748. Doc 2750 Adversary case 24-05147. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Jamestown Associates, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  749. Doc 2749 Adversary case 24-05146. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Fortnum Information Security Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  750. Doc 2748 Adversary case 24-05145. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Manhattan Motorcars, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  751. Doc 2747 Adversary case 24-05144. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Premiere Accounting Solutions LTD. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  752. Doc 2746 Adversary case 24-05143. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Dream Projects LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  753. Doc 2745 Adversary case 24-05142. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Immobiliara Barbara 2000 SRL. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  754. Doc 2744 Adversary case 24-05141. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Flat Rate Movers, Ltd.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  755. Doc 2743 Adversary case 24-05140. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Quinones Law PLLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  756. Doc 2742 Adversary case 24-05139. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Houston Litstar LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  757. Doc 2741 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on February 13, 2024 at 1:30 PM for hearing to be held on Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 108, 546(a), and 549, ECF No. 2509 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor. (Birney, Patrick)
  758. Doc 2740 Adversary case 24-05138. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Target Enterprises, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  759. Doc 2739 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on February 13, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. for hearing to be held on Trustees Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 2509 Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Vartan, Lee)
  760. Doc 2738 Adversary case 24-05137. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Bellerive Attorneys at Law. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  761. Doc 2737 Adversary case 24-05136. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against ASAP SRL. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  762. Doc 2736 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on February 13, 2024 at 1:30 PM for hearing to be held on Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 108, 546(a), and 549, ECF No. 2509 Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG, Interested Party. (Fried, Lisa)
  763. Doc 2735 Consent Order Extending Time for Trustee’s Professionals to File Interim Fee Applicaitons. Extended until February 19, 2024. (RE:[2728]) . (rms)
  764. Doc 2734 Adversary case 24-05135. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Liberty Jet Management Corp.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  765. Doc 2733 Adversary case 24-05134. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against V.X. Cerda & Associates P.A.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  766. Doc 2732 Adversary case 24-05133. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Beile Li. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  767. Doc 2731 Adversary case 24-05132. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against JM Bullion Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  768. Doc 2730 Notice of Appearance Filed by David H. Wander on behalf of Yinying Wang Interested Party, . (Wander, David)
  769. Doc 2729 The hearing on the Motion to Compel, ECF No. [1362], scheduled to be held on February 13, 2024 at 1:00 PM will not be held in light of the withdrawal of the Motion, ECF No. [2618]. (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (rms)
  770. Doc 2728 Motion to Extend Time to File Interim Fee Applications to 02/19/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  771. Doc 2727 Adversary case 24-05131. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Lawrence River. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  772. Doc 2726 Adversary case 24-05130. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against On the Spot Home Improvement, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  773. Doc 2725 Adversary case 24-05129. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Fay Ye. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  774. Doc 2724 Adversary case 24-05128. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Miller Motorcars Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  775. Doc 2723 Adversary case 24-05127. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Waycap S.P.A.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  776. Doc 2722 Adversary case 24-05126. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Cesare Attolini NY LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  777. Doc 2721 Adversary case 24-05125. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Rilievi Group S.R.L.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  778. Doc 2720 Adversary case 24-05124. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Legends OWO, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  779. Doc 2719 Adversary case 24-05123. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Bestview1 Pty Ltd. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  780. Doc 2718 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on February 13, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. for hearing to be held on Extending Deadline to Bring Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 2509 Filed by Michael John Grudberg on behalf of Yinying Wang, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit “”A”” Proposed Order) (Grudberg, Michael)
  781. Doc 2717 Adversary case 24-05122. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Indium Software Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  782. Doc 2716 Adversary case 24-05121. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Shalyen Music LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  783. Doc 2715 Adversary case 24-05120. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against 3 Columbus Circle LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  784. Doc 2714 Adversary case 24-05119. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against International Treasure Group LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  785. Doc 2713 Adversary case 24-05118. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against J Tan Jewelry Design, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  786. Doc 2712 Adversary case 24-05117. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Meta Platforms Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  787. Doc 2711 Adversary case 24-05116. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Hilton Management, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  788. Doc 2710 Adversary case 24-05115. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Cloudflare, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  789. Doc 2709 Adversary case 24-05114. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against ModSquad Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  790. Doc 2708 Adversary case 24-05113. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against 1322089 B.C. LTD.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  791. Doc 2707 Adversary case 24-05112. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  792. Doc 2706 Adversary case 24-05111. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against DNM Beauty Distribution. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  793. Doc 2705 Adversary case 24-05110. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Aaron Mitchell. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  794. Doc 2704 Adversary case 24-05109. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Moran Yacht Management, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  795. Doc 2703 Adversary case 24-05108. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Conservative Campaign Technology, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  796. Doc 2702 Adversary case 24-05107. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against 17 Miles, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  797. Doc 2701 Adversary case 24-05106. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Reach Manufacturing, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  798. Doc 2700 Adversary case 24-05105. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against N87 INC.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  799. Doc 2699 Adversary case 24-05104. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Ice24 SRO. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  800. Doc 2698 Adversary case 24-05103. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Benhar Office Interiors LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  801. Doc 2697 Adversary case 24-05102. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Ocorian Consulting LTD. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  802. Doc 2696 Adversary case 24-05101. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Eficens Systems LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  803. Doc 2695 Adversary case 24-05100. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against GroCyber, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  804. Doc 2694 Adversary case 24-05099. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against American Arbitration Association, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  805. Doc 2693 Adversary case 24-05098. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Shing Seung Ankerite Engineering LTD. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  806. Doc 2692 Adversary case 24-05097. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Liapull S.R.L.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  807. Doc 2691 Adversary case 24-05096. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against 1245 Factory Place, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  808. Doc 2690 Adversary case 24-05095. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against SOD Stone Offroad Design GmbH. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  809. Doc 2689 Adversary case 24-05094. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Solazzo Calzature S.R.L.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  810. Doc 2688 Adversary case 24-05093. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against 2 B Packing LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  811. Doc 2687 Adversary case 24-05092. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Zeta Global Corp.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  812. Doc 2686 Adversary case 24-05091. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Shalom B. LLC d/b/a Asher Fabric Concepts. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  813. Doc 2685 Adversary case 24-05090. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Swans Team Design Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  814. Doc 2684 Adversary case 24-05089. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Pellettieri Di Parma SRL. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  815. Doc 2683 Adversary case 24-05088. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Tokyoseiki Co. LTD.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  816. Doc 2682 Adversary case 24-05087. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Mosaicon Shoes SRL. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  817. Doc 2681 Adversary case 24-05086. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against The Clear Creek Group, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  818. Doc 2680 Adversary case 24-05085. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Vandenloom Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  819. Doc 2679 Adversary case 24-05084. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Tavares Cutting Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  820. Doc 2678 Adversary case 24-05083. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against UK Import Services Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  821. Doc 2677 Adversary case 24-05082. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Ohtzar Shlomo Solomon Treasure LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  822. Doc 2676 Adversary case 24-05081. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Victor-Oasis Consultancy Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  823. Doc 2675 Adversary case 24-05080. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Reinhard Plank S.R.L.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  824. Doc 2674 Adversary case 24-05079. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Peiru Luo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  825. Doc 2673 Adversary case 24-05078. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Pak Siu Leung. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  826. Doc 2672 Adversary case 24-05077. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against American Express Company. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  827. Doc 2671 Adversary case 24-05076. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Mercedes-Benz Manhattan, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  828. Doc 2670 Adversary case 24-05075. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Marcella Monica Falciani. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  829. Doc 2669 Adversary case 24-05074. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Leicester Hill Infromatices LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  830. Doc 2668 Adversary case 24-05073. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Leewayhertz Technologies. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  831. Doc 2667 Adversary case 24-05072. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against John P. Morgan. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  832. Doc 2666 Adversary case 24-05071. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  833. Doc 2665 Adversary case 24-05070. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Luxury Cleaning, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  834. Doc 2664 Adversary case 24-05069. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against B&H Foto & Electronics Corp., Hing Chi Ngok, Alex Hadjicharalambous, Bernardo Enriquez, Chunguang Han. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  835. Doc 2663 Adversary case 24-05068. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Caribe Condado, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  836. Doc 2662 Adversary case 24-05067. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against N.A.R. Enterprises Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  837. Doc 2661 Adversary case 24-05066. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Elixir Technical Consulting LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  838. Doc 2660 Adversary case 24-05065. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against A.Z. Bigiotterie S.A.S. DI Zanutto Gabriele & C.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  839. Doc 2659 Adversary case 24-05064. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against JK Chef Collections LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  840. Doc 2658 Adversary case 24-05063. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against DJD Creative LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  841. Doc 2657 Adversary case 24-05062. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Appsflyer Inc. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  842. Doc 2656 Adversary case 24-05061. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Name Corp LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  843. Doc 2655 Adversary case 24-05060. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Apple Inc., Hing Chi Ngok, Alex Hadjicharalambous, Bernardo Enriquez, Chunguang HAN, Mei Guo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  844. Doc 2654 Adversary case 24-05059. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Federal Express Corporation. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  845. Doc 2653 Adversary case 24-05058. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Anthem Health Plans, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  846. Doc 2652 Adversary case 24-05057. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Amazon.com, Inc., Hing Chi Ngok, Alex Hadjicharalambous, Bernardo Enriquez, Chunguang HAN, Mei Guo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  847. Doc 2651 Adversary case 24-05056. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against FFP (BVI) Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  848. Doc 2650 Adversary case 24-05055. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against 270 W. 39th St. Co., LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  849. Doc 2649 Adversary case 24-05054. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Style Eyes Inc. d/b/a Ginger Finds. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  850. Doc 2648 Adversary case 24-05053. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against H Shaw Enterprises LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  851. Doc 2647 Adversary case 24-05052. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against MF19 Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  852. Doc 2646 Adversary case 24-05051. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Mindy Wechsler. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  853. Doc 2645 Adversary case 24-05050. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Oro Mont Alpi SRL. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  854. Doc 2644 Adversary case 24-05049. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against VFT Solutions Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  855. Doc 2643 Adversary case 24-05048. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Mark Gunderson. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  856. Doc 2642 Adversary case 24-05047. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Phillips Nizer LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  857. Doc 2641 Adversary case 24-05046. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Janco SRL. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  858. Doc 2640 Adversary case 24-05045. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against The Quinlan Law Firm, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  859. Doc 2639 Adversary case 24-05044. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Teris-Phoenix, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  860. Doc 2638 Adversary case 24-05043. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Loro Piana S.P.A.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  861. Doc 2637 Adversary case 24-05042. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Restoration Hardware, Inc., Hing Chi Ngok, Max Krasner, Mei Guo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  862. Doc 2636 Adversary case 24-05041. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against CFG Global Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  863. Doc 2635 Adversary case 24-05040. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Hing Chi Ngok. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  864. Doc 2634 Adversary case 24-05039. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Sherry-Lehmann, Inc. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  865. Doc 2633 Adversary case 24-05038. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against D4zero S.R.L.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  866. Doc 2632 Adversary case 24-05037. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Triple2 Digital LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  867. Doc 2631 Adversary case 24-05036. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Mei Guo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  868. Doc 2630 Adversary case 24-05035. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Urban Legend Media, Inc. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  869. Doc 2629 Adversary case 24-05034. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Versace USA, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  870. Doc 2628 Adversary case 24-05033. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Art Wolfe, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  871. Doc 2627 Adversary case 24-05032. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Hugga LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  872. Doc 2626 Adversary case 24-05031. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Arri Americas Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  873. Doc 2625 Adversary case 24-05030. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Vision Knight Capital (China) Fund. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  874. Doc 2624 Adversary case 24-05029. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Great Bowery Inc. D/B/A Camilla Lowther Management. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  875. Doc 2623 Adversary case 24-05028. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Yuqiang Qin, Yunfu Jiang. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  876. Doc 2622 Adversary case 24-05027. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Yangping Wang. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  877. Doc 2621 Adversary case 24-05026. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Yieldesta L.P.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  878. Doc 2620 Reply to (related document(s): [2509] Motion for Order / Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 108, 546(a), and 549 Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)/ Omnibus Reply of Chapter 11 Trustee (I) in Support of Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 108, 546(a), and 549, and (II) in Response to Objections Thereto Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Barron, Douglass)
  879. Doc 2619 Adversary case 24-05025. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Warroom Broadcasting & Media Communications LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  880. Doc 2618 Notice of Withdrawal of Motion (Without Prejudice) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  881. Doc 2617 Adversary case 24-05024. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against TT Resources 1 PTY LTD.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  882. Doc 2616 Adversary case 24-05023. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Studio Cataldi Group SRL. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  883. Doc 2615 Adversary case 24-05022. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against FAM United LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  884. Doc 2614 Adversary case 24-05021. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Bannon Strategic Advisors, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  885. Doc 2613 Adversary case 24-05020. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Slaughter Law Group, PC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  886. Doc 2612 Adversary case 24-05019. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Mary Fashion S.p.A.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  887. Doc 2611 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on at for hearing to be held on Entry of Order Extending Deadline to Bring Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 2509 Filed by William S. Fish on behalf of DBS BANK LTD., Defendant. (Fish, William)
  888. Doc 2610 Adversary case 24-05018. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against JDM Staffing Corp.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  889. Doc 2609 Adversary case 24-05017. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Post Oak Motors, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  890. Doc 2608 Adversary case 24-05016. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Imperius Intl. Trade Co. Ltd.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  891. Doc 2607 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Katherine E. Mateo (RE: [2592]). (sr),2/9/2024
  892. Doc 2606 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney David H. Wander (RE: [2581]). (sr),2/9/2024
  893. Doc 2605 Adversary case 24-05015. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Fox News Network, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  894. Doc 2604 Adversary case 24-05014. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  895. Doc 2603 Adversary case 24-05013. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Farrant Group Limited. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  896. Doc 2602 Adversary case 24-05012. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Ogier. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  897. Doc 2601 Adversary case 24-05011. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against E.L.J.M. Consulting LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  898. Doc 2600 Adversary case 24-05010. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Direct Persuasion LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  899. Doc 2599 Adversary case 24-05009. Complaint (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Mercantile Bank International Corp.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  900. Doc 2598 Adversary case 24-05008. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Boardwalk Motor Imports, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  901. Doc 2597 Adversary case 24-05007. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Blueberry Builders, LLC. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  902. Doc 2596 Adversary case 24-05006. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Amazon Web Services, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  903. Doc 2595 Adversary case 24-05005. Complaint (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Agora Lab, Inc.. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick)
  904. Doc 2594 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jordan W. Schur on behalf of GS Security Solutions, Inc. Interested Party, . (Schur, Jordan)
  905. Doc 2593 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on February 13, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. for hearing to be held on Trustee’s Motion for Entry of an Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to Bring Avoidance Actions, ECF No. 2509 Filed by Jon P. Newton on behalf of Chris Lee, Qidong Xia,. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Newton, Jon)
  906. Doc 2592 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Katherine E. Mateo, Esq to represent Defeng Cao Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Michael A. Carbone on behalf of Defeng Cao, Interested Party. Receipt #A10798527 Fee Amount $200. (Carbone, Michael)
  907. Doc 2591 Objection and Joinder to Previously Filed Objections Filed by James Edward Nealon on behalf of Yongbing Zhang Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Nealon, James)
  908. Doc 2590 Notice of Appearance Filed by James Edward Nealon on behalf of Yongbing Zhang Interested Party, . (Nealon, James)
  909. Doc 2589 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by Michael A. Carbone on behalf of Defeng Cao Interested Party, . (Carbone, Michael)
  910. Doc 2588 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2586] Transcript). (lw),2/8/2024
  911. Doc 2587 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2585] Transcript). (lw),2/8/2024
  912. Doc 2586 Transcript . Hearing held on 2/5/24 Requested by Patrick R. Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/28/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/11/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 05/7/2024.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  913. Doc 2585 Transcript . Hearing held on 1/30/24 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/28/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/11/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 05/7/2024.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  914. Doc 2584 Objection Filed by Stephen P Brown Esq on behalf of Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Debtor. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Brown, Stephen)
  915. Doc 2583 Notice of Appearance Filed by Stephen P Brown Esq on behalf of Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Debtor, . (Brown, Stephen)
  916. Doc 2582 Objection and Joinder to Trustee’s Motion to Extend Deadline to File Avoidance Actions Filed by Michael John Grudberg on behalf of Yinying Wang Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Grudberg, Michael)
  917. Doc 2581 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, David H. Wander, Esq. to represent Yinying Wang Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Michael John Grudberg on behalf of Yinying Wang, Interested Party. Receipt #A10797309 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit “”A”” Wander Affidavit # (2) Exhibit “”B”” Proposed Order) (Grudberg, Michael)
  918. Doc 2580 Notice of Appearance Filed by Michael John Grudberg on behalf of Yinying Wang Interested Party, . (Grudberg, Michael)
  919. Doc 2579 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Eric T. Schmitt (RE: [2562]). (sr),2/7/2024
  920. Doc 2578 Order Approving Procedures Applicable To Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings. (RE: [2532]). (lw),2/7/2024
  921. Doc 2577 Certificate of Service Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo Interested Party. (RE: [2551] Objection filed by Interested Party Mei Guo). (Vartan, Lee)
  922. Doc 2576 Adversary case 24-05001. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee for Estate of Ho Wan Kwok, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 541, 542, 544, 548, 549, and 550, (I) Seeking Declaratory Judgment that Debtor is Equitable Owner of Certain Motorcycles and that Such Property is Property of Estate that Must be Turned Over to Chapter 11 Trustee, (II) to Avoid Transfer of Motor Vehicles and (III) Recovery of Transferred Motor Vehicles (91 (Declaratory judgment)) (11 (Recovery of money/property – 542 turnover of property)) (13 (Recovery of money/property – 548 fraudulent transfer)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Defeng Cao. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 # 2 Exhibit 2 # 3 Exhibit 3 # 4 Exhibit 4 # 5 Exhibit 5 # 6 Exhibit 6 # 7 Exhibit 7 # 8 Exhibit 8 # 9 Exhibit 9 # 10 Exhibit 10 # 11 Exhibit 11 # 12 Exhibit 12 # 13 Exhibit 13 # 14 Exhibit 14 # 15 Exhibit 15 # 16 Exhibit 16 # 17 Exhibit 17 # 18 Exhibit 18 # 19 Exhibit 19) (Luft, Avram)
  923. Doc 2575 ORDER REGARDING MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE. On February 6, 2024, a Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice was filed by sponsoring attorney Ronald Brien. A review of the main case docket demonstrates that Attorney Brien has not filed a Notice of Appearance in the main case. Therefore, it is hereby
  924. Doc 2574 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, David H. Wander, Esq. to represent Yinying Wang Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Ronald Jay Brien on behalf of Yinying Wang, Interested Party. Receipt #A10795603 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit “”A”” Wander Affidavit # (2) Exhibit “”B”” Proposed Order) (Brien, Ronald)
  925. Doc 2573 CLERK’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee ECF No. 2570, will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received and processed accordingly, see ECF No. 2560. To request a copy of the official transcript(s) prepared by Fiore Reporting and Transcription, please contact the Transcriber directly. (RE: [2570] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  926. Doc 2572 Notice of Filing Monthly Fee Statement (December 2023) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  927. Doc 2571 Objection Filed by Robert J. Grand on behalf of GS Security Solutions, Inc. Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Grand, Robert)
  928. Doc 2570 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 2/5/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  929. Doc 2569 Objection to Trustee’s Motion for Entry of an Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Filed by Christopher J. Major on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Major, Christopher)
  930. Doc 2568 Affidavit in Support of Objection by Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc. and Rule of Law Society IV, Inc. Filed by Douglas M. Evans on behalf of Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc., Rule of Law Society IV, Inc.. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B # (3) Exhibit C # (4) Exhibit D # (5) Exhibit E # (6) Exhibit F # (7) Exhibit G # (8) Exhibit H # (9) Exhibit I # (10) Exhibit J) (Evans, Douglas)
  931. Doc 2567 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on February 5, 2024. (RE: [2560] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  932. Doc 2566 Objection – Objections of Third Parties Crhis Lee and Quidong Xia to Trustee’s Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 108, 546(a), and 549 Filed by Jon P. Newton on behalf of Chris Lee, Qidong Xia. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Newton, Jon)
  933. Doc 2565 Objection of Non-Parties Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc. and Rule of law Society IV, Inc. to Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions under Bankruptcy Code Sections 108,546(a), and 549 Filed by Douglas M. Evans on behalf of Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc., Rule of Law Society IV, Inc. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Attachments: # (1) Appendix unreported cases) (Evans, Douglas)
  934. Doc 2564 Notice of Appearance and Request for Service of Papers Filed by Douglas M. Evans on behalf of Rule of Law Society IV, Inc., Rule of Law Foundation III, Inc., . (Evans, Douglas)
  935. Doc 2563 Objection and Memorandum of Law in Opposition Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  936. Doc 2562 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Eric T. Schmitt , to represent Chris Lee and Qidong Xia Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Jon P. Newton on behalf of Chris Lee, Qidong Xia, Receipt #A10794290 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A – Affidavit # (2) Exhibit B – Proposed Order) (Newton, Jon)
  937. Doc 2561 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jon P. Newton on behalf of Qidong Xia Interested Party, . (Newton, Jon)
  938. Doc 2560 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2558] Hearing Held Hearing held on February 5, 2024 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  939. Doc 2559 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jon P. Newton on behalf of Chris Lee Interested Party, . (Newton, Jon)
  940. Doc 2558 Hearing Held. (RE: [2532] Motion for Order Approving Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Order Granting to enter for the reasons stated on the record. (rms),2/5/2024
  941. Doc 2557 Objection TO THE CHAPTER 11 TRUSTEES MOTION FOR ENTRY OF AN ORDER EXTENDING DEADLINE FOR TRUSTEE TO FILE AVOIDANCE ACTIONS UNDER BANKRUPTCY CODE SECTIONS 108, 546(a), AND 549 Filed by Michael T. Conway on behalf of Taurus Fund LLC Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Conway, Michael)
  942. Doc 2556 Response Reservation of Rights Filed by William S. Fish on behalf of DBS BANK LTD. Defendant. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Fish, William)
  943. Doc 2555 Objection /Declaration of Lisa J. Fried to Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Fried, Lisa)
  944. Doc 2554 Objection to Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Fried, Lisa)
  945. Doc 2553 Objection (Non-Party Defeng Caos Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline For Trustee To File Avoidance Actions) Filed by Adam Friedman on behalf of Defeng Cao Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Friedman, Adam)
  946. Doc 2552 Notice of Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2532] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  947. Doc 2551 Objection to Trustee’s Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo Interested Party. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1) (Vartan, Lee)
  948. Doc 2550 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 12/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  949. Doc 2549 Notice of Appearance Filed by Barry R Lax on behalf of GS Security Solutions, Inc., Infinity Treasury Management Inc., Lamp Capital LLC, . (Lax, Barry)
  950. Doc 2548 Notice of Appearance Filed by Robert Rush Miller on behalf of GS Security Solutions, Inc., Infinity Treasury Management Inc., Lamp Capital LLC, . (Miller, Robert)
  951. Doc 2547 Notice of Appearance Filed by Robert J. Grand on behalf of GS Security Solutions, Inc., Infinity Treasury Management Inc., Lamp Capital LLC, . (Grand, Robert)
  952. Doc 2546 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Genevieve G. Weiner (RE: [2538]). (sr),2/2/2024
  953. Doc 2545 Order Holding Hudson Diamond Holding LLC in Contempt (RE: [1805], [1896]). (rms)
  954. Doc 2544 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on January 30, 2024. (RE: [2541] Request for Transcript filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor). (rms)
  955. Doc 2543 Notice of October 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  956. Doc 2542 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: 2539 Transcript). (rms),2/1/2024
  957. Doc 2541 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on January 30, 2024 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  958. Doc 2540 Notice of / Omnibus Notice of Service and Publication Notice Pursuant to Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Emergency Motion for Entry of, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 105(a) and Bankruptcy Rules 2002 and 9014, (I) Approving Form and Manner of Notice of Trustee’s Forthcoming Tolling Motion and (II) Scheduling Hearing Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2509] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2515] Order on Motion for Order). (Barron, Douglass)
  959. Doc 2539 Transcript . Hearing held on 1/23/24 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/21/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/4/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 04/30/2024.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  960. Doc 2538 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Genevieve G. Weiner Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, William S. Fish on behalf of DBS BANK LTD., Defendant. Receipt #A10786634 Fee Amount $200. (Fish, William)
  961. Doc 2537 Order Granting Twelfth Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 Authorizing Discovery with Respect to Additional Relevant Banks. (RE: [2514]) . (rms),1/30/2024
  962. Doc 2536 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2532] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2535] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  963. Doc 2535 Order Scheduling Expedited Hearing. Hearing to be held on 2/5/2024 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objections to be filed by 01:00 PM on 2/2/2024. (RE: [2532] Motion for Order Approving Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Service to be made by 5:00 PM on January 30, 2024. Certificate of Service to be filed by 5:00 PM on January 31, 2024. (rms)
  964. Doc 2534 Order Granting Eleventh Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 Authorizing Discovery with Respect to Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated with Debtor and Entities Doing Business with Debtor. (RE: [2508]) . (lw),1/29/2024
  965. Doc 2533 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2532] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  966. Doc 2532 Motion for Order Approving Procedures Applicable to Avoidance Claim Adversary Proceedings Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  967. Doc 2531 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 11/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  968. Doc 2530 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Debtors Regarding Update with Respect to Debtor’s Renewed Motion in Criminal Case for an Order Staying these Chapter 11 Cases and Related Adversary Proceedings Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  969. Doc 2529 Affidavit / Supplemental Declaration of Natasha Harrison in Support of Application of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of Pallas Partners LLP as Solicitors Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [1496] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bongartz, Georg)
  970. Doc 2528 Order Granting First Interim Fee Application of Pallas Partners LLP, as Solicitors in United Kingdom, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from January 26,2023 through November 30, 2023 (RE: [2475]). (sr)
  971. Doc 2527 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2514] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  972. Doc 2526 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO CONTINUE. The Motion to Continue Hearing ECF No. [2517] Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee, is GRANTED. The hearing on the Motion to Compel ECF No. [2396] currently set for January 30, 2024, is hereby continued to March 5, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on January 24, 2024. (rms)
  973. Doc 2525 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on January 23, 2024. (RE: [2524] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  974. Doc 2524 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2523] Hearing Held Hearing held on January 23, 2024 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  975. Doc 2523 Hearing Held. (RE: [2475] First Interim Fee Application for Compensation for Pallas Partners LlP). Granted for the reasons stated on the record. Revised proposed order to be submitted. (rms),1/23/2024
  976. Doc 2522 Notice of December, 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  977. Doc 2521 Correspondence received from Tian Liang on January 17, 2024. (lw)
  978. Doc 2520 Order Granting Motion To Appear Remotely (RE: [2518]). (gr),1/23/2024
  979. Doc 2519 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor (Sixth Supplemental Statement) Filed by Stephen M. Kindseth on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor.. (Kindseth, Stephen)
  980. Doc 2518 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on January 23, 2024 at 1:00PM for hearing to be held on First Interim Fee Application for Pallas Partners LLP, ECF No. 2475 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  981. Doc 2517 Motion to Continue Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2396] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  982. Doc 2516 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 12/31/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  983. Doc 2515 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Emergency Motion for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 105(a) and Bankruptcy Rules 2002 and 9014, (I) Approving Form and Manner of Notice of Trustee’s Forthcoming Tolling Motion and (II) Scheduling Hearing (RE: [2494]). (rms)
  984. Doc 2514 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Relevant Banks(Twelfth Supplemental Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  985. Doc 2513 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2508] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  986. Doc 2512 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2494] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  987. Doc 2511 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (December) for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (McCormack, Michael)
  988. Doc 2510 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  989. Doc 2509 Motion for Order / Motion for Entry of Order Extending Deadline for Trustee to File Avoidance Actions Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 108, 546(a), and 549 Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 2 # (2) Exhibit 3 # (3) Exhibit 4 # (4) Exhibit 5 # (5) Exhibit 6 # (6) Exhibit 7 # (7) Exhibit 8 # (8) Exhibit 9 # (9) Exhibit 10 # (10) Exhibit 11) (Barron, Douglass)
  990. Doc 2508 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated and Doing Business With Debtor Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  991. Doc 2507 Notice of Filing of Fifth Invoice of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  992. Doc 2506 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2504] Transcript). (lw),1/16/2024
  993. Doc 2505 ORDER REGARDING SCHEDULED HEARING. A hearing on the Motion for Entry of Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 105(a) and Bankruptcy Rules 2002 and 9014, (I) Approving Form and Manner of Notice of Trustee’s Forthcoming Tolling Motion and (II) Scheduling Hearing (the “”Motion,”” ECF No. 2494), is scheduled to be held on January 16, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. The deadline to object to the Motion was 12:00 p.m. on January 15, 2024. After review of the docket and there being no objection filed to the Motion; it is hereby ORDERED: The Court will take the matter on the papers, and the hearing on the Motion, ECF No. [2494], currently scheduled for January 16, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. will not be held. (zaz)
  994. Doc 2504 Transcript . Hearing held on January 10, 2024 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/5/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 02/15/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 04/15/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  995. Doc 2503 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2498] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Barron, Douglass)
  996. Doc 2502 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $305,791.50 (reduction of $12,800.00) and Reduced Expenses of $26.00 (reduction of $4,927.40; such expenses relate to Barrister Paul Wright and will be sought by Barrister Wright in connection with his fee application). Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2475] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  997. Doc 2501 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on January 10, 2024. (RE: [2499] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  998. Doc 2500 Certificate of Service (Supplemental) Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2494] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2495] Motion to Expedite Hearing filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Barron, Douglass)
  999. Doc 2499 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 1/10/2024 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  1000. Doc 2498 Order Scheduling Expedited Hearing. Hearing to be held on 1/16/2024 at 02:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [2494] Emergency Motion for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 105(a) and Bankruptcy Rules 2002 and 9014, (I) Approving Form and Manner of Notice of Trustee’s Forthcoming Tolling Motion and (II) Scheduling Hearing filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Objection deadline: January 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM. (rms)
  1001. Doc 2497 Status Conference Held. (RE: [2496] Order Setting Status Conference). (rms),1/10/2024

  1002. Doc 2496 Order Scheduling Status Conference. Status Conference to be held on 1/10/2024 at 03:00 PM. Participating Counsel must contact the Clerk’s Office for instructions to connect to the ZoomGov conference by sending an email to: [email protected] (rms),1/10/2024
  1003. Doc 2495 Motion to Expedite Hearing / Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Expedite Hearing on Chapter 11 Trustee’s Emergency Motion for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 105(a) and Bankruptcy Rules 2002 and 9014, (I) Approving Form and Manner of Notice of Trustee’s Forthcoming Tolling Motion and (II) Scheduling Hearing Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2494] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Barron, Douglass)
  1004. Doc 2494 Motion for Order / Chapter 11 Trustee’s Emergency Motion for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 105(a) and Bankruptcy Rules 2002 and 9014, (I) Approving Form and Manner of Notice of Trustee’s Forthcoming Tolling Motion and (II) Scheduling Hearing Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Barron, Douglass)
  1005. Doc 2493 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 11/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1006. Doc 2492 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Debtors Regarding Debtor’s Renewed Motion in Criminal Case for an Order Staying these Chapter 11 Cases and Related Adversary Proceedings Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1007. Doc 2491 Affidavit /Declaration Pursuant to Preliminary Injunction Order Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo Interested Party.. (Vartan, Lee)
  1008. Doc 2490 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee Regarding Update with Respect to Debtor’s Criminal Proceedings Pending in United States District Court for Southern District of New York Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1009. Doc 2489 Order Approving, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee Regarding Settlement with United States of America (RE: [2083]). (rms)
  1010. Doc 2488 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [2479] Transcript). (rms),1/2/2024
  1011. Doc 2487 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [2482] Transcript). (rms),1/2/2024
  1012. Doc 2486 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [2481] Transcript). (rms),1/2/2024
  1013. Doc 2485 ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT Case No. 3:23-cv-01514-KAD, ECF No. 17 (RE: [2336] Notice of Appeal filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC). (kg) ORDER CONSOLIDATING CASES. Case number 3:23-cv-1516 to be consolidated into 3:23-cv-1514. The Clerk of the Court is directed to consolidate the cases. Future filings should be docketed in 3:23-cv-1514 only. Signed by Judge Kari A. Dooley on 12/28/2023. (Chambers, Jillian) (Entered: 12/28/2023)
  1014. Doc 2484 Notice of Filing of Closing Statement Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2449] Order on Motion to Sell 363(b)). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1015. Doc 2483 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 10/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1016. Doc 2482 Transcript . Hearing held on 12/21/2023 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 01/23/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 02/2/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 04/1/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  1017. Doc 2481 Transcript . Hearing held on 12/18/2023 Requested by Patrick Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 01/23/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 02/2/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 04/1/2024.(Matthews, Gene)
  1018. Doc 2480 Adversary case 23-05028. Complaint (91 (Declaratory judgment)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Ace Decade Holdings Limited, Yanping “”Yvette”” Wang, Rui Hao. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1019. Doc 2479 Transcript . Hearing held on 12/19/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 01/18/2024. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 01/29/2024. Transcript access will be restricted through 03/27/2024.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1020. Doc 2478 Notice of Filing of Fourth Invoice of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1021. Doc 2477 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2475] Interim Application for Compensation). Hearing to be held on 1/23/2024 at 01:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 1/16/2024. (lw)
  1022. Doc 2476 Notice of Change in Hourly Rates of Pullman & Comley, LLC, Counsel to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Filed by Jonathan Kaplan on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Creditor Committee. (RE: [298] Order on Application to Employ). (Kaplan, Jonathan)
  1023. Doc 2475 Interim Application for Compensation First Interim Fee Application for Pallas Partners LLP, Other Professional, Fee: $318,591.50, Expenses: $4,953.04. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz, Attorney. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1024. Doc 2474 Order Granting Tenth Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 Authorizing Discovery with Respect to Additional Relevant Banks. (RE: [2434]) (lw),12/27/2023
  1025. Doc 2473 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee Regarding Update with respect to Motion for Return of Property filed by Alleged Customers of Himalaya Exchange in Debtor’s Criminal Proceedings Pending in United States District Court for Southern District of New York Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1026. Doc 2472 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Debtors Regarding Further Update with Respect to Debtor’s Motion in Criminal Case for an Order Staying these Chapter 11 Cases and Associated Adversary Proceedings Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1027. Doc 2471 Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena (RE: [2469]). Hearing to be held on 2/13/2024 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (rms)
  1028. Doc 2470 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (November) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1029. Doc 2469 Motion to Continue Hearing on Motion to Compel Hearing Upon Consent Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG, Interested Party (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Fried, Lisa)
  1030. Doc 2468 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2441] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1031. Doc 2467 CLERK’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee ECF No. 2458, will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received and processed accordingly, see ECF No. 2457. To request a copy of the official transcript(s) prepared by Fiore Reporting and Transcription, please contact the Transcriber directly. (RE: [2458] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (sr)
  1032. Doc 2466 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 11/30/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  1033. Doc 2465 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 10/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1034. Doc 2464 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription. (RE: [2457] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on December 19, 2023 (lbw)
  1035. Doc 2463 Request for Transcript Sent to Reliable (RE: [2448] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing held on December 18, 2023 (lbw)
  1036. Doc 2462 Notice of November 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1037. Doc 2461 Notice of Expense Report of Chapter 11 Trustee for November 2023 in Connection with Order Approving, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Chapter 11 Trustees Settlement with Assignee of HCHK Entities Under New York Court Assignment Proceedings Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2038] Order on Motion to Compromise). (Barron, Douglass)
  1038. Doc 2460 Stipulated Addendum to Protective Order (RE: [923], [2456] ). (rms)
  1039. Doc 2459 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (November) for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (McCormack, Michael)
  1040. Doc 2458 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 12/19/2023 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  1041. Doc 2457 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2455] Hearing Held Hearing held on December 19, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1042. Doc 2456 Motion to Approve Stipulation with FDIC-Receiver Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [923] Order on Motion for Protective Order) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1043. Doc 2455 Status Conference Held. (RE: [2429] Order Setting Status Conference). No further Status Conference will be scheduled at this time. (rms),12/19/2023
  1044. Doc 2454 Notice of Change in Hourly Rates of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Debtors Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1045. Doc 2453 Notice of Change in Hourly Rates of Pallas LLP, Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [1596] Order on Application to Employ). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1046. Doc 2452 Notice of Change in Hourly Rates of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, as Claims and Noticing Agent to Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Debtors Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (RE: [1449] Amended Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1047. Doc 2451 Notice of Change in Hourly Rates of Harney Westwood and Riegels LP, as British Virgin Islands Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Holdings Corporation Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtor. (RE: [909] Order on Application to Employ, [1286] Order on Application to Employ). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1048. Doc 2450 Notice of Change in Hourly Rates of Paul Hastings LLP, Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Debtors Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (RE: [668] Order on Application to Employ, [1376] Order on Application to Employ). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1049. Doc 2449 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 AND 363,Bankruptcy Rules 2002 AND 6004(c) and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004-2, (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of The Lady May II Free and Clear of LIens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief (Related Doc # [2375]). (rms)
  1050. Doc 2448 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 12/18/2023 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  1051. Doc 2447 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record: (RE: [2375] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is granted. Revised proposed order to be submitted by Trustee’s counsel. (RE: [2420] Sealed Document Filed filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is under advisment. Status conference held. (Re: [2429] Order Setting Status Conference). Status conference continued to December 19, 2023 at 2:00 PM remotely. (rms)
  1052. Doc 2446 Order Granting Motion To Appear Remotely (RE: [2445]). (zaz),12/18/2023
  1053. Doc 2445 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on December 18, 2023 at 2:30PM for hearing to be held on Motion to Approve Sale of Lady May II, ECF No. 2375 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1054. Doc 2444 Notice and Acknowledgment of Docketing Record on Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:23-cv-01514-KAD (RE: [2336] Notice of Appeal). (kg)
  1055. Doc 2443 Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena (RE: [2439]) Motion to Compel Compliance with Bk. Rule 2004 Subpoena by UBS AG Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Hearing to be held on 1/30/2024 at 02:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1362] ) (rms)
  1056. Doc 2442 Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling DBS Bank Ltd to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena (RE: [2438]). Hearing on Motion to Compel, ECF No. [2396], is adjourned to January 30, 2024 at 2:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  1057. Doc 2441 Affidavit / Supplemental Declaration of Dirk Johnson in Support of Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004-2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of Lady May II Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2375] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1058. Doc 2440 Notice of Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2429] Order Setting Status Conference). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1059. Doc 2439 Motion to Continue Hearing on Motion to Compel Hearing Upon Consent Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1060. Doc 2438 Motion for Order Consented to Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Adjourn Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling DBS Bank LTD to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1061. Doc 2437 Transmittal of Record of Appeal to U.S. District Court, Case No. 3:23-cv-1514-KAD (RE: [2336] Notice of Appeal, [2398] Appellant Designation, Statement of Issues on Appeal, [2433] Appellee Designation (Attachments: # (1) Appellant Designation # (2) Appellee Designation # (3) Electronic Docket # (4) Appellant Designated Items from 23-05013 # (5) Appellee Designated Items from 23-05013). (dd)
  1062. Doc 2436 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1063. Doc 2435 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2434] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1064. Doc 2434 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Relevant Banks (Tenth Supplemental Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1065. Doc 2433 Appellee Designation of Contents for Inclusion in Record of Appeal (RE:)[2336] Notice of Appeal, [2398] Appellant Designation Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1066. Doc 2432 Objection to Motion to Waive Privilege Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor. (RE: [2420] Sealed Document Filed filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A) (Moriarty, James)
  1067. Doc 2431 Order Granting Motion to Extend Time. (RE:[2430]) . (rms),12/13/2023
  1068. Doc 2430 Motion to Extend Time to Respond to Subpoena (On Consent) to December 15, 2023 Filed by William S. Fish on behalf of DBS BANK LTD., Defendant. (Fish, William)
  1069. Doc 2429 ORDER SCHEDULING STATUS CONFERENCE: On December 8, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, filed the Notice Regarding Motion for Return of Property Filed by Alleged Customers of Himalaya Exchange in Debtor’s Criminal Proceedings (the “”Notice””). (ECF No. [2425].) The Notice states that the Trustee is available for a Status Conference regarding the contents therein. Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: A Status Conference on the Notice (ECF No. [2425]) shall be held at 2:30 p.m. on December 18, 2023 in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on December 12, 2023. (rms)
  1070. Doc 2428 Order Granting Motion to Extend Time. (RE:[2427]) . (rms),12/11/2023
  1071. Doc 2427 Motion to Extend Time to RESPOND TO SUBPOENA to DECEMBER 13, 2023 Filed by William S. Fish on behalf of DBS BANK LTD., Defendant. (Fish, William)
  1072. Doc 2426 Notice of Appearance Filed by William S. Fish on behalf of DBS BANK LTD. Defendant, . (Fish, William)
  1073. Doc 2425 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee Regarding Motion for Return of Property Filed by Alleged Customers of Himalaya Exchange in Debtor’s Criminal Proceedings Pending in United States District Court for Southern District of New York Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1074. Doc 2424 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327 and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of Eisner Advisory Group LLC, as Tax Advisors, effective as of October 23, 2023 (RE: [2282]). (sr)
  1075. Doc 2423 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO EXPEDITE HEARING AND SEAL MOTION: On December 5, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the ‘Trustee’) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the ‘Individual Debtor’) filed a motion under seal (the ‘Sealed Motion’) (ECF No. [2420]), and a motion to (a) expedite the hearing on the Sealed Motion and (b) seal the Sealed Motion and attached exhibits (the ‘Motion’) (ECF No. [2421]). Upon review of the Motion, cause for the relief requested therein being found, it is hereby ORDERED: The Motion (ECF No. [2421]) is GRANTED. A hearing on the Sealed Motion (ECF No. [2420]) shall be held on December 18, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT; and it is further ORDERED: On or before December 13, 2023, the Individual Debtor shall file any response or objection to the Sealed Motion; and it is further ORDERED: On or before December 15, 2023, the Trustee shall file any reply in support of the Sealed Motion; and it is further ORDERED: The Sealed Motion may be filed under seal at this time because it and its exhibits concern potentially privileged information. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on December 6, 2023. (rms)
  1076. Doc 2422 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2396] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1077. Doc 2421 Motion to Expedite Hearing and Approve Sealed Filing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2420] Sealed Document Filed filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1078. Doc 2420 Sealed Document Filed. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1079. Doc 2419 Notice of September 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1080. Doc 2418 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2375] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2400] Notice 6004-1(a) Notice of Proposed Private/Public Sale filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2405] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1081. Doc 2417 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Enter Into, and Perform Under, Alteration Agreement with Sherry Netherland, Inc. (RE: [2313]). (rms)
  1082. Doc 2416 CLERK’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by Joseph M. Pastore III, ECF No. 2415, will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received in the adversary proceeding Case No. 23-5013 and processed accordingly, see ECF No. 215 in AP Case No. 23-5013. To request a copy of the official transcript(s) prepared by Reliable, please contact the Transcriber directly. (RE: [2415] Request for Transcript filed by Interested Party 1332156 B.C. LTD). (sr)
  1083. Doc 2415 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 11/29/2023 Filed by Joseph M. Pastore III on behalf of 1332156 B.C. LTD, Interested Party Transcription Service Requested: Access Transcripts (Pastore, Joseph)
  1084. Doc 2414 CLERK’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by 1332156 B.C. LTD ECF No. 2413, will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received and processed accordingly, see ECF No. 2388. To request a copy of the official transcript(s) prepared by Reliable, please contact the Transcriber directly. (RE: [2413] Request for Transcript filed by Interested Party 1332156 B.C. LTD). (lw)
  1085. Doc 2413 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 11/28/2023 Filed by Joseph M. Pastore III on behalf of 1332156 B.C. LTD, Interested Party Transcription Service Requested: Access Transcripts (Pastore, Joseph)
  1086. Doc 2412 Order Granting Trustee’s Fifth Motion Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1452 and Bankruptcy Rules 9006(b) and 9027, Extending Trustee’s Deadline for Removal of Civil Actions. (RE:[2337]) . (rms)
  1087. Doc 2411 Order Granting First Interim Fee Application of Harney Westwood & Reigels LP, as British Virgin Islands Counsel, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from July 31, 2022 through July 31, 2023 (RE: [2259]). (sr)
  1088. Doc 2410 Order Granting Application of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., for third Interim Allowance of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses as local and conflicts Counsel to the Chapter 11 Trustee and as Counsel to Debtors Genever Holdings Corporation and Genever Holdings LLC (RE: [2260]). (sr)
  1089. Doc 2409 Order Granting Second Interim Fee Application of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC as Claims and Noticing Agent for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of all Actual and Necessary Expenses incurred for the period from March 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023 (RE: [2258]). (sr)
  1090. Doc 2408 Order Granting Third Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period from July 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023 (RE: [2256]). (sr)
  1091. Doc 2407 Order Granting Second Interim Fee Application of Pullman & Comley, LLC as Counsel to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and Reimbursement of Expenses incurred from May 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023 (RE: [2255]). (sr)
  1092. Doc 2406 Order Compelling Seacoast National Bank to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena and Awarding Sanctions. (RE: [2342]). (rms),11/30/2023
  1093. Doc 2405 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2375] Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004 2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May II Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 12/18/2023 at 03:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 5:00 pm on 12/15/2023. (rms)
  1094. Doc 2404 Order Scheduling Expedited Hearing. Hearing to be held on 12/18/2023 at 03:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [2396] Motion for Order Compelling DBS Bank Ltd to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) Service to be made on or before 12/1/2023. Certificate of Service due on or before 12/4/2023. (rms)
  1095. Doc 2403 CLERK’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by G Club Operations, LLC ECF No. 2397, will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received and processed accordingly, see ECF No. 2301. To request a copy of the official transcript(s) prepared by Fiore Reporting and Transcription, please contact the Transcriber directly. (RE: [2397] Request for Transcript filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC). (lw)
  1096. Doc 2402 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on November 28, 2023. (RE: [2388] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  1097. Doc 2401 Notice of October 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1098. Doc 2400 Notice of Proposed Private Sale of Estate Property on December 22, 2023 of Lady May II yacht. A hearing on any objections to the sale to be held on December 18, 2023 at 3:00PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Last Day for Objections due by December 15, 2023. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, . (Bongartz, Georg)
  1099. Doc 2399 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2396] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1100. Doc 2398 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal (RE:)[2317] Order District Court, [2333] Order District Court, [2336] Notice of Appeal. Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party., Statement of Issues on Appeal, (RE:)[2317] Order District Court, [2333] Order District Court, [2336] Notice of Appeal Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party Appellee Designation due by 12/13/2023. (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  1101. Doc 2397 Request for Transcript Re: Appeal . Hearing held on 10/24/2023 Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  1102. Doc 2396 Motion for Order Motion for Entry of Order Compelling DBS Bank LTD to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1103. Doc 2395 Order Providing (A) Method of Service of, and (B) for an Expedited Hearing on, Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c) and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004-2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May II Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief. (RE: [2376]). (rms)
  1104. Doc 2394 Order Granting Ninth Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 Authorizing Discovery with Respect to Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated with Debtor and Entities Doing Business with Debtor. (RE: [2308]) . (rms),11/29/2023
  1105. Doc 2393 Order Granting Eighth Supplemental Omnibus Motion of the Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 Authorizing Discovery with Respect to Additional Relevant Banks. (RE: [2304]) . (rms),11/29/2023
  1106. Doc 2392 Notice of Filing Email Correspondence with Counsel for Seacoast National Bank Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2342] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1107. Doc 2391 Notice of Filing of Further Revised Proposed Order Approving Third Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period from July 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2256] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1108. Doc 2390 Hearing Held. Order Granting ECF Nos. 2255, 2256, 2258, 2259, 2260 (Revised proposed order to be submitted on or before November 29, 2023), 2304, and 2308. ECF Nos. 2282 (Parties to report to Court on or before December 5, 2023) and 2342 (Counsel to submit supplemental documents on or before December 6, 2023) is under advisement. Status Conference Held. No further conferences will be scheduled at this time. (RE: [2255] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Committee Pullman & Comley, LLC, [2256] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [2258] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, [2259] Application for Compensation, [2260] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., [2282] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever HoldingsCorporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2304] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2308] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2342] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2362] Order Granting Motion for Status Conference). (lw)
  1109. Doc 2389 Notice of Filing of Third Invoice of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1110. Doc 2388 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 11/28/2023 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Linsey, Patrick)
  1111. Doc 2387 Notice of Filing Status Conference Presentation Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1112. Doc 2386 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on 11/28/2023. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney. (RE: [2260] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Skalka, Douglas)
  1113. Doc 2385 Notice of Revised Proposed Order Approving Third Interim Fee Application of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period from August 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney. (RE: [2260] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Skalka, Douglas)
  1114. Doc 2384 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order Approving Third Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period From July 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2256] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1115. Doc 2383 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order Approving First Interim Fee Application of Harney Westwood & Riegels LP for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from July 31, 2022 through July 31, 2023 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2259] Application for Compensation). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1116. Doc 2382 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order Approving Second Interim Fee Application of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC for Allowance of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from March 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2258] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1117. Doc 2381 Withdrawal Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party. (RE: [2308] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2331] Objection filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC). (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1118. Doc 2380 Withdrawal Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party. (RE: [2304] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2320] Objection filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC). (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1119. Doc 2379 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees after Aggregate Reduction of $36,477.50 for the months of August 2023 and September 2023 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2293] Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2294] Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1120. Doc 2378 Order Granting Request To Appear Remotely (RE: [2374]). (rms),11/27/2023
  1121. Doc 2377 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 09/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1122. Doc 2376 Motion for Order / Trustee’s Emergency Motion Seeking Entry of Order Providing (A) Method of Service of, and (B) for an Expedited Hearing on, Trustees Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004 2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May II Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1123. Doc 2375 Motion to Sell / Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004 2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May II Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1124. Doc 2374 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on Nov. 28, 2023 at 2:00PM for hearing to be held on Chapter 11 Trustee’s and Genever Debtors’ Application to Employ Eisner Advisory Group LLC as Their Tax Advisors, ECF No. 2282 (As to Eisner Advisory Group LLC’s Representative Only) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1125. Doc 2373 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2350] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1126. Doc 2372 Reply to (related document(s): [2308] Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated with Debtor and Entities Doing Business with Debtor(Ninth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)Omnibus Reply to Objections to Chapter 11 Trustee’s Ninth Rule 2004 Motion Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2308] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1127. Doc 2371 Notice of Filing Exhibit A to Reply Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2369] Reply filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1128. Doc 2370 Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena.(RE: [2368]) . Hearing adjourned to 12/19/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (rms)
  1129. Doc 2369 Reply to (related document(s): [2304] Motion for 2004 Examination of Relevant Banks(Eighth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)Omnibus Reply to Objections to Chapter 11 Trustee’s Eighth Rule 2004 Motion Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2304] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1130. Doc 2368 Motion to Continue Hearing Upon Consent Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1131. Doc 2367 Notice of Appearance Filed by Tyler W. Rutherford on behalf of 1332156 B.C. LTD, GWGOPNZ Limited, Shin Hsin Yu, Jie Zhang, . (Rutherford, Tyler)
  1132. Doc 2366 Notice of Appearance Filed by Paul Fenaroli on behalf of 1332156 B.C. LTD, GWGOPNZ Limited, Shin Hsin Yu, Jie Zhang, . (Fenaroli, Paul)
  1133. Doc 2365 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO WITHDRAW APPEARANCE. The Motion to Withdraw Appearance of Stephen G. Walko, Esq. representing Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara, LLC, Interested Party, ECF No. [2361], having been filed and because Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara, LLC no longer has any interest in this case; it is herebyORDERED: The Motion to Withdraw Appearance is GRANTED. (RE: [2361]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on November 22, 2023. (rms)
  1134. Doc 2364 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2353] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1135. Doc 2363 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 10/31/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  1136. Doc 2362 ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR STATUS CONFERENCE: On November 20, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, filed his Motion for Status Conference (the “”Motion””). (ECF No. [2357].) The Trustee requests a Status Conference be scheduled at 2:00 p.m. on November 28, 2023. The Trustee intends to update the Court and parties in interest regarding, inter alia, his investigation and how he will handle certain issues related to the upcoming deadline under 11 U.S.C. § 546(a). Other matters in these jointly administered Chapter 11 cases and related adversary proceedings are scheduled at 2:00 p.m. on November 28, 2023. Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: The Motion (ECF No. [2357]) is GRANTED. A Status Conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. on November 28, 2023 in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on November 21, 2023. (rms)
  1137. Doc 2361 Motion to Withdraw Appearance Filed by Stephen G. Walko on behalf of Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara LLC, Interested Party. (Walko, Stephen)
  1138. Doc 2360 Objection Filed by Holley L. Claiborn on behalf of U. S. Trustee U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2282] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1139. Doc 2359 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $3,525,984.25 (reduction of $200,000.00) and Expenses of $146,137.57 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2256] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1140. Doc 2358 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2259] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1141. Doc 2357 Request for Status Conference Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [1] Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1142. Doc 2356 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (October) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney.. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1143. Doc 2355 Interim Application for Compensation for O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC for Michael T. McCormack, Special Counsel, Fee: $19742.00, Expenses: $321.45. Filed by Michael T. McCormack, Attorney. (McCormack, Michael)
  1144. Doc 2354 Notice of Expense Report of Chapter 11 Trustee for October 2023 in Connection with Order Approving, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Chapter 11 Trustee’s Settlement with Assignee of HCHK Entities under New York Court Assignment Proceedings Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2038] Order on Motion to Compromise). (Barron, Douglass)
  1145. Doc 2353 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: 2304 Eighth Omnibus Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, 2308 Ninth Omnibus Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 11/28/2023 at 02:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Certificate of Service due by 11/22/2023. Service to be made on or before 11/21/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1146. Doc 2352 Notice and Acknowledgment of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court. Case No. 3:23-cv-01514-JAM (RE: [2336] Notice of Appeal). (dd),11/17/2023
  1147. Doc 2351 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO WITHDRAW OF ATTORNEY DAVID G. JORDAN. The Motion to Withdraw as Attorney for David G. Jordan filed by Brian Clifford ECF No. [2339] is GRANTED because there are other counsel appearing on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC. However, the Court reminds Attorney Clifford that sharing an CM/ECF Filer or User account to file documents for another person (i.e., filing a motion for another attorney using one’s own CM/ECF login and password) is not permitted. See, Appendix A, Sections 2(c) and 3, to the Bankruptcy Local Rules, found at https://www.ctb.uscourts.gov/local-rules-effective-august-2-2021. (RE: [2339]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on November 17, 2023. (rms)
  1148. Doc 2350 Order Scheduling Expedited Hearing. Hearing to be held on 11/28/2023 at 02:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [2342] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Service on or before 11/17/2023. Certificate of service due in advance of the Hearing. Response to Motion to Compel due 11/27/2023 at 12:00 noon. (rms)
  1149. Doc 2349 Notice of Appearance as Special Insurance Counsel Filed by Amy E. Markim on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor, . (Markim, Amy)
  1150. Doc 2348 Notice of Appearance as Special Insurance Counsel Filed by Timothy P. Jensen on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor, . (Jensen, Timothy)
  1151. Doc 2347 Notice of Appearance as Special Insurance Counsel Filed by Michael T. McCormack on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor, . (McCormack, Michael)
  1152. Doc 2346 Order Denying Motion to Stay Pending Appeal and Ex Parte Motion to Expedite Hearing on Motion to Stay Pending Appeal (RE: [2338], [2340]). (zaz)
  1153. Doc 2345 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court. Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC, docketed the Notice of Appeal (ECF No. 2336), but failed to use the correct CM/ECF event. The Clerk’s Office has adjusted the event code of ECF No. 2336 in order to transmit the Notice of Appeal to the U.S. District Court (RE: [2336] Notice of Appeal) (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) ECF No. 179 Order in AP 23-5013). (dd)
  1154. Doc 2344 Notice of G Club Operations LLC’s Emergency Motion to Stay Pending Appeal Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 8007 Filed with the District Court Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party.. (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1155. Doc 2343 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2342] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1156. Doc 2342 Motion to Compel Seacoast National Bank to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1157. Doc 2341 Response Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2340] Motion to Expedite Hearing filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1158. Doc 2340 Motion to Expedite Hearing on Emergency Motion to Stay Pending Appeal Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party (RE: [2338] Motion To Stay Pending Appeal filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC) (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1159. Doc 2339 Motion to Withdraw Appearance Filed by Brian J Clifford on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor. (Clifford, Brian)
  1160. Doc 2338 Motion To Stay Pending Appeal Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party (RE: [2336] Notice filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC) (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1161. Doc 2337 Motion to Extend Time to extend deadline for removal of civil actions to April 1, 2024 (Fifth Motion) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1162. Doc 2336 Notice of Appeal Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party.. (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1163. Doc 2335 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2334] Transcript). (lw),11/15/2023
  1164. Doc 2334 Transcript . Hearing held on 11/7/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 12/6/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 12/18/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 02/13/2024.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1165. Doc 2333 JUDGMENT FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT Case No. 3:23-cv-01068-KAD (ECF No. 14) (RE: ECF No. 2073 Motion for Leave to Appeal) (kg),11/14/2023
  1166. Doc 2332 Certificate of Service Filed by Joseph M. Pastore III on behalf of 1332156 B.C. LTD, GWGOPNZ Limited, Shin Hsin Yu, Jie Zhang. (RE: [2326] Objection filed by Interested Party 1332156 B.C. LTD, Interested Party GWGOPNZ Limited, Interested Party Shin Hsin Yu, Interested Party Jie Zhang). (Pastore, Joseph)
  1167. Doc 2331 Objection Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party. (RE: [2308] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1168. Doc 2330 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $95,036.00 (a reduction of $4,000.00) and Expenses of $7,562.34 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2258] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1169. Doc 2329 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $280,180.00 (a reduction of $4,000.00) and Expenses of $1,849.00 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2260] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1170. Doc 2328 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2255] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Committee Pullman & Comley, LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1171. Doc 2327 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2308] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1172. Doc 2326 Objection Filed by Joseph M. Pastore III on behalf of 1332156 B.C. LTD, GWGOPNZ Limited, Shin Hsin Yu, Jie Zhang. (RE: [2308] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Pastore, Joseph)
  1173. Doc 2325 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 09/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1174. Doc 2324 Certificate of Service Filed by Joseph M. Pastore III on behalf of 1332156 B.C. LTD, GWGOPNZ Limited, Shin Hsin Yu, Jie Zhang. (RE: [2318] Notice of Appearance filed by Interested Party 1332156 B.C. LTD, Interested Party GWGOPNZ Limited, Interested Party Shin Hsin Yu, Interested Party Jie Zhang, [2319] Objection filed by Interested Party Shin Hsin Yu, Interested Party Jie Zhang). (Pastore, Joseph)
  1175. Doc 2323 U.S. Trustee’s Statement that P&C has agreed to a voluntary reduction of $575.00 for the September 2023 fee statement in response to a request by the UST. Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2269] Statement filed by Creditor Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1176. Doc 2322 U.S. Trustee’s Statement that NPM has agreed to a voluntary reduction of $945.00 for the September 2023 fee statement in response to a request by the UST. Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2268] Notice filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1177. Doc 2321 U.S. Trustee’s Statement that OMJB has agreed to a voluntary reduction of $1,105 for the July 2023/August 2023 fee statement in response to a request by the UST. Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2271] Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1178. Doc 2320 Objection G Club Operations LLC’s Limited Objection to Eighth Supplemental Ominibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Under Rule 2004 Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party. (RE: [2304] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  1179. Doc 2319 Objection Filed by Joseph M. Pastore III on behalf of Shin Hsin Yu, Jie Zhang. (RE: [2304] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Pastore, Joseph)
  1180. Doc 2318 Notice of Appearance Filed by Joseph M. Pastore III on behalf of GWGOPNZ Limited, 1332156 B.C. LTD, Shin Hsin Yu, Jie Zhang, . (Pastore, Joseph)
  1181. Doc 2317 ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT DENYING APPELLANT’S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL Case No. 3:23-cv-1068-KAD (ECF No. 13) (dd) (RE: 2073 Motion for Leave Of Order Holding Debtor in Contempt of Court and Denying Motion for Stay of Order Compelling Production Filed by Eric A. Henzy on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor).
  1182. Doc 2316 Order Limiting Service of Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to enter into, and perform under, Alteration, Agreement with Sherry Netherland, Inc. to Remediate areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment affected by March 15, 2023 Fire (RE: [2314]) . (sr)
  1183. Doc 2315 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2304] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1184. Doc 2314 Motion to Limit Notice / Motion to Limit Service of Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Enter Into, and Perform Under, Alteration Agreement with Sherry Netherland, Inc. to Remediate Areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment Affected by March 15, 2023 Fire Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor (RE: [2313] Motion for Order filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) (Despins, Luc)
  1185. Doc 2313 Motion for Order / Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Enter Into, and Perform Under, Alteration Agreement with Sherry Netherland, Inc. to Remediate Areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment Affected by March 15, 2023 Fire Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor. Contested Matter Response(s) due by 11/29/2023. (Despins, Luc)
  1186. Doc 2312 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on November 7, 2023. (RE: [2311] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  1187. Doc 2311 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2309] Hearing Held Hearing held on November 7, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1188. Doc 2310 Order Approving, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee regarding Settlement with Casper Firm (RE: [2247]). (sr)
  1189. Doc 2309 Hearing Held. Order Granting to enter. (RE: [2247] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw),11/7/2023
  1190. Doc 2308 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated with Debtor and Entities Doing Business with Debtor(Ninth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1191. Doc 2307 ORDER REGARDING HEARING SCHEDULED TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 7, 2023: Scheduled for hearing on November 7, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) is the Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement with the Casper Firm, LLC (the ”Motion”) (ECF No. 2247). No objections have been filed. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1192. Doc 2306 Certificate of Service Filed by Irve J. Goldman on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Creditor Committee. (RE: [2255] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Committee Pullman & Comley, LLC, [2276] Notice of Hearing). (Goldman, Irve)
  1193. Doc 2305 Notice of Filing of Second Invoice of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1194. Doc 2304 Motion for 2004 Examination of Relevant Banks(Eighth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1195. Doc 2303 Status Report Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1196. Doc 2302 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2301] Transcript). (lw),11/2/2023
  1197. Doc 2301 Transcript . Hearing held on 10/24/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 11/27/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 12/4/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 01/31/2024.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1198. Doc 2300 Order Granting Motion to Modify Order Limiting Notice for Applications seeking Compensation of Fees or Reimbursement of Expenses (RE: [2297]) . (sr),10/31/2023
  1199. Doc 2299 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2282] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2290] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1200. Doc 2298 Order Granting Withdrawal of Appearance of Marcy J. McLaughlin Smith (RE: 2296). (sr),10/30/2023
  1201. Doc 2297 Motion to Limit Notice Filed by Jonathan Kaplan on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Committee (RE: [2255] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Committee Pullman & Comley, LLC) (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Kaplan, Jonathan)
  1202. Doc 2296 Motion to Withdraw Appearance / Motion To Withdraw Appearance Of Marcy J. McLaughlin Smith Filed by Marcy J. McLaughlin Smith on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Proposed Order) (McLaughlin Smith, Marcy)
  1203. Doc 2295 Notice of / Joint Report of Chapter 11 Trustee and Defendants Greenwich Land, LLC and Hing Chi Ngok Regarding Personalty and Fixtures Located on or in Taconic Property 23-5005 Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2283] Hearing Held). (Bassett, Nicholas)
  1204. Doc 2294 Notice of September 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1205. Doc 2293 Notice of August 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Kroll, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1206. Doc 2292 Adversary case 23-05023. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee for Estate of Ho Wan Kwok Pursuant to Sections 541, 542, and 544 of Bankruptcy Code Seeking (I) Declaratory Judgment that Each of Lamp Capital LLC, Hudson Diamond NY LLC, and Leading Shine NY Ltd. is Alter Ego of Debtor, and (II) Related Relief (11 (Recovery of money/property – 542 turnover of property)) (91 (Declaratory judgment)) filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Lamp Capital LLC, Infinity Treasury Management Inc., Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Hudson Diamond Holding LLC, Leading Shine NY Ltd., Mei Guo, Yanping a/k/a Yvette Wang. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. EXCLUDES EXHIBITS
  1207. Doc 2291 Notice of / Joint Report of Chapter 11 Trustee and Taurus Fund LLC, Scott Barnett, and Taurus Management LLC Regarding Personalty and Fixtures in or on Mahwah Mansion Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2283] Hearing Held). (Bassett, Nicholas)
  1208. Doc 2290 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2282] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 11/28/2023 at 02:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 11/21/2023. (lw)
  1209. Doc 2289 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [2284] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on October 24, 2023. (lw)
  1210. Doc 2288 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2286] Transcript). (lw),10/25/2023
  1211. Doc 2287 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2260] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). (Skalka, Douglas)
  1212. Doc 2286 Transcript . Hearing held on 10/17/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 11/14/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 11/27/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 01/22/2024.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1213. Doc 2285 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2256] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [2258] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, [2259] Application for Compensation, [2276] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1214. Doc 2284 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2283] Hearing Held Hearing held on October 24, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1215. Doc 2283 Status Conference Held. ECF No. 2270 is under advisement. Trustee and counsel for Taurus Fund to meet and confer and file report by 2:00 p.m. on October 26, 2023, Authorized representative of Taurus Fund to file report of all assets in or on Mawhaw, New Jersey by October 31, 2023, the Trustee and counsel for Greenwich Land will meet and confer and file a report by 2:00 p.m. on October 27, 2023. (RE: [2270] Order Scheduling Hearing Regarding G Club Documents, [2279] Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Emergency Motion for Status Conference to Discuss Preservation of Property of Estate and Ordering Certain Counsel to Appear at Status Conference.). (lw)
  1216. Doc 2282 Application to Employ Eisner Advisory Group LLC as Tax Advisors / Application of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC, for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327 and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of Eisner Advisory Group LLC as Tax Advisors, Effective as of October 23, 2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (Despins, Luc)
  1217. Doc 2281 Order Granting Seventh Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for entry of Order under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 authorizing Discovery with respect to Additional Relevant Banks (RE: [2249]) . (sr),10/24/2023
  1218. Doc 2280 ORDER REGARDING HEARINGS SCHEDULED TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 23, 2023: Scheduled for hearing on October 23, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. are a discovery dispute between Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “Trustee”) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, and G-Club Operations LLC in Mr. Kwok’s Chapter 11 case (In re Kwok, Case No. 22-50073 (JAM) (Bankr. D. Conn.Oct. 20, 2023), ECF No. 2270) and in a related adversary proceeding (Despins v. HCHK Technologies, Inc. (In re Kwok), Case No. 22-50073 (JAM), Adv. P. No. 23-05013 (JAM) (Bankr. D. Conn. Oct. 20, 2023), ECF No. 157) and a discovery dispute between the Trustee and Ms. Mei Guo (Despins v. Guo (In re Kwok), Case No. 22-50073 (JAM), Adv. P. No. 23-05008 (JAM) (Bankr. D. Conn. Oct. 18, 2023), ECF No. 32) (collectively, the “Matters”). Taking into consideration the nature of the matters in dispute, it is hereby
  1219. Doc 2279 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Emergency Motion for Status Conference to Discuss Preservation of Property of Estate. (RE: [2277]). (lw),10/23/2023
  1220. Doc 2278 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 09/30/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  1221. Doc 2277 Motion for Order / Emergency Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Status Conference to Discuss Preservation of Property of Estate Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Bassett, Nicholas)
  1222. Doc 2276 Notice of Hearing Issued. (RE: [2255] Application for Compensation filed by Creditor Committee Pullman & Comley, LLC, [2256] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [2258] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, [2259] Application for Compensation, [2260] Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.). Hearing to be held on 11/28/2023 at 02:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 11/21/2023. (lw)
  1223. Doc 2275 Order Regarding Service of Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses. (RE: [2257]) . (lw),10/23/2023
  1224. Doc 2274 ORDER REGARDING MOTION TO COMPEL COMPLIANCE: On January 19, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the ‘Trustee’) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, filed the Motion to Compel Compliance with Preliminary Injunction and Quash Individual Debtor’s Claims Objections (the ‘Motion’). (Main Case ECF No. 1345.) That same day, the Trustee filed a motion analogous to the Motion (the ‘Adversary Motion,’ and, together with the Motion, collectively, the ‘Motions’) insofar as it sought to compel compliance with the preliminary injunction in the adversary proceeding Pac. All. Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. v. Kwok (In re Kwok), Case No. 22-50073 (JAM), Adv. P. No. 22-05032 (JAM) (Bankr. D. Conn. Jan. 13, 2023) (hereinafter, the ‘Adversary Proceeding’) in the Adversary Proceeding. (Adv. ECF No. 142.) Objections and replies were filed. A hearing on the Motions was held on January 26, 2023. On January 27, 2023,the Court granted the relief sought by the Motion as it related to the Mr. Kwok’s objections to claims. (Main Case ECF No. 1399.) Subsequently, the Trustee indicated that this action had achieved the result he sought through the Motions. Hence, while the Motions are before the Court as they relate to compelling compliance with the preliminary injunction, the Court has not acted on the Motions. During a hearing on September 19, 2023, the Court inquired as to the status of the Motions and the Trustee told the Court he would report back. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1225. Doc 2273 Notice of Filing by Chapter 11 Trustee of United States Department of Justices Opposition to Debtors Motion in Criminal Case for Order Compelling Discovery of Communications and Documents Exchanged with Chapter 11 Trustee Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1) (Bongartz, Georg)
  1226. Doc 2272 Notice of September 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1227. Doc 2271 Notice of Monthly Fee Statement of O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1228. Doc 2270 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING REGARDING G CLUB DOCUMENTS: On July 11, 2023 and July 18, 2023, hearings were held on, respectively, the Motion Regarding Settlement with Assignee of HCHK Entities under New York Court Assignment Proceedings (the “9019 Motion”) (Main Case ECF No. 1936; Adv. ECF No. 25) and a revised proposed order (the “Revised Proposed Order”) regarding the 9019 Motion (Main Case ECF No. 2004; Adv. ECF No. 55), both filed by Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “Trustee”) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok. G-Club Operations LLC (“G-Club”) filed objections to the 9019 Motion and the Revised Proposed Order. (Main Case ECF Nos. 1977, 2007.) On July 28, 2023, the Court entered an order (the “9019 Order”) granting the 9019 Motion and approving the settlement between the Trustee and the Assignee. (Main Case ECF No. 2038; Adv. ECFNo. 70.) The 9019 Order responded to G-Club’s only remaining objection to the 9019 Motion (see Main Case ECF No. 2030, at 128:5–48:8) by setting a briefing schedule whereby the Trustee and G-Club would contest whether G-Club had waived any and all rights regarding its documents in the possession of the assignee for the benefit of creditors (the “Assignee”). (Main Case ECF No. 2038 ¶ 6; Adv. ECF No. 70 ¶ 6.) The Trustee timely filed a memorandum on August 11, 2023. (Adv. ECF No. 87.) After certain developments (see Main Case ECF No. 2237), G-Club filed a response to the Trustee’s memorandum (Main Case ECF No. 2244). Accordingly, it is hereby
  1229. Doc 2269 Statement – Monthly Fee Statement of Pullman & Comley, LLC, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from September 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. Filed by Irve J. Goldman on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Creditor Committee. (RE: [2094] Order on Motion for Order). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B # (3) Exhibit C) (Goldman, Irve)
  1230. Doc 2268 Notice of Filing of Monthly Fee Statement (September) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney.. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1231. Doc 2267 Statement – / Expense Report of Chapter 11 Trustee for Expenses for Period from August 1, 2023 through September 30, 2023 in Connection with Order Approving, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Chapter 11 Trustee’s Settlement with Assignee of HCHK Entities Under New York Court Assignment Proceedings. Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2038] Order on Motion to Compromise). (Barron, Douglass)
  1232. Doc 2266 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 08/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1233. Doc 2265 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [2262] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on October 17, 2023 (lw)
  1234. Doc 2264 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 08/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1235. Doc 2263 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 07/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1236. Doc 2262 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2261] Hearing Continued/Rescheduled Hearing held on October 17, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1237. Doc 2261 Hearing Held. Continued pursuant to the reasons stated on the record. (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 11/28/2023 at 02:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (lw)
  1238. Doc 2260 Interim Application for Compensation for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $284,180.00, Expenses: $1,849.10. Filed by Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1239. Doc 2259 Interim Application for Compensation for Harney Westwood & Reigels LP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $438,648.00, Expenses: $41,729.06. Filed by Harney Westwood & Reigels LP, Trustee’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1240. Doc 2258 Interim Application for Compensation for Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, Other Professional, Fee: $99,036.00, Expenses: $7,562.34. Filed by Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, Claims/Noticing Agent. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1241. Doc 2257 Motion to Limit Notice Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2256] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1242. Doc 2256 Interim Application for Compensation for Paul Hastings LLP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $3,725,984.25, Expenses: $146,137.57. Filed by Paul Hastings LLP, Debtor’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1243. Doc 2255 Interim Application for Compensation for Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Comm. Aty, Fee: $86,457.50, Expenses: $1,751.60. Filed by Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Committee. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B # (3) Proposed Order) (Goldman, Irve)
  1244. Doc 2254 ORDER REGARDING HEARING SCHEDULED TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 17, 2023: Scheduled for hearing on October 17, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. is the Motion for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena (the ‘Motion’) (ECF No. 1362) and several Pretrial Conferences in adversary proceedings relating to the Debtors’ cases. While the hearing on the Motion may be contested, the parties have been working together to secure compliance and narrow the issues for some time now. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1245. Doc 2253 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2249] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1246. Doc 2252 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2247] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2250] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1247. Doc 2251 Order Limiting Service of Notice of Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Regarding Settlement with Casper Firm. (RE: [2248]) . (lw)
  1248. Doc 2250 Notice of Hearing Issued. (RE: [2247] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 11/7/2023 at 12:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Service to be made on or before 10/11/2023 by 5:00 P.M. Certificate of Service due by 10/13/2023 on or before 5:00 PM. (lw)
  1249. Doc 2249 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Relevant Banks(Seventh Supplemental Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1250. Doc 2248 Motion to Limit Notice Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2247] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1251. Doc 2247 Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement with the Casper Firm, LLC Pursuant to FRBP 9019 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1252. Doc 2246 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2245] Transcript). (lw),10/6/2023
  1253. Doc 2245 Transcript . Hearing held on 09/27/23 Requested by Patrick R. Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 10/27/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 11/6/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 01/4/2024.(Luciano, Lisa)
  1254. Doc 2244 Objection /Response to Trustee’s Memorandum Challenging G Club’s Privilege Assertions in Documents in HCHK’s Possession and Opposition to the Trustee’s Related Proposed Order Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party.. (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  1255. Doc 2243 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2232] Transcript). (lw),9/29/2023
  1256. Doc 2242 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [2238] Request for Transcript filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing held on September 27, 2023. (lw)
  1257. Doc 2241 Order Granting Application of Chapter 11 Trustee for entry of Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327 and 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016 and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1 Authorizing and Approving Retention and Appointment of Kroll, LLC as Forensic Investigators, effective as of August 2, 2023 (RE: [2162]). (sr)
  1258. Doc 2240 Notice of Filing of First Invoice of Acheson Doyle Partners Architects, P.C. for Architectural Services Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2213] Order on Motion for Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1259. Doc 2239 Notice of Filing Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2162] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1260. Doc 2238 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 9/27/2023 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee Transcription Service Requested: Access Transcripts (Linsey, Patrick)
  1261. Doc 2237 ORDER SUSTAINING IN PART OBJECTION TO PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER: On July 11, 2023 and July 18, 2023, hearings were held on, respectively, the Motion Regarding Settlement with Assignee of HCHK Entities under New York Court Assignment Proceedings (the “9019 Motion”) (Main Case ECF No. 1936; Adv. ECF No. 25) and a revised proposed order (the “Revised Proposed Order”) regarding the 9019 Motion (Main Case ECF No. 2004; Adv. ECF No. 55), both filed by Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “Trustee”) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok. G-Club Operations LLC (“G-Club”) filed objections to the 9019 Motion and the Revised Proposed Order in the lead bankruptcy case but not in the adversary proceeding. (Main Case ECF Nos. 1977, 2007.) On July 28, 2023, the Court entered an order (the “9019 Order”) granting the 9019 Motion and approving thesettlement between the Trustee and the Assignee. (Main Case ECF No. 2038; Adv. ECF No. 70.) The 9019 Order responded to G-Club’s only remaining objection to the 9019 Motion (See Main Case ECF No. 2030, at 128:5–148:8) by setting a briefing schedule whereby the Trustee and G-Club would contest whether G-Club had waived any and all rights regarding its documents in the possession of the assignee for the benefit of creditors (the “Assignee”). (Main Case ECF No. 2038 ¶ 6; Adv. ECF No. 70 ¶ 6.) The Trustee timely filed a memorandum (the “Memo”) on August 11, 2023, but only in the adversary proceeding. (Adv. ECF No. 87.) G-Club filed no timely response. On September 26, 2023, the Trustee filed a proposed supplemental order (the “Proposed Supplemental Order”) seeking an order compelling G-Club to produce to the Trustee all documents produced to G-Club by the Assignee and for theAssignee to produce any G-Club documents remaining in his possession to the Trustee. (Adv. ECF No. 130.) Also on September 26, 2023, G-Club objected (the “Objection”) to the Proposed Supplemental Order, asserting that it did not receive notice and service of the Memo because it was only filed in the adversary proceeding. (Main Case ECF No. 2233.) G-Club asked for seven (7) days until October 4, 2023 to respond to the Memo. (Id.) G-Club never filed anything asserting that the Trustee had waived his arguments by failing to file the required briefing. When the Court inquired about this issue during a hearing held on September 19, 2023, counsel for the Trustee represented it was his belief that the Trustee’s counsel was trying to reach out to G-Club to determine the status of the issue. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1262. Doc 2236 Order Granting Final Application of Saxe, Doernberger & Vita, P.C., for Allowance of Compensation as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel only to Debtor Genever Holdings LLC (RE: [2156]). (sr)
  1263. Doc 2235 Hearing Held. Order Granting ECF No. 2156. Order Granting ECF No. 2162 subject to submission of revised proposed order due on or before September 29, 2023. (RE: [2156] Application for Compensation, [2162] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  1264. Doc 2234 Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Debtors Regarding Update with Respect to Debtor’s Motion in Criminal Case for an Order Staying These Chapter 11 Cases and Associated Adversary Proceedings Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1265. Doc 2233 Objection to Proposed Supplemental Order [filed in Adv. Proceeding 23-05013, Dkt. 130] Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party. (RE: [1977] Notice filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC, [2007] Supplemental Document filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC). (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1266. Doc 2232 Transcript . Hearing held on 9/19/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 10/17/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 10/27/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 12/26/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1267. Doc 2231 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2162] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1268. Doc 2230 ORDER REGARDING HEARINGS SCHEDULED TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 26, 2023: Scheduled for hearing on September 26, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. are the Final Application for Compensation of Saxe Doernberger & Vita,P.C. (the “Fee Application,” ECF No. 2156 ) and the Application to Employ Kroll, LLC as Forensic Investigators (the “Application to Employ,” ECF No. 2162). No objections to the Fee Application or the Application to Employ have been timely filed. Due to a scheduling conflict and because there are no additional matters on the September 26, 2023 calendar in these jointly administered Chapter 11 cases and related adversary proceedings, it is hereby
  1269. Doc 2229 Transcript Sealed Portion. Hearing held on 8/22/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 10/13/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 10/23/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 12/21/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1270. Doc 2228 Supplemental Document / Supplement to July and August 2023 Monthly Fee Statements of Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2180] Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2218] Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1271. Doc 2227 Certificate of Service Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond NY LLC Interested Party. (RE: [2220] Order on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney). (Romney, Aaron)
  1272. Doc 2226 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 08/31/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  1273. Doc 2225 Supplemental Document /Certificate of Good Standing New York Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo Interested Party. (RE: [2104] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond Holding LLC). (Vartan, Lee)
  1274. Doc 2224 Supplemental Document /Certificate of Good Standing New Jersey Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo Interested Party. (RE: [2104] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond Holding LLC). (Vartan, Lee)
  1275. Doc 2223 Supplemental Document /Certificate of Good Standing New York Filed by Melissa I Falk Wernick on behalf of Mei Guo Interested Party. (RE: [2103] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond Holding LLC). (Falk Wernick, Melissa)
  1276. Doc 2222 Supplemental Document /Certificate of Good Standing New Jersey Filed by Melissa I Falk Wernick on behalf of Mei Guo Interested Party. (RE: [2103] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond Holding LLC). (Falk Wernick, Melissa)
  1277. Doc 2221 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor (Fifth Supplemental Statement) Filed by Stephen M. Kindseth on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor.. (Kindseth, Stephen)
  1278. Doc 2220 Order Denying Motion To Withdraw As Attorney. (RE: [1903]). (lw),9/21/2023
  1279. Doc 2219 Notice of August 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1280. Doc 2218 Notice of August 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1281. Doc 2217 Notice of Filing Monthly Fee Statement (August) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney. (RE: [2094] Order on Motion for Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1282. Doc 2216 Statement – Monthly Fee Statement of Pullman & Comley, LLC, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from August 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. Filed by Irve J. Goldman on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Creditor Committee. (RE: [2094] Order on Motion for Order). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B # (3) Exhibit C) (Goldman, Irve)
  1283. Doc 2215 ORDER REGARDING MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO OBJECT TO EMERGENCY MOTION OF CHAPTER 11 TRUSTEE. On September 12, 2023, this Court entered an Order Denying the Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion to Expedite a Hearing on the Emergency Motion to Enjoin the Individual Debtor’s Prosecution of Motion in Criminal Case (the ‘Order Denying Motion to Expedite,’ ECF No. [2195]). Among other things, the Order Denying Motion to Expedite provided that a hearing on the Trustee’s Emergency Motion, if any, will be scheduled after the Criminal Court acts on the Motion to Stay filed by the Individual Debtor. On September 19, 2023, the Individual Debtor filed a Motion to Extend Time to Object to the Emergency Motion. Because a hearing has not been scheduled in this Court on the Emergency Motion, it is hereby ORDERED: The Court will take no action on the Motion to Extend Time at this time. Should the need arise, the Court will set a deadline for a response to be filed by the Individual Debtor. (RE: [2209] Motion to Extend Time filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on September 20, 2023. (rms)
  1284. Doc 2214 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [2211] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on September 19, 2023 (lw)
  1285. Doc 2213 Order Granting Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Remediate Areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment Affected by March 15, 2023 Fire (RE: [2113]). (rms)
  1286. Doc 2212 Order Limiting Service of Notice of Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Remediate Areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment Affected by March 15, 2023 Fire (RE: [2114]) . (rms)
  1287. Doc 2211 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2208] Hearing Held Hearing held on September 19, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1288. Doc 2210 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Sixth Supplemental Omnibus Motion for Rule 2004 Examination. (RE: [2079]) . (lw),9/19/2023
  1289. Doc 2209 Motion to Extend Time to Object to Emergency Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee Under 11 U.S.C. Section 105(A) and 362, to Enjoin Individual Debtor’s Prosecution of Motion in Criminal Case for Order Staying Chapter 11 Cases and Associated Adversary Proceedings to a to be determined date following the Criminal Court’s ruling on the Motion for Stay Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. (Moriarty, James)
  1290. Doc 2208 Hearing Held. (RE: [2113] Motion for Entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Remediate Areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment Affected by March 15, 2023 Fire filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Order Granting to enter for the reasons stated on the record. (rms)
  1291. Doc 2207 ORDER REGARDING REQUEST FOR TRANSCRIPT: On August 25, 2023, Creditor Pacific Asia Opportunity Fund LP (“”PAX””) requested a transcript of hearings held in the Chapter 11 case styled In re Kwok, Case No. 22-50073 (JAM) (Bankr. D. Conn. Sept. 12, 2023) and the related adversary proceeding Despins v. Taurus Fund LLC (In re Kwok), Case No. 22-50073 (JAM), Adv. P. No. 23-05017 (JAM) (Bankr. D. Conn. Aug. 31, 2023) held on August 22, 2023. (ECF No. 2136.) A portion of the hearing held on August 22, 2023 was held under seal. The Court has been made aware that PAX, a party to the sealed portion of the hearing, is requesting a transcript of that portion. Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: The transcriber shall be provided with the audio of the sealed portion of the August 22, 2023 hearing and shall prepare the requested transcript thereof. The transcript shall be filed on the docket under seal until further order of this Court.. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on September 19, 2023. (zaz)
  1292. Doc 2206 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2156] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1293. Doc 2205 ORDER REGARDING MOTIONS FOR STAY PENDING APPEAL: On August 10, 2022, the Court entered the Order Confirming that Chapter 11 Trustee Holds All of Debtor’s Economic and Corporate Governance Rights in Debtor-Controlled Entities (the ‘Corporate Governance Order’). (ECF No. [717].) Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the ‘Individual Debtor’) appealed the Corporate Governance Order (the ‘First Appeal’) and moved to stay certain terms of the Corporate Governance Order pending appeal (the ‘First Motion for Stay Pending Appeal’). (ECF No. [761]). On January 24, 2023, the Court entered the Order Granting Motion to Hold Debtor in Contempt of Corporate Governance Order (the ‘Contempt Order’). (ECF No. [1372]). The Individual Debtor also appealed (the ‘Second Appeal,’ and together with the First Appeal, collectively, the ‘Appeals’) the Contempt Order and moved to stay the Contempt Order pending appeal (the ‘Second Motion for Stay Pending Appeal,’ and,together with the First Motion for Stay Pending Appeal, collectively, the ‘Motions for Stay Pending Appeal’). (ECF No. [1492]). The Motions for Stay Pending Appeal have been briefed and heard and are currently under advisement. On September 13, 2023, the District Court for the District of Connecticut issued orders, on consent, staying the Appeals. (Kwok v. Despins (In re Kwok), 22-cv-01028 (KAD) (D. Conn. Sept. 13, 2023), ECF No. 51; Kwok v. Despins (In re Kwok), 23-cv-00153 (KAD) (D. Conn. Sept. 13, 2023), ECF No. 34; see ECF Nos. [2197], [2199]). Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: The Court will not consider or act on the Motions for Stay Pending Appeal, (ECF Nos. [761] and [1492]), while the Appeals are stayed.(RE: [761] Motion To Stay Pending Appeal filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, [1492] Motion To Stay Pending Appeal filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on September 15, 2023. (rms)
  1294. Doc 2204 Affidavit / Seventh Supplemental Declaration of Disinterestedness of Luc A. Despins Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [515] Application to Appoint Trustee filed by U.S. Trustee U. S. Trustee, [538] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [633] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [802] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1435] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1581] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1710] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Despins, Luc)
  1295. Doc 2203 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2202] Transcript). (lw),9/15/2023
  1296. Doc 2202 Transcript Amended to correct caption. Hearing held on 9/12/23 Requested by James Moriarty Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 10/6/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 10/16/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 12/14/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1297. Doc 2201 Transcript Docket entry amended to correct name of requsting party. Hearing held on 9/12/23 Requested by James Moriarty Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 10/5/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 10/16/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 12/13/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1298. Doc 2200 Transcript . Hearing held on 9/12/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 10/5/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 10/16/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 12/13/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1299. Doc 2199 ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT 3:23-cv-00153-KAD (ECF No. 34) (RE: [1443] Notice of Appeal filed by Debtor Ho Kwok). (zz) ORDER STAYING APPEAL. For the reasons discussed during the telephonic status conference on September 13, 2023 and by agreement of the parties, this appeal is stayed. The parties shall file a joint status report regarding the related litigation in the United Kingdom and elsewhere every 90 days. Signed by Judge Kari A. Dooley on 9/13/2023.
  1300. Doc 2198 CLERK’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by Ho Wan Kwok ECF No. 2196, will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received and processed accordingly, see ECF No. 2191. To request a copy of the official transcript(s) prepared by Fiore Reporting and Transcription, please contact the Transcriber directly. (RE: [2196] ). (lw)
  1301. Doc 2197 ORDER FROM U.S. DISTRICT COURT 3:22-cv-01028-KAD (ECF No. 51) (RE: [723] Notice of Appeal filed by Debtor, Ho Wan Kwok ). (zaz) ORDER STAYING APPEAL. For the reasons discussed during the telephonic status conference on September 13, 2023 and by agreement of the parties, this appeal is stayed. The parties shall file a joint status report regarding the related litigation in the United Kingdom and elsewhere every 90 days. Signed by Judge Kari A. Dooley on 9/13/2023.
  1302. Doc 2196 Request for Transcript (24 Hrs) (RE:)[2189] Hearing Held Hearing held on September 12, 2023 Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Moriarty, James)
  1303. Doc 2195 ORDER DENYING MOTION TO EXPEDITE HEARING: On September 1, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the “”Individual Debtor””) filed a motion (the “”Motion””) seeking to enjoin the Individual Debtor from seeking in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (the “”Criminal Court””), where he is a defendant in the criminal action styled United States v. Kwok, 23 cr 118 (AT) (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 7, 2023), an order staying these jointly administered Chapter 11 cases (the “”Chapter 11 Cases””) and all related adversary proceedings, (ECF No. [2160]), and a motion to expedite (the “”Motion to Expedite””) the hearing on the Motion, (ECF No. [2161]). For the reasons stated on the record during hearings on held on September 12, 2023 in the Chapter 11 Cases, it is hereby ORDERED: The Motion to Expedite, (ECF No. [2161]), is DENIED. A hearing on the Motion, (ECF [2160]), if any, will be scheduled after the Criminal Court acts on the Motion to Stay filed by the Individual Debtor. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on September 12, 2023. (rms)
  1304. Doc 2194 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [2191] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on September 12, 2023. (lw)
  1305. Doc 2193 Order (I) Authorizing Chapter 11 Trustee to Extend Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363, (II) Authorizing Genever US and Genever BVI to Obtain Post-Petition Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 364, (III) Granting Non-Priming Liens and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Claim, (IV) Modifying Automatic Stay, and (V) Granting Related Relief (RE: [2110]) . (sr)
  1306. Doc 2192 Order Granting Application of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., for Second Interim Allowance of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses as Local and Conflicts Counsel to the Chapter 11 Trustee and as Counsel to Debtors Genever Holdings Corporation and Genever Holdings LLC (RE: [2053]). (sr)
  1307. Doc 2191 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2189] Hearing Held Hearing held on September 12, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1308. Doc 2190 Order Approving Second Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period from March 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023. fees awarded: $7,982,720.00, expenses awarded: $213,914.83 (RE: [2051]). (sr)
  1309. Doc 2189 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record (RE: [2051] Second Interim Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [2053] Second Interim Application for Compensation filed by Trustee’s Attorney Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., and [2110] Joint Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee and Debtors Genever US and Genever BVI for Entry of Final Order (I) Authorizing Chapter 11 Trustee to Extend Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363, (II) Authorizing Genever US and Genever BVI to Obtain Post-Petition Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 364, (III) Granting Non-Priming Liens and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Claim, (IV) Modifying Automatic Stay, and (V) Granting Related Relief filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) are granted. (rms)
  1310. Doc 2188 ORDER REGARDING HEARINGS SCHEDULED TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2023: Scheduled for hearing on September 12, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. are the Interim Applications for Compensation of Paul Hastings and Neubert Pepe & Montieth (the “Fee Applications”) (respectively, ECF Nos. 2051, 2053) and the Joint Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever US and Genever BVI for DIP Financing (the “DIP Financing Motion”) (ECF No. 2110). No objections to the Fee Applications or DIP Financing Motion have been timely filed. There are no additional matters on the September 12, 2023 calendar in these jointly administered Chapter 11 cases and related adversary proceedings. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1311. Doc 2187 Notice of Appearance Filed by Dennis M. Carnelli on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, . (Carnelli, Dennis)
  1312. Doc 2186 Notice of of Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. Trustee’s Attorney. (RE: [2053] Application for Compensation). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1313. Doc 2185 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Final DIP Order Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (RE: [2110] Motion to Borrow filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Barron, Douglass)
  1314. Doc 2184 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order Approving Second Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period from March 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Paul Hastings LLP Debtor’s Attorney. (RE: [2051] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1315. Doc 2183 Supplemental Document / Supplement in Further Support of Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Remediate Areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment Affected by March 15, 2023 Fire Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor. (RE: [2113] Motion for Order filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1316. Doc 2182 Notice of July 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1317. Doc 2181 Notice of July 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Harney Westwood & Riegels LP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1318. Doc 2180 Notice of July 2023 Monthly Fee Statement of Paul Hastings LLP Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1319. Doc 2179 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2162] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2167] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1320. Doc 2178 Notice of July 2023 Monthly Fee Statement for Neubert, Pepe & Montheith, P.C. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2094] Order on Motion for Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1321. Doc 2177 Statement in Support, Statement – Joint Statement and Joinder of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors and Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. In Support of Trustee’s Emergency Stay Motion [ECF No. 2160] and Amended Emergency Stay Motion [ECF No. 2165]. Filed by Irve J. Goldman on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Creditor Committee. (RE: [2160] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2165] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Goldman, Irve)
  1322. Doc 2176 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO WITHDRAW APPEARANCE. The Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance filed by Attorney Rachel Snow Kindseth, ECF No. [2172], is deemed to be a Motion to Withdraw Appearance pursuant to D. Conn. L. Civ. R. 7(e). Because there are other counsel appearing on behalf of The Sherry Netherland, Inc.; it is hereby ORDERED: The Motion to Withdraw Appearance is GRANTED. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on September 7, 2023. (rms)
  1323. Doc 2175 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2174] Transcript). (lw),9/7/2023
  1324. Doc 2174 Transcript . Hearing held on 8/29/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 09/28/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 10/10/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 12/6/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1325. Doc 2173 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 10/31/2022 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1326. Doc 2172 Withdrawal Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance of Attorney Rachel Snow Kindseth Filed by Rachel Snow Kindseth on behalf of The Sherry-Netherland, Inc. Creditor.. (Kindseth, Rachel)
  1327. Doc 2171 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2168] Transcript). (lw),9/6/2023
  1328. Doc 2170 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $7,982,720 (which is a $55,000 consensual reduction relating to issues raised by the United States Trustee) and expenses of $213,914.83. Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2051] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1329. Doc 2169 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2053] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1330. Doc 2168 Transcript . Hearing held on 8/22/23 Requested by Patrick Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 09/26/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 10/6/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 12/4/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1331. Doc 2167 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2162] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 9/26/2023 at 02:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 9/19/2023. (lw)
  1332. Doc 2166 Reply to (related document(s): [2161] Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)Reply in Support of Motion to Expedite and to Debtor’s Objection Thereto (ECF No. 2164) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2161] Motion to Expedite Hearing filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1333. Doc 2165 Amended Motion for Order Under Secs. 105(a) and 362 of Bk. Code Enjoining Debtor’s Prosecution of Motion in Criminal Case for Order Staying Ch. 11 Cases and Associated Adversary Proceedings (EMERGENCY MOTION) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: 2160 Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1334. Doc 2164 Objection Re-Filed With Correct Exhibit A Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor. (RE: 2161 Motion to Expedite Hearing filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A – Wang Motion) (Moriarty, James)
  1335. Doc 2163 Objection Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor. (RE: 2161 Motion to Expedite Hearing filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A – Wang Motion) (Moriarty, James)
  1336. Doc 2162 Application to Employ Kroll, LLC as Forensic Investigators Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1337. Doc 2161 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2160] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1338. Doc 2160 Motion for Order Under Secs. 105(a) and 362 of Bk. Code Enjoining Debtor’s Prosecution of Motion in Criminal Case for Order Staying Ch. 11 Cases and Associated Adversary Proceedings (EMERGENCY MOTION) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1339. Doc 2159 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2156] Final Application for Compensation). Hearing to be held on 9/26/2023 at 02:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 9/19/2023. (lw)
  1340. Doc 2158 Notice of Debtor’s Motion in Criminal Case for an Order Staying These Chapter 11 Cases and Associated Adversary Proceedings Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit C — Declaration by Debtor’s Criminal Counsel in Support of Debtor’s Motion to Stay Bankruptcy Cases) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1341. Doc 2157 Notice of Filing Revised Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2083] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1342. Doc 2156 Final Application for Compensation for Saxe Doernberger & Vita,P.C., Other Professional, Fee: $230,840.00, Expenses: $5,612.00. Filed by Saxe Doernberger & Vita,P.C., Attorney. (Clifford, Brian)
  1343. Doc 2155 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [2152] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on August 29, 2023. (lw)
  1344. Doc 2154 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 07/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1345. Doc 2153 Order Granting, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings LLC, and Genever Holdings Corporation Regarding Settlement with Bravo Luck Limited and Mileson Guo (A/K/A Qiang Guo and/or Guo Qiang). (RE: [2049]). (lw)
  1346. Doc 2152 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2150] Hearing Held Hearing held on August 29, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1347. Doc 2151 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2113] Motion for Order filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 9/19/2023 at 02:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 9/13/2023. (lw)
  1348. Doc 2150 Hearing Held. Order Granting ECF No. 2049 to enter. ECF No. 2079 is taken under advisement. ECF No. 2083- Parties will file an agreed upon order granting motion by 5:00 p.m. on August 30, 2023 or parties must file separate orders. ECF No. 2127- Status Conference held. No further Status Conferences will be held at this time. (RE: [2049] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2079] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2083] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2127] Order Setting Status Conference). (lw)
  1349. Doc 2149 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO REDACT. The Motion to Redact, ECF No. 2135, is GRANTED to allow special insurance coverage counsel to redact invoices to be attached a final fee application. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on August 30, 2023. (RE: [2135]) (lw)
  1350. Doc 2148 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2121] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Barron, Douglass)
  1351. Doc 2147 Notice of Appearance Filed by Rachel Snow Kindseth on behalf of The Sherry-Netherland, Inc. Creditor, . (Kindseth, Rachel)
  1352. Doc 2146 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [2136] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on August 22, 2023 (lw)
  1353. Doc 2145 Reply to (related document(s): [2079] Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated with Debtor and Relevant Banks(Sixth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)Reply in Support of Sixth Rule 2004 Motion and to Greenwich Land LLC’s and Hing Chi Ngok’s Objection [ECF No. 2098] Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2079] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1354. Doc 2144 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 06/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1355. Doc 2143 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 05/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1356. Doc 2142 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 04/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1357. Doc 2141 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 03/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1358. Doc 2140 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 02/28/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1359. Doc 2139 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 01/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1360. Doc 2138 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 12/31/2022 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1361. Doc 2137 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50073 for the Month Ending: 11/30/2022 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment to Monthly Operating Report) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1362. Doc 2136 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2106] Hearing Held Hearing held on August 22, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1363. Doc 2135 Motion to Redact (Motion for Leave to Redact Invoices) Receipt #A10631148 Fee Amount $26. filed by Brian J Clifford on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor. (Clifford, Brian)
  1364. Doc 2134 Hudson’s Diamond Holding LLC Witness List. (lw),8/25/2023
  1365. Doc 2133 Statement – Statement of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. Regarding Opinion and Order Entered by United States District Court for Southern District of New York Dismissing Claims Asserted Against O’Melveny & Myers LLP and Stuart M. Sarnoff. Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. 20 Largest Creditor.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B) (Birney, Patrick)
  1366. Doc 2132 Trustee’s Exhibits entered into evidence at an evidentiary hearing held on August 22, 2023. (Attachments: # (1) Trustee’s Exhibit 1 # (2) Trustee’s Exhibit 2 # (3) Trustee’s Exhibit 3 # (4) Trustee’s Exhibit 4 # (5) Trustee’s Exhibit 5 # (6) Trustee’s Exhibit 6- Sealed # (7) Trustee’s Exhibit 7- Sealed # (8) Trustee’s Exhibit 8- Sealed) (lw)
  1367. Doc 2131 Correspondence/Return of Service of Corporate Creations Network, Inc. stating it is not the Delaware registered agent for Saraca Media, Inc. and is not authorized to accept service on their behalf filed by Corporate Creations Network, Inc.. (RE: [2093] Order). (zaz)
  1368. Doc 2130 Order Granting Motion To Appear Remotely (RE: [2128]). (zaz),8/25/2023
  1369. Doc 2129 Certificate of Service / Supplemental Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2113] Motion for Order filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2114] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1370. Doc 2128 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on August 29, 2023 at 2:00 pm for hearing to be held on Various Motions and Status Conference, ECF No. 2049, 2079, 2083, and 2127 Filed by Holley L. Claiborn on behalf of U. S. Trustee, U.S. Trustee. (Claiborn, Holley)
  1371. Doc 2127 ORDER SCHEDULING STATUS CONFERENCE: On August 23, 2023, Debtor-in-Possession Genever Holdings LLC filed a Motion for Entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Remediate Areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment Affected by March 15, 2023 Fire (the “”Remediation Motion””), (ECF No. [2113]), and a Motion to Limit Notice of the Remediation Motion (the “”Motion to Limit Notice””), (ECF No. [2114]). The Remediation Motion is filed under this Court’s Contested Matter Procedure but seems to request emergency relief. Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: A Status Conference on the Remediation Motion, (ECF No. [2113]), and the Motion to Limit Notice, (ECF No. [2114]), shall be held on August 29, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on August 25, 2023. (rms)
  1372. Doc 2126 Order Granting Motion To Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney Lee Vartan (RE: [2104]). (gr),8/25/2023
  1373. Doc 2125 Order Granting Motion To Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney Melissa F. Wernick (RE: [2103]). (gr),8/25/2023
  1374. Doc 2124 Sealed Document Filed. Filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Luft, Avram)
  1375. Doc 2123 Notice of Filing of Exhibits in Connection with Hearing on Trustee’s Motion for Entry of Order Holding Hudson Diamond Holding LLC in Civil Contempt for Failing to Respond to Rule 2004 Subpoenas Filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2107] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order, [2108] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 # (2) Exhibit 2 # (3) Exhibit 3 # (4) Exhibit 4 # (5) Exhibit 5 # (6) Exhibit 6 # (7) Exhibit 7 # (8) Exhibit 8) (Luft, Avram)
  1376. Doc 2122 Certificate of Service Filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2093] Order). (Luft, Avram)
  1377. Doc 2121 Order Limiting Service of Notice and Service of Joint Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee and Debtors Genever BVI for Entry of Final Order (I) Authorizing Chapter 11 Trustee to Extend Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363, (II) Authorizing Genever US to Obtain Post-Petition Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 364, (III) Granting Non-Priming Liens and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Claim, (IV) Modifying Automatic Stay, and (V) Granting Related Relief and Scheduling Hearing on Motion to Extend Financing. Hearing to be held on 9/12/2023 at 02:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [2110]) (lw)
  1378. Doc 2120 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2110] Motion to Borrow filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2111] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Barron, Douglass)
  1379. Doc 2119 Transcript Amended to correct adversary case number. Hearing held on 7/11/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 09/14/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 09/25/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 11/22/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1380. Doc 2118 Transcript . Hearing held on 8/14/23 Requested by James Moriarty Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 09/14/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 09/25/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 11/22/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1381. Doc 2117 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [2116] Amended Transcript). (lw),8/24/2023
  1382. Doc 2116 Transcript Amended to correct adversary case number. Hearing held on 8/15/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 09/13/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 09/25/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 11/21/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1383. Doc 2115 Transcript . Hearing held on 8/15/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 09/13/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 09/25/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 11/21/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1384. Doc 2114 Motion to Limit Notice / Motion to Limit Service of Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Remediate Areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment Affected by March 15, 2023 Fire Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor (RE: [2113] Motion for Order filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) (Bongartz, Georg)
  1385. Doc 2113 Motion for Order / Genever Holdings LLC’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing Genever Holdings LLC to Obtain Services Necessary to Remediate Areas of Sherry Netherland Apartment Affected by March 15, 2023 Fire Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor. Contested Matter Response(s) due by 9/13/2023. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1386. Doc 2112 Notice of Appellant’s Designation of Items to be Included in the Record on Appeal and Statement of Issues to be Presented Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor.. (Moriarty, James)
  1387. Doc 2111 Motion to Limit Notice / Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Limit Service of Joint Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee and Debtors Genever US and Genever BVI for Entry of Final Order (I) Authorizing Chapter 11 Trustee to Extend Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363, (II) Authorizing Genever US and Genever BVI to Obtain Post-Petition Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 364, (III) Granting Non-Priming Liens and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Claim, (IV) Modifying Automatic Stay, and (V) Granting Related Relief Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2110] Motion to Borrow filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) (Barron, Douglass)
  1388. Doc 2110 Motion to Borrow From. / Joint Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee and Debtors Genever US and Genever BVI for Entry of Final Order (I) Authorizing Chapter 11 Trustee to Extend Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363, (II) Authorizing Genever US and Genever BVI to Obtain Post-Petition Financing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 364, (III) Granting Non-Priming Liens and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Claim, (IV) Modifying Automatic Stay, and (V) Granting Related Relief Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (Barron, Douglass)
  1389. Doc 2109 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2106] Hearing Held Hearing held on August 22, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1390. Doc 2108 ORDER SEALING EXHIBITS AND HEARING: On August 22, 2023, a hearing was held on the Motion for Entry of Order Holding Hudson Diamond Holding LLC in Civil Contempt for Failing to Respond to Rule 2004 Subpoenas (the “Contempt Motion”), ECF No. 1805, filed by Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “Trustee”) for the bankruptcy estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok pursuant to the Order Requiring Mei Guo to Appear and Show Cause Why Hudson Diamond Holding LLC Should Not Be Held in Contempt of Court, ECF No. 2036. During the hearing, the Trustee orally moved (the “Oral Motion”) for the admission of three exhibits – Trustee Exhibits 6, 7, and 8 (the “Exhibits”) – under seal because those exhibits had been produced to the Trustee as confidential under the Protective Order, ECF No. 923. Counsel for Hudson Diamond Holding LLC and criminal counsel for Ms.Mei Guo did not object. Having found that the filing of the Exhibits under seal is consistent with the relevant parties’ agreements and expectation under the Protective Order, the Court granted the Trustee’s Oral Motion and sealed a portion of the hearing during which the contents of the exhibits were discussed. This virtual order memorializes the Court’s ruling on the record. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1391. Doc 2107 ORDER REQUIRING FILING OF EXHIBITS: On August 22, 2023, a hearing was held on the Motion for Entry of Order Holding Hudson Diamond Holding LLC in Civil Contempt for Failing to Respond to Rule 2004 Subpoenas (the “Contempt Motion”), ECF No. 1805, filed by Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “Trustee”) for the bankruptcy estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok pursuant to the Order Requiring Mei Guo to Appear and Show Cause Why Hudson Diamond Holding LLC Should Not Be Held in Contempt of Court, ECF No. 2036. During the hearing, the Court admitted several exhibits (the “Exhibits”) the Trustee moved into evidence. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1392. Doc 2106 Evidentiary Hearing Held. ECF No. 1805 is taken under advisement. (RE: [2036] Order to Show Cause). (lw),8/23/2023
  1393. Doc 2105 Order (A) Granting Application of Genever Holdings LLC for entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(e), 328(a), and 329(a), Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel, in Replacement of Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. (RE: [2042]). (sr)
  1394. Doc 2104 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Lee Vartan Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond Holding LLC, Interested Party. Receipt #A10627289 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Lee Vartan # (2) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  1395. Doc 2103 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Melissa F. Wernick Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond Holding LLC, Interested Party. Receipt #A10627276 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Melissa F. Wernick, Esq. # (2) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  1396. Doc 2102 Certificate of Service Regarding Order Limiting Service of Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, for Approval of Settlement with United States Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2097] Order on Motion To Limit Notice). (Barron, Douglass)
  1397. Doc 2101 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING ON SIXTH OMNIBUS MOTION FOR RULE 2004 EXAMINATIONS. On August 11, 2023, the Trustee filed a Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated with Debtor and Relevant Banks (Sixth Omnibus) (the ‘Sixth Motion for Rule 2004 Examinations,’ ECF No. 2079). Greenwich Land, LLC and Hing Chi Ngok filed an Objection to the Sixth Motion for Rule 2004 Examinations (the ‘Objection,’ ECF No. 2098). Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: A hearing on the Sixth Motion for Rule 2004 Examinations will be held on August 29, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.; and it is further
  1398. Doc 2100 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 07/31/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Despins, Luc)
  1399. Doc 2099 ORDER REGARDING HEARING ON APPLICATION TO EMPLOY. A hearing on the Application to Employ O’Sullivan McCormack Jensen & Bliss PC as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel (the “Application to Employ,” ECF No. 2042), is scheduled to be held on August 22, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. The deadline to object to the Application to employ was 4:00 p.m. on August 18, 2023. On August 11, 2023, the Office of the United States Trustee filed a Statement of No Objection, ECF No. 2078. No other responses or objections were filed. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1400. Doc 2098 Objection Filed by Christopher J. Major on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok (RE: [2079] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 – June 1, 2023 Email # (2) Exhibit 2 – LR 37 Declaration) (Major, Christopher)
  1401. Doc 2097 Order Limiting Service of Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, for Approval ofSettlement With United States (RE: [2083], [2085]) . (zaz)
  1402. Doc 2096 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 331, Permitting Paul Hastings LLP and Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. to file Second Interim Applications less than 120 Days after filing First Interim Fee Applications (RE: [2065]). (sr)
  1403. Doc 2095 Order Approving (I) Retention of the Bohonnon Law Firm, LLC, as Special Maritime Closing Counsel to the Trustee effective as of June 14, 2023, and (II) for the Allowance and Payment of Fees for the Period June 14, 2023, through June 30, 2023, in the amount of $3,831.75 and (III) Granting Related Relief (RE: [2025]). (sr)
  1404. Doc 2094 Order Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Retained Professionals (RE: [2002]). (sr),8/18/2023
  1405. Doc 2093 Order Granting Motion to Hold GTV Media Group, Inc., and Saraca Media, Inc. in Civil Contempt for Failure to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoenas (RE: [1805] Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoenas (Second Omnibus) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2080] Motion for Contempt / Supplemental Motion to Hold GTV Media Group, Inc. and Saraca Media Group, Inc. in Civil Contempt of Court for Failing to Respond to Rule 2004 Subpoenas filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (sr)
  1406. Doc 2092 Affidavit Declaration of Mei Guo as Sole Member of Hudson Diamond Holding LLC Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond Holding LLC Interested Party. (RE: [2036] Order to Show Cause). (Romney, Aaron)
  1407. Doc 2091 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription (RE: [2089] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on August 15, 2023 (nsm)
  1408. Doc 2090 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2079] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1409. Doc 2089 Request for Transcript (RE:)[2088] Hearing Held Hearing held on August 15, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1410. Doc 2088 Hearing Held. (RE: [2002] Motion for Order Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Retained Professionals filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2025] Joint Retention & Interim Fee Application filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2065] Motion for Order Authorizing Trustee’s and Genever Debtors’ Counsel to File Second Interim Fee Applications Less Than 120 Days After Filing First Interim Fee Applications filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Orders Granting to enter for the reasons stated on the record. (rms)
  1411. Doc 2087 Certificate of Service Regarding 9019 Motion and Motion to Limit Service Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2083] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2085] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Barron, Douglass)
  1412. Doc 2086 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2065] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2069] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1413. Doc 2085 Motion to Limit Notice / Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Limit Service of Chapter 11 Trustees Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, for Approval of Settlement with United States of America Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2083] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Barron, Douglass)
  1414. Doc 2084 Notice of letter filed re 675 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, New Jersey in Adversary Case #23-05017 (ECF 25) Filed by Eric A. Henzy on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor. (RE: [1994] Sealed Entry). (Henzy, Eric)
  1415. Doc 2083 Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement / Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, for Approval of Settlement with United States of America Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Barron, Douglass)
  1416. Doc 2082 Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena(RE: [2081]). (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel Compliance with Bk. Rule 2004 Subpoena by UBS AG Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee) . Hearing adjourned to 10/17/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  1417. Doc 2081 Motion to Adjourn Hearing Pursuant to Proposed Consent Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1418. Doc 2080 Motion For Contempt / Supplemental Motion to Hold GTV Media Group, Inc. and Saraca Media Group, Inc. in Civil Contempt of Court for Failing to Respond to Rule 2004 Subpoenas Filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Luft, Avram)
  1419. Doc 2079 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated with Debtor and Relevant Banks(Sixth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1420. Doc 2078 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2042] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1421. Doc 2077 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2053] Application for Compensation, [2071] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1422. Doc 2076 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Notice of Appeal and Motion for Leave to Appeal to U.S. District Court. Case Number: 23-1068(MPS) (RE:)[2072] Notice of Appeal, [2073] Motion for Leave to Appeal. (zaz)
  1423. Doc 2075 Notice of Change in Hourly Rates of Paul Hastings LLP, Counsel to Chapter 11 Trustee Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (RE: [668] Order on Application to Employ, [1376] Order on Application to Employ). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1424. Doc 2074 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal and Motion for Leave to Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE:)[2072] Notice of Appeal, [2073] Motion for Leave to Appeal. (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Motion for Leave to File Appeal). (zaz)
  1425. Doc 2073 Motion for Leave to Appeal Of Order Holding Debtor in Contempt of Court and Denying Motion for Stay of Order Compelling Production Filed by Eric A. Henzy on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor (RE: [2035] Memorandum of Decision and Order) (Henzy, Eric)
  1426. Doc 2072 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A10614756 Fee Amount of $298 [2035] Memorandum of Decision and Order Filed by Eric A. Henzy on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. Appellant, Ho Wan Kwok. Appellee(s), Luc A. Despins. (Henzy, Eric)
  1427. Doc 2071 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2053] Interim Application for Compensation). Hearing to be held on 9/12/2023 at 02:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 9/5/2023. (lw)
  1428. Doc 2070 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (RE: [2049] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2050] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2061] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1429. Doc 2069 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2065] Motion for Order Authorizing Trustee’s and Genever Debtors’ Counsel to File Second Interim Fee Applications Less Than 120 Days After Filing First Interim Fee Applications filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 8/15/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Certificate of Service due by 8/10/2023. Service to be made on or before 8/9/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1430. Doc 2068 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee. (RE: [2051] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [2066] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1431. Doc 2067 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2002] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [2047] Notice filed by Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1432. Doc 2066 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2051] Interim Application for Compensation for Paul Hastings LLP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $8,251,634.83, Expenses: $213,914.83. Filed by Paul Hastings LLP, Debtor’s Attorney). Hearing to be held on 9/12/2023 at 02:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 9/5/2023. Certificate of Service due by 8/14/2023. Service to be made on or before 8/11/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1433. Doc 2065 Motion for Order Authorizing Trustee’s and Genever Debtors’ Counsel to File Second Interim Fee Applications Less Than 120 Days After Filing First Interim Fee Applications Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1434. Doc 2064 Order Regarding Service of Second Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from March 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 (RE: [2052]) . (sr)
  1435. Doc 2063 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (RE: [2057] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1436. Doc 2062 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 06/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1437. Doc 2061 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2049] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 8/29/2023 at 02:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 8/25/2023. Certificate of Service due by 8/9/2023. Service to be made on or before 8/8/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1438. Doc 2060 Order Limiting Service of Notice of Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings LLC, and Genever Holdings Corporation, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Regarding Settlement with Bravo Luck Limited and Mileson Guo (A/K/A Qiang Guo and /or Guo Qiang) (RE: [2050]) . (rms)
  1439. Doc 2059 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 05/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1440. Doc 2058 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2042] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 8/22/2023 at 01:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 8/18/2023. (rms)
  1441. Doc 2057 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2002] Motion for Order Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Retained Professionals filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 8/15/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Certificate of Service due by 8/10/2023. Service to be made on or before 8/9/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1442. Doc 2056 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO APPEAR REMOTELY. The Motion to Appear Remotely, ECF No. [2041], is GRANTED. Attorney Linsey is allowed to appear remotely at the hearing scheduled to be held on August 15, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. because he will be out of state on that date. (RE: [2041]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on August 7, 2023. (rms)
  1443. Doc 2055 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 04/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor.. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1444. Doc 2054 Order Granting Sixth Motion to Extend Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24). (RE:[2046]) . (sr)
  1445. Doc 2053 Interim Application for Compensation (Second Interim) for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $357,587.50, Expenses: $10,402.59. Filed by Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1446. Doc 2052 Motion to Limit Notice Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [2051] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1447. Doc 2051 Interim Application for Compensation for Paul Hastings LLP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $8,251,634.83, Expenses: $213,914.83. Filed by Paul Hastings LLP, Debtor’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1448. Doc 2050 Motion to Limit Notice Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors (RE: [2049] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1449. Doc 2049 Motion to Compromise Controversy with Bravo Luck Limited and Mileson Guo a/k/a Qiang Guo and/or Guo Qiang, P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (Bravo Luck Ltd); 5 Princess Gate, G3, London, United Kingdom (Qiang Guo) (Amended Filing with Correct Pleading) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1450. Doc 2048 Motion to Compromise Controversy with Bravo Luck Limited and Mileson Guo a/k/a Qiang Guo and/or Guo Qiang, P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (Bravo Luck Ltd); 5 Princess Gate, G3, London, United Kingdom (Qiang Guo) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1451. Doc 2047 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Retained Professionals Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Debtors. (RE: [2002] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1452. Doc 2046 Motion to Extend Time to / Bravo Luck Limited’s Sixth Motion on Consent for Extension of Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24) to 1691180338 Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited,Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Proposed Order) (Lawall, Francis)
  1453. Doc 2045 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 06/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1454. Doc 2044 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 05/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor.. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1455. Doc 2043 Statement – Statement of Chapter 11 Trustee Regarding Opinion and Order Entered by United States District Court for Southern District of New York Dismissing Claims Asserted Against Trustee and His Counsel. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee.. (Bongartz, Georg) (Entered: 08/04/2023)
  1456. Doc 2042 Application to Employ O’Sullivan Mccormack Jensen & Bliss PC as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel / Application of Genever Holdings LLC for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(e), 328(a), and 329(a), Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of O’Sullivan Mccormack Jensen & Bliss PC as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel, in Replacement of Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor. (Despins, Luc)
  1457. Doc 2041 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on at for hearing to be held on Motion to Compel Compliance with Bk. Rule 2004 Subpoena by UBS AG, ECF No. 1362 (As to Connecticut counel only) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1458. Doc 2040 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: 2025 Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1459. Doc 2039 Order Granting Fifth Motion to Extend Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24) (RE:[2037]) . (sr)
  1460. Doc 2038 Order Approving Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Chapter 11 Trustee’s Settlement with Assignee of HCHK Entities Under New York Court Assignment Proceedings (RE: [1936]). (rms)
  1461. Doc 2037 Motion to Extend Time to / Bravo Luck Limited’s Fifth Motion on Consent for Extension of Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24) to August 4, 2023 Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo LuckLimited, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Lawall, Francis)
  1462. Doc 2036 Order Requiring Mei Guo to Appear and Show Cause Why Hudson Diamond Holding LLC Should Not Be Held In Contempt Of Court. Mei Guo shall appear at the Show Cause hearing to be held on 8/22/2023 at 02:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT (rms)
  1463. Doc 2035 Memorandum of Decision and Order Holding Individual Debtor in Contempt of Court and Denying Motion for Stay of Order Compelling Production (RE: [1453], [1649] ). (rms)
  1464. Doc 2034 Order Granting Motion of Brown Rudnick LLP to Withdraw Appearance as Special (Criminal Defense) Counsel (RE: [1997]). (sr),7/25/2023
  1465. Doc 2033 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [2030] Transcript, [2031] Transcript). (nsm)
  1466. Doc 2031 Transcript . Hearing held on 6/27/23 Requested by Patrick R. Linsey Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 08/14/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 08/24/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 10/23/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1467. Doc 2030 Transcript . Hearing held on 7/18/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 08/14/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 08/24/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 10/23/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1468. Doc 2029 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [2025] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [2027] Notice of Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1469. Doc 2028 Order Granting Fourth Motion to Extend Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24) (RE:[2026]) . (sr)
  1470. Doc 2027 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [2025] Application to Employ Bohonnon Law Firm as Special Maritime Closing Counsel to the Trustee Effective as of June 14, 2023 and (II) for the Allowance and Payment of Fees for the Period June 14, 2023 Through June 30, 2023 in the Amount of #3,831.75 and (III) Granting Related Relief filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 8/15/2023 at 12:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 8/8/2023. Certificate of Service due by 8/8/2023. Service to be made on or before 7/24/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1471. Doc 2026 Motion to Extend Time to / Bravo Luck Limited’s Fourth Motion on Consent for Extension of Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24) to July 28, 2023 Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo LuckLimited, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Proposed Order) (Lawall, Francis)
  1472. Doc 2025 Application to Employ Bohonnon Law Firm as Special Counsel RE: Maritime Issues (Joint Retention & Interim Fee Application) Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1473. Doc 2024 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 06/30/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Despins, Luc)
  1474. Doc 2023 Transcript . Hearing held on 7/11/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 08/11/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 08/21/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 10/19/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1475. Doc 2022 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on. Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1997] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Baldiga, William)
  1476. Doc 2021 Order Approving First Interim Fee Application of Pullman & Comley, LLC as Counsel to The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and Reimbursement of Expenses incurred from March 29, 2022 through April 30, 2023. fees awarded: $503,395.00, expenses awarded: $709.53 (RE: [1917]). (sr)
  1477. Doc 2020 CLERK’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by Christopher J. Major on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok ECF No. [2019], will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received and processed accordingly, see ECF No. [2014]. To request a copy of the official transcript(s) prepared by Fiore Reporting and Transcription, please contact the Transcriber directly. (RE: [2019] Request for Transcript filed by Interested Party Hing Chi Ngok, Interested Party Greenwich Land, LLC). (rms)
  1478. Doc 2019 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 7/18/2023 Filed by Christopher J. Major on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok, Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Major, Christopher)
  1479. Doc 2018 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on July 18, 20023. (RE: [2014] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (rms)
  1480. Doc 2017 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor (Fourth Supplemental Statement) Filed by Stephen M. Kindseth on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor,. (Kindseth, Stephen)
  1481. Doc 2016 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on July 18, 2023. Filed by Irve J. Goldman on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Creditor Committee, (RE: [1917] Application for Compensation). (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service) (Goldman, Irve)
  1482. Doc 2015 Order Approving First Interim Fee Application of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC as Claims and Noticing Agent for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of all Actual and Necessary Expenses Incurred for the Period from December 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023. fees awarded: $178,227.00, expenses awarded: $11,673.79 (RE: [1921]). (sr)
  1483. Doc 2014 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 7/18/2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1484. Doc 2013 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record (RE: [1893] Order Requiring GTV Media, Inc., Saraca Media Group, Inc. And Attorney Aaron A. Mitchell To Appear And Show Cause Why GTV Media, Inc. And Saraca Media Group, Inc. Should Not Be Held In Civil Contempt Of Court). Supplement Motion for Contempt to be filed on or before August 11, 2023. [1917] Interim Application for Compensation for Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Comm. Attorney). The Application is granted. A revised proposed order will be submitted on or before July 21, 2023.[1921] Interim Application for Compensation for Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, Other Professional,). The Application is granted. (rms)
  1485. Doc 2012 Order Granting Third Motion Extending Time on Consent to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. [1842]); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support)(Docket No. [252]); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24). (RE:[2008]) . (rms)
  1486. Doc 2011 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [2009] Order on Motion to Compel). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1487. Doc 2010 Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena (RE: [2005]). (rms),7/17/2023
  1488. Doc 2009 Order Granting in Part Motion for Entry of Order Holding Hudson NY LLC in Civil Contempt of Court (RE: [1805]). (rms),7/17/2023
  1489. Doc 2008 Motion to Extend Time to / Bravo Luck Limited’s Third Motion on Consent for Extension of Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24) to July 21, 2023 Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo LuckLimited, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Proposed Order # (2) Certificate of Service) (Lawall, Francis)
  1490. Doc 2007 Supplemental Document Supplemental Notice to Modify the Revised Proposed Order Relating to Motion, Pursuant to Rule 9019, Re: Settlement with Assignee of HCHK Entities Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1936] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1977] Notice filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC, [2004] Proposed Order Requested by Judge filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1491. Doc 2006 U.S. Trustee’s Objection to Revised Proposed Order filed at ECF 2004 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [2004] Proposed Order Requested by Judge filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1492. Doc 2005 Stipulated Motion by and between UBS AG and Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins For Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee For Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply With Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG, Interested Party. (Fried, Lisa)
  1493. Doc 2004 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on July 11, 2023. Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1936] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Barron, Douglass)
  1494. Doc 2003 Hearing Held. (RE: [1936] Motion to Compromise Controversy with Brian W. Hofmeister as Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors of HCHK Entities Under New York Court Assignment Proceedings, filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). For the reasons stated on the record, the proposed order is to be served and docketed by 5:00 p.m. July 13, 2023. The hearing is continued in regard to the proposed order only to July 18, 2023 at 2:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  1495. Doc 2002 Motion for Order Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Retained Professionals Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. Contested Matter Response(s) due by 8/3/2023. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1496. Doc 2001 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $503,413.00 (reduction of $1,329.50) and Expenses of $709.53 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [1917] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1497. Doc 2000 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(a) and 328, Bankruptcy Rules 2014(a) and 2016, and Local Rule 2014-1, for entry of Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Affiliated Adjustment Group, Ltd. as Public Adjuster (RE: [1749]). (sr)
  1498. Doc 1999 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on July 11, 2023. (RE: [1995] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  1499. Doc 1998 Order Granting Trustee’s Fourth Motion, Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1452 and Bankruptcy Rules 9006(b) and 9027, Extending Trustee’s Deadline for Removal of Civil Actions. (RE:[1993]) . (rms)
  1500. Doc 1997 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Motion to Withdraw Appearance as Special (Criminal Defense) Counsel Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. (Baldiga, William)
  1501. Doc 1996 Hearing Held. Order Granting ECF No. 1749 to enter. ECF Nos. 1805 and 1903 was taken under advisement. (RE: [1749] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [1805] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1903] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond NY LLC). (lw)
  1502. Doc 1995 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on July 11, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1503. Doc 1994 Complaint REDACTED (91 (Declaratory judgment)) (72 (Injunctive relief – other)) (11 (Recovery of money/property – 542 turnover of property)) (02 (Other (e.g. other actions that would have been brought in state court if unrelated to bankruptcy))) filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins against Taurus Fund LLC , Scott Barnett , Taurus Management LLC . Receipt #20083567 Fee Amount $350 – PAID. (Attachments in Adversary Proceeding 23-05017, ECF No. 1). Modified on 8/4/2023 to unseal entry (gr).
  1504. Doc 1993 Motion to Extend Time to File Notices of Removal Under Bankruptcy Rule 9027(a) to 12/1/2023 Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1505. Doc 1992 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order Granting Genever Holdings LLC’s Application for Entry of Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Affiliated Adjustment Group, Ltd. as Public Adjuster Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor, (RE: [1749] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1506. Doc 1991 Order Granting Second Consented To Motion To Extend Time To Respond To (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, And Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement And Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based On Lack Of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection Of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, And Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement And Disallowance Of Proofs Of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based On Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); And (III) First Omnibus Objection Of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, And Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement And Disallowance Of Proofs Of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based On Lack Of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24). (RE:[1986]) . (rms)
  1507. Doc 1990 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1987] Reply filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1508. Doc 1989 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1985] Transcript). (lw),7/10/2023
  1509. Doc 1988 Affidavit Declaration of Aaron A. Romney Regarding Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Hudson Diamond NY, LLC Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Aaron A. Romney Interested Party, (RE: [1903] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond NY LLC, [1909] Order, [1971] U.S. Trustee’s Consent/Objection filed by U.S. Trustee U. S. Trustee). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A) (Romney, Aaron)
  1510. Doc 1987 Reply to (related document(s): [1936] Motion to Compromise Controversy with Brian W. Hofmeister as Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors of HCHK Entities Under New York Court Assignment Proceedings, 3131 Princeton Pike Building 5, Suite 110 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (see Adv. Proc. No. filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)(Reply in Support of Motion to Approve Compromise and to Responses to Motion) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1936] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1511. Doc 1986 Motion to Extend Time to / Bravo Luck Limited’s Second Motion on Consent for Extension of Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24) to 7/14/2023 Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo LuckLimited, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Proposed Order) (Lawall, Francis)
  1512. Doc 1985 Transcript . Hearing held on 6/29/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 07/28/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 08/7/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 10/5/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1513. Doc 1984 Notice of Filing of Closing Statement Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1953] Order on Motion to Sell 363(b)). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1514. Doc 1983 Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena. (RE: [1982]). The Hearing on the Motion to Compel Compliance with Bankruptcy Rule 2004 Subpoena, ECF No. [1362], is continued to 12:00 p.m. on July 18, 2023 at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT (rms)
  1515. Doc 1982 Stipulated Motion by and between UBS AG and Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins For Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee For Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply With Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG, Interested Party. (Fried, Lisa)
  1516. Doc 1981 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1980] Transcript). (lw),7/7/2023
  1517. Doc 1980 Transcript . Hearing held on 6/27/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 07/26/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 08/7/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 10/3/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1518. Doc 1979 Statement – / Statement and Reservation of Rights of Chapter 11 Trustee Regarding Court’s Order Dated June 15, 2023 [Docket No. 1909] and Court’s Order Dated June 20, 2023 [Docket No. 1914]. Filed by Avram Emmanuel Luft on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1909] Order, [1914] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Luft, Avram)
  1519. Doc 1978 U.S. Trustee’s Limited Objection to Settlement Motion Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [1936] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1520. Doc 1977 Notice of Position Regarding 9019 Motion and Proposed Order Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1936] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1521. Doc 1976 Objection (Letter) Filed by Ning Li, Creditor (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Mail Envelope) (sr)
  1522. Doc 1975 Objection (Letter) Filed by Yang Jun Zheng, Creditor (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Mail Envelope) (sr)
  1523. Doc 1974 Certificate of Service Filed by Irve J. Goldman on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Creditor Committee, (RE: [1917] Application for Compensation, [1927] Notice of Hearing). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B) (Goldman, Irve)
  1524. Doc 1973 Notice of Filing of Third Invoice of Engineering Operations and Certification Services, LLC for Inspection Services Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1748] Order on Application to Employ). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1525. Doc 1972 Order further Extending Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24) (RE:[1969]) . (sr)
  1526. Doc 1971 U.S. Trustee’s Statement Regarding Court’s Order Dated June 15, 2023 (ECF 1909) Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [1909] Order). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1527. Doc 1970 Certificate of Service Regarding 9019 Motion and Order Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1936] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1956] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Barron, Douglass)
  1528. Doc 1969 Motion to Extend Time to / Bravo Luck Limiteds Motion on Consent for Extension of Time to Respond to (I) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed By Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support (Docket No. 1842); (II) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 252); and (III) First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support) (Docket No. 24) to July 7, 2023 Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited,Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Proposed Order) (Lawall, Francis)
  1529. Doc 1968 Chapter 11 Trustee Luc Despins’ List of Exhibits entered into evidence during the hearing held on June 27, 2023 regarding ECF No. [1858] Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004 2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (rms)
  1530. Doc 1967 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on June 29, 2023. (RE: [1965] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  1531. Doc 1966 Order Granting Application of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., for Interim Allowance of Compensation as Local and Conflicts Counsel to the Chapter 11 Trustee and as Counsel to Debtors Genever Holdings Corporation and Genever Holdings LLC. Fees awarded: $551,718.50, expenses awarded: $0.00 (RE: [1851]). (rms)
  1532. Doc 1965 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1962] Hearing Held Hearing held on June 29, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1533. Doc 1964 Order Approving First Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP, for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period from July 8, 2022 through February 28, 2023. fees awarded: $11,776,802.00, expenses awarded: $348,813.54 (RE: [1831]). (sr)
  1534. Doc 1963 Order (A) Granting Application of Genever Holdings LLC for entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(e), 328(a), and 329(a), Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel (RE: [1870]). (sr)
  1535. Doc 1962 Hearing Held. (RE: [1831] Interim Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [1851] Interim Application for Compensation for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., [1870] Application to Employ Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). The Applications are granted for the reasons stated on the record. (rms)
  1536. Doc 1961 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on June 27, 2023. (RE: [1954] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  1537. Doc 1960 Order Granting Motion to Compel G-Club to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena. (RE: [1805]). (lw),6/28/2023
  1538. Doc 1959 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor Second Supplemental Disclosure of Compensation of Special (Criminal Defense) Counsel Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Brown Rudnick LLP Debtor’s Attorney,. (Baldiga, William)
  1539. Doc 1958 Objection (Letter) Filed by Xiaoming Liu, Creditor (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Mail Envelope) (sr)
  1540. Doc 1957 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Ryan T. Jareck (RE: [1952]). (sr),6/28/2023
  1541. Doc 1956 Order Granting Motion to Expedite, (I) Scheduling Expedited Hearing, and (II) Limiting Service of Notice of Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019, Regarding Settlement with Assignee of HCHK Entities Under New York Court Assignment Proceedings. (RE: [1936],[1937]). (lw)
  1542. Doc 1955 Hearing Held. ECF No. 1805 is under advisement for the reasons stated on the record. Order Granting ECF No. 1858 to enter. ECF No. 1912 is moot. (RE: [1805] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1912] Motion to Quash filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (lw)
  1543. Doc 1954 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on June 27, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1544. Doc 1953 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002 and 6004(c) and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004-2, (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of The Lady May Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief (Related Doc # [1858]). (rms)
  1545. Doc 1952 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Ryan T. Jareck, Esq. Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Bonnie C. Mangan on behalf of Bonnie C. Mangan, Requested Notice. Fee Amount $200. (Mangan, Bonnie)
  1546. Doc 1951 Order Granting Motion To Appear Remotely for Attorney Robbie T. Boone. (RE: [1948]) (qv),6/27/2023
  1547. Doc 1950 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $551,718.50 (reduction of $10,000.00). Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [1851] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1548. Doc 1949 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Fees of $11,776,802.00 (reduction of $550,000.00) and Expenses of $348,813.54 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [1831] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1549. Doc 1948 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on 6/27/2023 at 12 p.m. for hearing to be held on Motion to Approve Sale of Lady May, ECF No. 1858 For Buyer’s Counsel Only Due to Cancellation of Flight Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1550. Doc 1947 Objection (Letter) Filed by Ning Zhao, Creditor (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Mail Envelope) (sr)
  1551. Doc 1946 Objection (Letter) Filed by Xiaoxiao Lin, Creditor (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Mail Envelope). Objection not signed. (sr)
  1552. Doc 1945 Objection (Letter) Filed by Yuanlin Liu, Creditor (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Mail Envelope) (sr)
  1553. Doc 1944 Reply to (related document(s): [1858] Motion to Sell / Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004 2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May Free an filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1913] Supplemental Document filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)/ Trustee’s Reply in Support of Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004 2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1913] Supplemental Document filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1554. Doc 1943 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC Claims/Noticing Agent, (RE: [1928] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1555. Doc 1942 Reply to (related document(s): [1912] Motion to Quash Subpoenas Issued by HK Parties to Trustee and Trustee’s Broker re: Lady May Sale Motion (Emergency Motion) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)(Reply to HK Parties’ Objection to Ch. 11 Trustee’s Mtn. to Quash and Opposition to Cross-Motion to Adjourn Sale Hearing [ECF No. 1926]) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1912] Motion to Quash filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1556. Doc 1941 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [1870] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1557. Doc 1940 Certificate of Service Regarding 9019 Motion and Motion to Expedite and Limited Service Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1936] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1937] Motion to Expedite Hearing filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Barron, Douglass)
  1558. Doc 1939 Objection Filed by Sam Della Fera Jr on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Della Fera, Sam)
  1559. Doc 1938 Response Reservation of Rights With Regard to Paul Hastings LLP’s Interim Fee Application Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1831] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Vartan, Lee)
  1560. Doc 1937 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1936] Motion to Compromise filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1561. Doc 1936 Motion to Compromise Controversy with Brian W. Hofmeister as Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors of HCHK Entities Under New York Court Assignment Proceedings, 3131 Princeton Pike Building 5, Suite 110 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (see Adv. Proc. No. 23-05013) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1562. Doc 1935 Certificate of Service Filed by Sam Della Fera Jr on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1926] Objection filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo). (Della Fera, Sam)
  1563. Doc 1934 Reply to (related document(s): [1805] Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoenas (Second Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)Reply to G Club Operations LLC’s Supplemental Objection [ECF No. 1824] Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1805] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1564. Doc 1933 Objection (Letter) Filed by Jenny Li, Creditor (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Objection not signed. (Attachments: # (1) Mail Envelope) (sr)
  1565. Doc 1932 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1929] Transcript). (lw),6/23/2023
  1566. Doc 1931 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION TO EXTEND TIME: On June 22, 2023, the Office of the United States Trustee filed a Motion to Extend Time to Respond and/or Object (the “”Motion to Extend Time””), ECF No. 1925, seeking an extension of time to respond and/or object to the First Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings, LLP, ECF No. 1831, and the First Interim Application of Neubert Pepe & Monteith, PC (together, collectively, the “”Fee Applications””), ECF No. 1851. The current response deadline to the Fee Applications is June 23, 2023. The U.S. Trustee seeks an extension of time to 5:00 p.m. on June 27, 2023 to file a response and/or object to the Fee Application and represents that the parties consent to the proposed extension of time. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1567. Doc 1930 Trustee’s Witness and Exhibit Lists in Connection with June 27, 2023 Hearing on Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004-2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 # (2) Exhibit 2 # (3) Exhibit 3 # (4) Exhibit 4 # (5) Exhibit 5 # (6) Exhibit 6 # (7) Exhibit 7 # (8) Exhibit 8 # (9) Exhibit 9 # (10) Exhibit 10 # (11) Exhibit 11 # (12) Exhibit 12 # (13) Exhibit 13 # (14) Exhibit 14 # (15) Exhibit 15 # (16) Exhibit 16 # (17)Exhibit 17 # (18) Exhibit 18 # (19) Exhibit 19 # (20) Exhibit 20 # (21) Exhibit 21 # (22) Exhibit 22 # (23) Exhibit 23 # (24) Exhibit 24 # (25) Exhibit 25 # (26) Exhibit 26 # (27) Exhibit 27 # (28) Exhibit 28) (Bassett, Nicholas)
  1568. Doc 1929 Transcript . Hearing held on 6/13/23 Requested by James Moriarty Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 07/13/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 07/24/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 09/20/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 06/22/2023)
  1569. Doc 1928 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1921] First Interim Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC). Hearing to be held on 7/18/2023 at 12:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 7/11/2023. Certificate of Service due by 7/11/2023. Service to be made on or before 6/26/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1570. Doc 1927 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1917] First Interim Application for Compensation for Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Comm. Aty, Fee: $504,742.50, Expenses: $709.53. Filed by Pullman & Comley, LLC, Attorney). Hearing to be held on 7/18/2023 at 12:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 7/11/2023. Certificate of Service due by 7/11/2023. Service to be made on or before 6/26/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1571. Doc 1926 Objection to Trustee’s Motion to Quash Subpoenas and Cross Motion to Adjourn Hearing on Trustee’s Sale Motion Filed by Sam Della Fera Jr on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1912] Motion to Quash filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Granting Cross-Motion) (Della Fera, Sam)
  1572. Doc 1925 Motion to Extend Time to Respond and/or Object to First Interim Fee Applications of Paul Hastings LLP and Neubert Pepe & Monteith PC (ON CONSENT/UNOPPOSED) to June 27, 2023 Filed by Holley L. Claiborn on behalf of U. S. Trustee, U.S. Trustee. (Claiborn, Holley)
  1573. Doc 1924 Objection to Trustee’s Motion to Compel and Request for Related Relief Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1805] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1846] Objection filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC, [1898] Order on Motion to Extend Time). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A) (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1574. Doc 1923 Notice of Filing Exhibit D to First Interim Fee Application of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1921] Application for Compensation filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1575. Doc 1922 Notice of Withdrawal of Objection to Genever Holdings LLC’s Application for Authorization to Retain Affiliated Adjustment Group, Ltd. as Public Adjuster Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. 20 Largest Creditor, (RE: [1810] Objection filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (Birney, Patrick)
  1576. Doc 1921 Interim Application for Compensation for Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, Other Professional, Fee: $178,227.00, Expenses: $11,673.79. Filed by Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC, Claims/Noticing Agent. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1577. Doc 1920 Notice of Appearance Filed by Ross G. Fingold on behalf of NODAL PARTNERS, LLC Interested Party, . (Fingold, Ross)
  1578. Doc 1919 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING ON MOTION TO QUASH: On June 19, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee for the bankruptcy estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, (the ‘Trustee’) filed the Motion to Quash (the ‘Motion’), ECF No. [1912]. Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: A hearing on the Motion, ECF No. [1912], will be held on June 27, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on June 21, 2023. (rms)
  1579. Doc 1918 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 05/31/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Despins, Luc)
  1580. Doc 1917 Interim Application for Compensation for Pullman & Comley, LLC, Creditor Comm. Aty, Fee: $504,742.50, Expenses: $709.53. Filed by Pullman & Comley, LLC, Attorney. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B # (3) Proposed Order) (Goldman, Irve)
  1581. Doc 1916 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1907] Transcript). (lw),6/20/2023
  1582. Doc 1915 Certificate of Service Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond Holding LLC, Hudson Diamond NY LLC, (RE: [1909] Order, [1914] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Romney, Aaron)
  1583. Doc 1914 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO CONTINUE HEARING: On June 16, 2023, Attorney Aaron Romney filed a Consent Motion to Continue Hearing (the ‘Motion’), ECF No. 1910, seeking to continue the hearing on the Motion to Withdraw as Counsel (the ‘Motion to Withdraw’), ECF No. 1903, presently scheduled for June 29, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. to either June 27, 2023 or some date on or after July 6, 2023. The hearing on the Motion to Hold the Hudson Diamond Entities in Contempt (the ‘Contempt Motion’), ECF No. 1805, presently scheduled for June 29, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. is related to the Motion to Withdraw. Accordingly, it is hereby
  1584. Doc 1913 Supplemental Document / Supplement to Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004-2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief Regarding Reduction in Purchase Price Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1585. Doc 1912 Motion to Quash Subpoenas Issued by HK Parties to Trustee and Trustee’s Broker re: Lady May Sale Motion (Emergency Motion) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1586. Doc 1911 Certificate of Service of Aaron A. Romney Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Hudson Diamond Holding LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1909] Order). (Moriarty, James)
  1587. Doc 1910 Motion to Continue Hearing , on Consent, on Motion to Withdraw and for Aaron Romney and Lee Vartan to Appear and Show Cause why the Motion to Withdraw as Counsel Should be Granted and for Extension of Time to Serve Order Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Interested Party (RE: [1903] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond NY LLC) (Romney, Aaron)
  1588. Doc 1909 Order Continuing Hearing on Motion to Hold Hudson Diamond NY LLC and Hudson Diamond Holding LLC in Civil Contempt and Requiring Attorneys Aaron Romney and Lee Vartan to Appear and Show Cause Why the Motion to Withdraw as Counsel Should Be Granted (RE: [1805], [1896], [1903] ). (zaz)
  1589. Doc 1908 ORDER CONTINUING HEARING: Due to a scheduling conflict, it is hereby
  1590. Doc 1907 Transcript . Hearing held on 6/6/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 07/5/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 07/17/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 09/12/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 06/14/2023)
  1591. Doc 1906 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription (RE: [1904] Request for Transcript filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC). Hearing held on June 13, 2023 (nsm)
  1592. Doc 1905 Hearing Held. Matter is under advisement. (RE: [1453] Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1649] Motion To Stay filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (lw)
  1593. Doc 1904 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1824] Order on Motion to Continue Hearing Hearing held on June 13, 2023 Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Moriarty, James)
  1594. Doc 1903 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Interested Party. (Romney, Aaron)
  1595. Doc 1902 Certificate of Service Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1893] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Despins, Luc)
  1596. Doc 1901 Certificate of Service Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1892] Order on Motion to Compel). (Despins, Luc)
  1597. Doc 1900 CLERK’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC ECF No. 1899, will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received and processed accordingly, see ECF No. 1719. To request a copy of the official transcript(s) prepared by Fiore Reporting and Transcription, please contact the Transcriber directly. (RE: [1899] Request for Transcript filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC). (lw)
  1598. Doc 1899 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 4/20/2023 Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Moriarty, James)
  1599. Doc 1898 Order Granting In Part Motion for Extension of Time. (RE:[1805],[1845]) . (lw)
  1600. Doc 1897 Adversary case 23-05013. Complaint REDACTED (91 (Declaratory judgment)) (11 (Recovery of money/property – 542 turnover of property)) (71 (Injunctive relief – reinstatement of stay)) (02 (Other (e.g. other actions that would have been brought in state court if unrelated to bankruptcy))) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins against HCHK Technologies, Inc. , HCHK Property Management, Inc. , Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc. , Holy City Hong Kong Ventures, LTD. , Anthony DiBattista , Yvette Wang , Brian Hofmeister . Receipt #30081669 Fee Amount $350. PAID. (Attachments in Adversary Proceeding 23-05013, ECF No. 1) (pc) (Entered: 06/08/2023). Modified 6/14/2023 to unseal entry (Entered: 06/08/2023)
  1601. Doc 1896 Consent Order Regarding Motion Of Chapter 11 Trustee For Entry Of An Order Holding Hudson Diamond NY LLC And Hudson Diamond Holding LLC In Civil Contempt For Failing To Respond To Rule 2004 Subpoenas. (RE: [1805]). (qv),6/8/2023
  1602. Doc 1895 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1890] Transcript). (nsm),6/8/2023
  1603. Doc 1894 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription (RE: [1887] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on June 6, 2023 (nsm)
  1604. Doc 1893 Order Requiring Gtv Media, Inc., Saraca Media Group, Inc. And Attorney Aaron A. Mitchell To Appear And Show Cause Why Gtv Media, Inc. And Saraca Media Group, Inc. Should Not Be Held In Civil Contempt Of Court. (RE: [1850]). Show Cause Hearing to be held on 7/18/2023 at 12:30 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (qv)
  1605. Doc 1892 Order Granting In Part Motion for Entry of Order Holding Non-Responding Parties in Civil Contempt of Court. (RE: [1805]). (lw),6/7/2023
  1606. Doc 1891 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Fifth Supplemental Omnibus Motion for 2004 Examination. (RE: [1789]) . (lw),6/7/2023
  1607. Doc 1890 Transcript . Hearing held on 5/31/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 06/28/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 07/10/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 09/5/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 06/07/2023)
  1608. Doc 1889 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion to File Complete, Unredacted Version of (A) Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling GTV Media Group, Inc., Saraca Media Group, Inc., and G-Club Operations LLC to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoenas and for Entry of an Order Holding G-Club US Operations LLC, G-Club US Operations Inc., Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Hudson Diamond Holdings LLC, G-Fashion LLC, Gnews LLC, US Himalaya Capital Inc., New York MOS Himalaya LLC, Crane Advisory Group LLC, and Maywind Trading LLC in Civil Contempt for Failing to Respond to Rule 2004 Subpoenas and (B) Certain Exhibits thereto, Under Seal (Related Doc # [1806]). (sr)
  1609. Doc 1888 Notice of Hearing Issued. (RE: [1870] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 6/29/2023 at 10:00 AM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 6/22/2023. (lw)
  1610. Doc 1887 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1886] Hearing Held Hearing held on June 6, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1611. Doc 1886 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record: [1789] Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities (Fifth Omnibus) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee is taken under advisement. [1805] Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoenas (Second Omnibus) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee is taken under advisement. [1806] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee is granted and the proposed order with minor changes noted on the record will enter. [1845] Motion to Extend Time to Respond to Trustee’s Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoena filed by G Club Operations LLC is taken under advisement. [1850] Motion for Consented to Order to Adjourn Hearing filed by Hudson Diamond NY LLC is continued to June 26, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. and a stipulated order shall be submitted by June 8, 2023. (zaz)
  1612. Doc 1885 Adversary case 23-05012. Complaint for Interpleader (72 (Injunctive relief – other)) filed by Kathleen M. LaManna on behalf of U.S. Bank National Association, as escrow agent against HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee. Receipt #A10553532 Fee Amount $350. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E) (LaManna, Kathleen) (Entered: 06/06/2023)
  1613. Doc 1884 Notice of Appearance Filed by Carolina A Fornos on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party, . (Fornos, Carolina)
  1614. Doc 1883 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Record on Appeal to U.S. District Court. District Court Case Number 23-575(KAD), which has been consolidated into 23-375(KAD) (RE:)[1750] Notice of Appeal, [1801] Appellant Designation, [1849] Appellee Designation. (zaz)
  1615. Doc 1882 Notice of Appearance Filed by Trevor L. Bradley on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. 20 Largest Creditor, . (Bradley, Trevor)
  1616. Doc 1881 Order Granting Motion of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC and Mei Guo for Permission for New Jersey Counsel to Appear Remotely for June 6, 2023, Hearing. (RE: [1877]). (lw)
  1617. Doc 1880 Order Granting Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.’s Motion To Permit Certain Counsel To Appear Remotely For June 6, 2023 Hearing. (RE: [1879]) (qv)
  1618. Doc 1879 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on June 6, 2023 at 1:00 PM for hearing to be held on, ECF No. Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Birney, Patrick)
  1619. Doc 1878 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1859] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1620. Doc 1877 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on 6/6/2023 at 1:00 P.M. for hearing to be held on, ECF No. Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC,. (Vartan, Lee)
  1621. Doc 1876 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1851] Application for Compensation). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1622. Doc 1875 Reply to (related document(s): [1805] Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoenas (Second Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)Further Support Motion of Hudson Diamond NY LLC and Hudson Diamond Holding LLC to Adjourn Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of an Order Holding Hudson Diamond NY LLC and Hudson Diamond Holding LLC in Civil Contempt for Failing to Respond to Rule 2004 Subpoenas Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond NY LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1805] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Romney, Aaron)
  1623. Doc 1874 Certificate of Service Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond NY LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1850] Motion for Order filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond NY LLC). (Romney, Aaron)
  1624. Doc 1873 AMENDED ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO ADJOURN HEARING: On June 2, 2023, Genever Holdings LLC (the ‘Corporate Debtor’) filed the Motion to Adjourn Hearing on Application for Entry of Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Affiliated Adjustment Group, Ltd. (ECF No. 1861, the ‘Motion to Adjourn’). Accordingly, it is hereby
  1625. Doc 1872 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO ADJOURN HEARING: On June 2, 2023, Genever Holdings LLC (the ‘Corporate Debtor’) filed the Motion to Adjourn Hearing on Application for Entry of Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Affiliated Adjustment Group, Ltd. (ECF No. 1861, the ‘Motion to Adjourn’). Accordingly, it is hereby
  1626. Doc 1871 Transmittal of Record of Appeal to the U.S. District Court 23-575(KAD) (RE:)[1750] Notice of Appeal, [1801] Appellant Designation, [1849] Appellee Designation (Attachments: # (1) Appellant’s Designation # (2) Appellee’s Designation # (3) Bankruptcy Case Docket as Electronic Record of Appeal). Transcripts of hearings held on March 7 and 8, 2023, shall be transmitted via email due to the 90-day restriction. (zaz)
  1627. Doc 1870 Application to Employ Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel / Application of Genever Holdings LLC for Entry of Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(e), 328(a), and 329(a), Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 and 2016-1, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. as Special Insurance Coverage Counsel Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor. (Despins, Luc)
  1628. Doc 1869 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion to Appear Remotely for June 6, 2023, Hearing and Request for Status Conference. (RE: [1864]). (lw)
  1629. Doc 1868 ORDER GRANTING EMERGENCY MOTION FOR ORDER PROVIDING METHOD OF SERVICE OF LADY MAY SALE MOTION: On June 2, 2023, the Trustee filed the Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004 2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief (the ‘Lady May Sale Motion’). (ECF No. 1858.) On June 5, 2023, the Trustee filed the Emergency Motion Seeking Entry of Order Providing Method of Service of Lady May Sale Motion (the ‘Service Motion’). (ECF No. 1866.) The Trustee seeks to only serve the Notice of Hearing on the Lady May Sale Motion and the Notice of Proposed Private Sale on the creditor list. Because there are approximately 1,600 creditors in this case and theLady May Sale Motion has been served on, inter alia, the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 2002(m), it is hereby
  1630. Doc 1867 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Carolina A. Fornos (RE: [1854]). (sr),6/5/2023
  1631. Doc 1866 Motion for Order / Trustee’s Emergency Motion Seeking Entry of Order Providing Method of Service of Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004-2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief [Docket No. 1858] Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1632. Doc 1865 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1859] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1633. Doc 1864 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on at for hearing to be held on 6/6/2023, ECF No. and Request to Schedule Status Conference for June 6, 2023 Regarding Motion to Stay Pending Appeal Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1634. Doc 1863 Objection Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1850] Motion for Order filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond NY LLC). (Skalka, Douglas)
  1635. Doc 1862 Reply to (related document(s): [1789] Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated with Debtor, and Entities Doing Business with Debtor and Affiliated Entities(Fifth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 T filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins)Reply to Objection of Greenwich Land, LLC and Hing Chi Ngok [ECF No. 1813] Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1789] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1636. Doc 1861 Motion to Adjourn Hearing Upon Consent Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party (RE: [1749] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1637. Doc 1860 Reply to (related document(s): [1815] Affidavit filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, [1816] Certificate/Affidavit of Service filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok)Debtor’s Limited Objection to Chapter 11 Trustee’s Fifth Supplemental Omnibus Rule 2004 Motion [1814] Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1815] Affidavit filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, [1816] Certificate/Affidavit of Service filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Skalka, Douglas)
  1638. Doc 1859 Notice of Hearing on Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004-2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of The Lady May Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief (RE: [1858] Motion to Sell per 363(b) filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on June 27, 2023 at 12:00 PM and shall continue as necessary, on June 28, 2023 at 10:00 AM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: on or before June 23, 2023. Certificate of Service due by June 6, 2023. Service to be made on or before June 5, 2023. (rms)
  1639. Doc 1858 Motion to Sell / Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105 and 363, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004(c), and 9014, and Local Rules 6004-1 and 6004 2, Seeking Entry of Order: (I) Authorizing and Approving Sale of the Lady May Free and Clear of Liens, Claims, Interests, and Encumbrances, (II) Authorizing and Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement, and (III) Granting Related Relief Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Proposed Private Sale of Estate Property) (Despins, Luc)
  1640. Doc 1857 Consent Order Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena (RE: [1843]). (rms),6/2/2023
  1641. Doc 1856 Notice of Hearing Issued. (RE: [1850] Motion for Order Consented to Motion of Hudson Diamond NY LLC and Hudson Diamond Holding LLC to Adjourn Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of an Order Holding Hudson Diamond NY LLC and Hudson Diamond Holding LLC in Civil Contempt for Failing to Respond to Rule 2004 Subpoenas filed by Interested Party Hudson Diamond NY LLC). Hearing to be held on 6/6/2023 at 01:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (lw)
  1642. Doc 1855 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1851] Interim Application for Compensation for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $561,718.50, Expenses: $0. Filed by Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Debtor’s Attorney). Hearing to be held on 6/29/2023 at 10:00 AM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: on or before 6/26/2023. Certificate of Service due by 6/6/2023. Service to be made on or before 6/5/2023 by 5:00 P.M. (rms)
  1643. Doc 1854 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Carolina A. Fornos with Declaration as Exhibit A Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party. Receipt #A10549590 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  1644. Doc 1853 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1845] Motion to Extend Time to Time to Respond to Trustee’s Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Exam Subpoena filed by Interested Party G Club Operations, LLC). Hearing to be held on 6/6/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  1645. Doc 1852 Notice of Appearance Filed by Kellianne Baranowsky on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party, . (Baranowsky, Kellianne)
  1646. Doc 1851 Interim Application for Compensation for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $561,718.50, Expenses: $0. Filed by Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Debtor’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1647. Doc 1850 Motion for Order Consented to Motion of Hudson Diamond NY LLC and Hudson Diamond Holding LLC to Adjourn Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of an Order Holding Hudson Diamond NY LLC and Hudson Diamond Holding LLC in Civil Contempt for Failing to Respond to Rule 2004 Subpoenas Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond NY LLC, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Romney, Aaron)
  1648. Doc 1849 Appellee Designation of Contents for Inclusion in Record of Appeal (RE:)[1750] Notice of Appeal, [1801] Appellant Designation Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1649. Doc 1848 Notice of Appearance Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Hudson Diamond NY LLC Interested Party, . (Romney, Aaron)
  1650. Doc 1847 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1831] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP, [1835] Order, [1836] Notice of Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1651. Doc 1846 Objection (Preliminary Objection) to Trustee’s Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1805] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1652. Doc 1845 Motion to Extend Time to Time to Respond to Trustee’s Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Exam Subpoena to August 7, 2023 Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC, Interested Party. (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1653. Doc 1844 Notice of Appearance Filed by Jeffrey M. Sklarz on behalf of G Club Operations, LLC Interested Party, . (Sklarz, Jeffrey)
  1654. Doc 1843 Stipulated Motion by and between UBS AG and Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins For Adjourning Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee For Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply With Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG, Interested Party. (Fried, Lisa)
  1655. Doc 1842 Objection to Claim 117 / First Omnibus Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee, Genever Holdings Corporation, and Genever Holdings LLC (Seeking Expungement and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim Filed by Bravo Luck Limited Based on Lack of Evidentiary Support). Filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins Response to Objection to Claim due by 06/30/2023. (Barron, Douglass)
  1656. Doc 1841 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on May 31, 2023. (RE: [1840] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  1657. Doc 1840 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1838] Hearing Held Hearing held on May 31, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1658. Doc 1839 Fourth Amended Emergency Order Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 102(1) And 363 Directing The Sherry-Netherland, Inc. To Restrict Access To Apartment Owned By Genever Holdings LLC (RE: [1549], [1582], [1633], [1687] ). (rms)
  1659. Doc 1838 Status Conference held. No further Status Conferences will be scheduled at this time. (RE: [1837] ). (rms),5/31/2023
  1660. Doc 1837 Order Scheduling Status Conference. Status Conference to be held remotely on 5/31/2023 at 01:30 PM. Participating Counsel must contact the Clerk’s Office for instructions to connect to the ZoomGov remote conference by sending an email to the following court email address: [email protected] (rms),5/31/2023
  1661. Doc 1836 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1831] Interim Application for Compensation for Paul Hastings LLP, Trustee’s Attorney filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). Hearing to be held on 6/29/2023 at 10:00 AM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 6/23/2023. Certificate of Service due by 6/6/2023. Service to be made on or before 6/2/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1662. Doc 1835 Order Regarding Service of Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from July 8, 2022 Through February 28, 2023 (RE: [1831]). (rms)
  1663. Doc 1834 Notice of Filing of Proposed Order Regarding Service of Interim Fee Application of Paul Hastings LLP for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Period from July 8, 2022 through February 28, 2023 Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1831] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor’s Attorney Paul Hastings LLP). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1664. Doc 1833 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1832] Transcript). (lw),5/30/2023
  1665. Doc 1832 Transcript . Hearing held on 5/23/23 Requested by Patrick Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 06/20/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 06/30/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 08/28/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 05/30/2023)
  1666. Doc 1831 Interim Application for Compensation for Paul Hastings LLP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $12,326,802.0, Expenses: $348,813.54. Filed by Paul Hastings LLP, Debtor’s Attorney. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1667. Doc 1830 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 03/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1668. Doc 1829 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 02/28/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1669. Doc 1828 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 05/26/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1670. Doc 1827 Statement – / Trustee’s Statement Regarding Order Holding Golden Spring and Lamp Capital in Contempt of Court. Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1709] Order). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1671. Doc 1826 Certificate of Service Regarding 5/23/23 Scheduling Orders and Second Omnibus Motion to Compel Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1805] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1806] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1818] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order, [1819] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1672. Doc 1825 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on May 23, 2023. (RE: [1821] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  1673. Doc 1824 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO CONTINUE HEARING. The Motion to Continue Hearing, ECF No. [1823], is GRANTED. The hearing on the Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Debtor, Mei Guo, and HK (USA) Should Not Be Held in Contempt for Failure to Comply w/ Order to Compel re FRBP 2004 Subpoenas, ECF No. [1453], and the Motion for a Limited Stay of Order Granting in Part Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoena, ECF No. [1649], scheduled to be held on June 6, 2023 at 1:00 PM is continued to June 13, 2023 at 1:00 PM at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Courtroom 123, Bridgeport, Connecticut . Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 24, 2023. (rms)
  1674. Doc 1823 Motion to Continue Hearing Debtor’s Motion (with Consent of Trustee) to Continue Hearing Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor (RE: [1453] Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1649] Motion To Stay filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok) (Baldiga, William)
  1675. Doc 1822 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor Supplemental Disclosure of Compensation of Special (Criminal Defense) Counsel Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Brown Rudnick LLP Debtor’s Attorney,. (Baldiga, William)
  1676. Doc 1821 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1820] Hearing Held Hearing held on May 23, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1677. Doc 1820 Status conference held. (rms),5/23/2023
  1678. Doc 1819 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING: On May 15, 2023, the Trustee filed the Fifth Omnibus Motion for 2004 Examination. (ECF No. [1789], the ‘2004 Motion.’) On May 22, 2023, Greenwich Land LLC and Ms. Hing Chi Ngok filed a joint objection to the 2004 Motion (ECF No. [1813]) and the Individual Debtor filed an objection to the 2004 Motion (ECF No. [1814]). Accordingly, it is herebyORDERED: The hearing on the 2004 Motion, ECF No. [1789], will be held at 1:00 p.m. on June 6, 2023 in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafeyette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT; and it is furtherORDERED: The Trustee shall file any reply in support of the 2004 Motion on or before June 2, 2023; and it is furtherORDERED: Under the specific facts and circumstances of this case, service of this Order shall be limited to the parties that are the subject of the subpoenas and those consenting to electronic service via CM/ECF. The Trustee shall serve this Order upon the parties that are subject to the subpoenas at or before 5:00 p.m. on May 24, 2023 and file a certificate of service at or before 5:00 p.m. on May 25, 2023. In accordance with D. Conn. Bankr. L.R. 2002-1(a), 9036-1 and Appendix A, service shall be made via the Courts CM/ECF System upon parties who have consented to electronic service. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 23, 2023. (rms)
  1679. Doc 1818 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING: On May 18, 2023, the Trustee filed the Second Omnibus Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoenas (ECF No. [1805], the ‘Motion to Compel’) and a Motion to Seal portions of the Motion to Compel (ECF No. [1806], the ‘Motion to Seal’). It is herebyORDERED: The hearing on the Motion to Compel, ECF No. [1805], and the Motion to Seal, ECF No. [1806], will be held at 1:00 p.m. on June 6, 2023, in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT; and it is furtherORDERED: Any responses or objections to the Motion to Compel or the Motion to Seal shall be filed on or before June 1, 2023; and it is furtherORDERED: On the specific facts and circumstances of this case, service of this Order shall be limited to the subpoena targets and those consenting to electronic service via CM/ECF. The Trustee shall serve this Order upon the targets of the subpoena at or before 5:00 p.m. on May 24, 2023 and file a certificate of service at or before 5:00 p.m. on May 25, 2023. In accordance with D. Conn. Bankr. L.R. 2002-1(a), 9036-1 and Appendix A, service shall be made via the Courts CM/ECF System upon parties who have consented to electronic service. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 23, 2023. (rms)
  1680. Doc 1817 Certificate of Service Filed by Austin D Kim on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok, (RE: [1813] Objection filed by Interested Party Hing Chi Ngok, Interested Party Greenwich Land, LLC). (Kim, Austin)
  1681. Doc 1816 Certificate of Service Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1814] Objection filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Moriarty, James)
  1682. Doc 1815 Affidavit – Declaration of Aaron A. Romney in Support of the Debtor’s Limited Objection to Chapter 11 Trustee’s Fifth Supplemental Omnibus Rule 2004 Motion Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1814] Objection filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Romney, Aaron)
  1683. Doc 1814 Objection – Debtor’s Limited Objection to Chapter 11 Trustee’s Fifth Supplemental Omnibus Rule 2004 Motion Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1789] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Romney, Aaron)
  1684. Doc 1813 Objection Filed by Christopher J. Major on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok (RE: [1789] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit LR 37 Declaration) (Major, Christopher)
  1685. Doc 1812 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 04/30/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Despins, Luc)
  1686. Doc 1811 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1789] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1687. Doc 1810 Objection to Genever Holdings LLCs Application for Authorization to Retain Affiliated Adjustment Group, Ltd. as Public Adjuster Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. 20 Largest Creditor, (RE: [1749] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Birney, Patrick)
  1688. Doc 1809 ORDER DENYING MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT/ORDER. On April 17, 2023, an Order Granting Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Limit Notice and to Seal with Respect to Motion for Order Authorizing Abandonment of Property Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007 (the “”Order,”” ECF No. [1672]). On April 18, 2023, a hearing and pre-trial conference were held in the cases jointly administered under the caption In re Kwok, et al, Case No. 22-50073 and in the adversary proceedings consolidated under the caption Despins, et al. v. Bravo Luck Limited, et al., Adv. Pro. No. 22-05027. During the hearing and pre-trial conference, counsel for Bravo Luck made an oral Motion for Relief from Judgment or Order pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9024 (the “”Motion””) regarding the Order.On April 20, 2023, a hearing was held on the Motion. During the hearing, the Chapter 11 Trustee stated on the record that theproperty to be abandoned is not property of Bravo Luck, and has no impact on the Sherry-Netherland Apartment. Therefore, none of the grounds for relief set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60 and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9024(b) exist to relieve Bravo Luck from the Order. Accordingly, it is herebyORDERED: The Motion for Relief from Judgment/Order pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60 and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9024 is DENIED. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 19, 2023. (rms)
  1689. Doc 1808 Order Granting Motion To Withdraw As Attorney. (RE: [1799]). (lw),5/19/2023
  1690. Doc 1807 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on Motion to Withdraw filed on May 18, 2023. Filed by Christopher H. Blau on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1799] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC). (Blau, Christopher)
  1691. Doc 1806 Motion to Seal (RE: related document(s)[1805] Motion to Compel). Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1805] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1692. Doc 1805 Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoenas (Second Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Avram E. Luft in Support of Second Omnibus Motion to Compel # (2) Exhibit B-1 # (3) Exhibit B-2 # (4) Exhibit B-3 # (5) Exhibit B-4 # (6) Exhibit B-5 # (7) Exhibit B-6 # (8) Exhibit B-7 # (9) Exhibit B-8 # (10) Exhibit B-9 # (11) Exhibit B-10 # (12) Exhibit B-11 # (13) Exhibit B-12 # (14) Exhibit B-13 # (15) Exhibit C-1 # (16) Exhibit C-2 # (17) Exhibit C-3 # (18) Exhibit C-4 # (19) Exhibit C-5 # (20) Exhibit C-6 # (21) Exhibit C-7 # (22) Exhibit C-8 # (23) Exhibit C-9 # (24) Exhibit C-10 # (25) Exhibit C-11 # (26) Exhibit C-12 # (27) Exhibit C-13 # (28) Exhibit D-1 # (29) Exhibit D-2 # (30) Exhibit D-3 # (31) Exhibit E # (32) Exhibit F # (33) Exhibit G # (34) Exhibit H # (35) Exhibit I # (36) Exhibit J #(37) Exhibit K # (38) Exhibit L # (39) Exhibit M # (40) Exhibit N # (41) Exhibit O # (42) Exhibit P # (43) Exhibit Q # (44) Exhibit R # (45) Exhibit S # (46) Exhibit T # (47) Exhibit U # (48) Exhibit V) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1693. Doc 1804 Notice of Appearance Filed by Melissa I Falk Wernick on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, . (Falk Wernick, Melissa)
  1694. Doc 1803 Notice of Appearance Filed by Sam Della Fera Jr on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, . (Della Fera, Sam) (Entered: 05/18/2023)
  1695. Doc 1802 Notice of Appearance Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, . (Vartan, Lee)
  1696. Doc 1801 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal and Statement of Issues to be Presented (RE:)1750 Notice of Appeal. Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC, Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Lee Vartan,, Attorney. Appellee Designation due by 06/1/2023. (Vartan, Lee) (Entered: 05/18/2023)
  1697. Doc 1800 Transcript . Hearing held on 5/10/23 Requested by Patrick Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 06/7/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 06/20/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 08/15/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 05/17/2023)
  1698. Doc 1799 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Filed by Christopher H. Blau on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party. (Blau, Christopher)
  1699. Doc 1798 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor Disclosure of Compensation of Special (Criminal Defense) Counsel Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Brown Rudnick LLP Debtor’s Attorney,. (Baldiga, William)
  1700. Doc 1797 Adversary case 23-05008. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee for Estate of Ho Wan Kwok for (I) Declaratory Judgment, Pursuant to Sections 541, 542, and 544 of the Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rule 7001, that Property Held by Mei Guo is Property of Estate and (II) Related Relief (11 (Recovery of money/property – 542 turnover of property)) (14 (Recovery of money/property – other)) (91 (Declaratory judgment)) filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Mei Guo. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 # 2 Exhibit 2 # 3 Exhibit 3 # 4 Exhibit 4 # 5 Exhibit 5 # 6 Exhibit 6 # 7 Exhibit 7 # 8 Exhibit 8 # 9 Exhibit 9 # 10 Exhibit 10 # 11 Exhibit 11 # 12 Index 12 # 13 Exhibit 13 # 14 Exhibit 14 # 15 Exhibit 15 # 16 Exhibit 16 # 17 Exhibit 17 # 18 Exhibit 18 # 19 Exhibit 19 # 20 Exhibit 20 # 21 Exhibit 21 # 22 Exhibit 22 # 23 Exhibit 23 # 24 Exhibit 24 # 25 Exhibit 25 # 26 Exhibit 26 # 27 Exhibit 27 # 28 Exhibit 28) (Barron, Douglass) (Entered: 05/16/2023)
  1701. Doc 1796 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION TO ADJOURN HEARING: On May, 15, 2023, Genever Holdings LLC (the ‘Corporate Debtor’) filed the Motion to Adjourn Hearing on Application for Entry of Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Affiliated Adjustment Group, Ltd. (ECF No. [1792], the ‘Motion to Adjourn’). Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: The Motion to Adjourn is GRANTED IN PART as set forth herein. The hearing on the Application for Entry of Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Affiliated Adjustment Group, Ltd. (ECF No. [1749], the ‘Application’) will be held on June 6, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. The deadline to respond or object to the Application is extended to May 19, 2023. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 16, 2023. (rms)
  1702. Doc 1795 ORDER CONTINUING HEARING ON MOTION TO STAY. A hearing on the Motion Stay Motion for a Limited Stay of Order Granting in Part Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoena, ECF No. [1649], is presently scheduled to be held on May 30, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. Due to a scheduling conflict, it is hereby ORDERED: The hearing is continued to June 6, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 15, 2023. (rms)
  1703. Doc 1794 ORDER CONTINUING HEARING ON MOTION FOR ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. A hearing on the Motion to for Order to Show Cause Why Debtor, Mei Guo, and HK (USA) Should Not Be Held in Contempt for Failure to Comply w/ Order to Compel re FRBP 2004 Subpoenas, ECF No. [1453], is presently scheduled to be held on May 30, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. Due to a scheduling conflict, it is hereby ORDERED: The hearing is continued to June 6, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 15, 2023. (rms)
  1704. Doc 1793 ORDER CONTINUING HEARING ON MOTION TO COMPEL COMPLIANCE WITH RULE 2004 SUBPOENA BY UBS AG. A hearing on the Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 by UBS AG, ECF No. [1362], is presently scheduled to be held on May 30, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. Due to a scheduling conflict, it is hereby ORDERED: The hearing is continued to June 6, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 15, 2023. (rms)
  1705. Doc 1792 Motion to Adjourn Hearing on Retention of Public Adjuster Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party (RE: [1749] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1706. Doc 1791 Order Denying Motion To Stay Pending Appeal (RE: [1770]). (rms),5/15/2023
  1707. Doc 1790 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1788] Transcript). (lw),5/15/2023
  1708. Doc 1789 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Entities and Individuals Affiliated with Debtor, and Entities Doing Business with Debtor and Affiliated Entities(Fifth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1709. Doc 1788 Transcript . Hearing held on 5/4/23 Requested by James Moriarty Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 06/5/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 06/13/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 08/11/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 05/13/2023)
  1710. Doc 1787 Adversary case 23-05007. Complaint (91 (Declaratory judgment)) filed by David G. Jordan on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC against AIG Casualty Company. Receipt #A10529934 Fee Amount $350. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 – Cancellation Notice Pol No. 0013893743 # 2 Exhibit 2 – Cancellation Notice Pol No. 0017034504 # 3 Exhibit 3 Cancellation Notice Pol No. 0061821440 # 4 Exhibit 4 Cancellation Notice Pol No. 0061821443 # 5 Exhibit Cancellation Notice Pol No. 0061821444 # 6 Exhibit 6 Policy 00618214442023 # 7 Exhibit 7 AIG Ltr re Proof of Loss # 8 Exhibit 8 Dec. 2022 emails Genver & Wolfson # 9 Exhibit 9 Policy 00618214442023 # 10 Exhibit 10 3d Amended Emergecy Order # 11 Exhibit 11 2023-04-19 Sherry Netherland Letter # 12 Exhibit 12 Policy 00618214432023 # 13 Exhibit 13 Policy 0013893743 2023 # 14 Exhibit 14 Policy 0017034504 2023 # 15 Exhibit 15 Proprietary Lease (apt. No. 1801) # 16 Exhibit 16 2023.05.03 AIG Response re Cancellation # 17 Exhibit 17 2023-04-17 AIG ROR & Exclusions # 18 Exhibit 18 2023.04.30 Genever re Cancellation # 19 Exhibit 19 Proof of Loss # 20 Exhibit 20 2023.04.27 email Dudas to Digiovanna & Despins # 21 Exhibit 21 email notice of loss # 22 Exhibit 22 SN liability notice) (Jordan, David) (Entered: 05/12/2023)
  1711. Doc 1786 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [1780] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on May 10, 2023. (lw)
  1712. Doc 1785 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50542 for the Month Ending: 04/30/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1713. Doc 1784 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50542 for the Month Ending: 03/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1714. Doc 1783 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50542 for the Month Ending: 02/28/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1715. Doc 1782 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50542 for the Month Ending: 01/31/2023 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1716. Doc 1781 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1775] Transcript). (lw),5/10/2023
  1717. Doc 1780 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1776] Hearing Held Hearing held on May 10, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1718. Doc 1779 Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), Authorizing Trustee to (I) Transfer Lady May into foreign-trade zone in Newport, Rhode Island, (II) Apply for and Obtain Indemnity Bond related thereto, and (III) Pay all Related Fees (RE: [1758]). (sr)
  1719. Doc 1778 Stipulation and Order For Voluntary Dismissal 22-1019 (KAD)filed by the Appellant Ho Wan Kwok and Appellee Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [711] Notice of Appeal and [715] Amended Notice of Appeal. (rsm)
  1720. Doc 1777 Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), Authorizing (I) Entry into, and Performance Under, Addenda to Management Agreement and Crew Provision Agreement; (II) Employment of Captain for Lady May II; (III) Entry into, and Performance Under, Work Order related to Commissioning of Lady May II; and (IV) Payment of Lady May II Maintenance and Operational Costs from Portion of Repair Reserve (RE: 1744). (sr) (Entered: 05/10/2023)
  1721. Doc 1776 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record (RE: [1744] Motion for Order Authorizing Operation of Lady May II filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1758] Motion for Order Authorizing Transfer of Lady May to Foreign-Trade Zone filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) are granted and orders will enter. (rms)
  1722. Doc 1775 Transcript . Hearing held on 5/2/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 05/30/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 06/9/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 08/7/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 05/09/2023)
  1723. Doc 1774 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor (Third Supplemental Statement) Filed by Stephen M. Kindseth on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor,. (Kindseth, Stephen)
  1724. Doc 1773 Response Reservation of Rights with regard to Trustee’s Motion for Order Authorizing Transfer of Lady May to Foreign-Trade Zone Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1758] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Vartan, Lee)
  1725. Doc 1772 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1754] Transcript). (lw),5/8/2023
  1726. Doc 1771 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [1757] Request for Transcript filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). Hearing held on May 4, 2023. (lw)
  1727. Doc 1770 Motion To Stay Pending Appeal-Contempt Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC,. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Order Granting Motion for Stay Pending Appeal) (Vartan, Lee)
  1728. Doc 1769 Order Approving Interim Application of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., for Reimbursement of Expenses; expenses awarded: $13,064.04 (RE: [1674]) . (sr)
  1729. Doc 1768 Notice of Hearing Issued. (RE: [1749] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 5/23/2023 at 03:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 5/16/2023. (lw)
  1730. Doc 1767 Consent Order Extending Retention of Sotheby’s International Realty as Broker for Sherry Netherland Apartment. (rms),5/5/2023
  1731. Doc 1766 Notice of (I) Failure to File Timely Response to Claim Objection and (II) Filing of Order Disallowing and Expunging Claim No. 3-1 Filed by Qiang Guo Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor, (RE: [1630] Notice filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1732. Doc 1765 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1709] Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1733. Doc 1764 Order Granting Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Seal Certain Exhibits to Motion for Entry of Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019 Approving Settlement Agreement with Clark Hill PLC (Related Doc # [1727]) . (sr),5/5/2023
  1734. Doc 1763 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on 05/04/2023. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1727] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1735. Doc 1762 Notice of Filing Second Invoice of EOCS Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1748] Order on Application to Employ). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1736. Doc 1761 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION TO EXPEDITE: On May 4, 2023, the Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, filed a Motion to (I) Transfer Lady May Into Foreign-Trade Zone in Newport, Rhode Island, (II) Apply For and Obtain Indemnity Bond Related Thereto, and (III) Pay All Related Fees (ECF No. [1758], the “”FTZ Motion””) and a Motion to Expedite the Hearing on the FTZ Motion (ECF No. [1759], the “”Motion to Expedite””). It appearing that cause exists to expedite the hearing on the FTZ Motion, it is herebyORDERED: The Motion to Expedite is GRANTED IN PART as set forth herein. A hearing on the FTZ Motion will be held on May 10, 2023 at 1:00 p.m., in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Any responses to the FTZ Motion shall be filed at or before 5:00 p.m. on May 8, 2023; and it is furtherORDERED: Upon the facts and circumstances of this case, and in accordance with D. Conn. Civ. L.R. 5(c) and D. Conn. Bankr. L.R. 1001-1(a)(1), service of this Order shall be made via the Court’s CM/ECF System upon appearing parties and upon any party who has consented to electronic service in this case. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 4, 2023. (rms)
  1737. Doc 1760 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION TO EXPEDITE: On May 3, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the ‘Trustee’) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, filed a Motion for Entry of Order Authorizing (I) Entry Into, and Performance Under, Addenda to Management Agreement and Crew Provision Agreement; (II) Employment of Captain for Lady May II; (III) Entry Into, and Performance Under, Work order Related to Commissioning of Lady May II; and (IV) Payment of Lady May II Maintenance and Operational Costs From Portion of Repair Reserve (ECF No. [1744], the ‘Lady May II Motion’) and a Motion to Expedite Hearing on the Lady May II Motion (ECF No. [1745], the ‘Motion to Expedite’). It appearing that cause exists to expedite the hearing on the Lady May II Motion, it is herebyORDERED: The Motion to Expedite is GRANTED IN PART as set forth herein. A hearing on the Lady May II Motion will be held on May 10, 2023 at 1:00 p.m., in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Any responses to the Lady May II Motion shall be filed at or before 5:00 p.m. on May 8, 2023; and it is furtherORDERED: Upon the facts and circumstances of this case, and in accordance with D. Conn. Civ. L.R. 5(c) and D. Conn. Bankr. L.R. 1001-1(a)(1), service of this Order shall be made via the Court’s CM/ECF System upon appearing parties and upon any party who has consented to electronic service in this case. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 4, 2023. (rms)
  1738. Doc 1759 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1758] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1739. Doc 1758 Motion for Order Authorizing Transfer of Lady May to Foreign-Trade Zone Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1740. Doc 1757 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1753] Hearing Held Hearing held on May 4, 2023 Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Moriarty, James)
  1741. Doc 1756 Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9019 Approving Settlement Agreement with Clark Hill PLC (RE: [1724]). (sr),5/4/2023
  1742. Doc 1755 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court. Case Number: 23-575(VAB)(RE:)[1750] Notice of Appeal [1693] Order on Application for Compensation, [1733] Order on Motion To Reconsider. (rsm)
  1743. Doc 1754 Transcript . Hearing held on 4/27/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 05/25/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 06/5/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 08/2/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 05/04/2023)
  1744. Doc 1753 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record (RE: [1724] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is granted and the order will enter. (RE: [1727] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is granted. Revised proposed order to be submitted May 5, 2023. (rms)
  1745. Doc 1752 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE:) [1750] Notice of Appeal filed by Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Attorney Vartan and Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi [1693] Order Awarding Fees of Chapter 11 Trustee and His Counsel, [1733] Order Denying Motion For Relief From Judgment/Order. (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order on Appeal ECF 1693 # (3) Virtual Order on Appeal ECF 1733) (rsm)
  1746. Doc 1751 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [1742] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.) Hearing held on May 2, 2023. (lw)
  1747. Doc 1750 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A10519547 Fee Amount of $298 [1693] Order on Application for Compensation, [1733] Order on Motion To Reconsider Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC, Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Lee Vartan,, Attorney. Appellant, Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC, and Lee Vartan, Esq.. Appellee(s), Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee, and Paul Hastings LLP. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 05/17/2023. Transmission of Designation due by 06/2/2023. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A – April 21, 2023 Order # (2) Exhibit B – May 1, 2023 Order)(Vartan, Lee)
  1748. Doc 1749 Application to Employ Affiliated Adjustment Group, Ltd. as Public Adjuster Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Debtor. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1749. Doc 1748 Order Granting Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion to Expand Scope of Retention of Engineering Operations and Certification Services, LLC to include Consultation Services Related to Operation and Maintenance of the Lady May (RE: [1669]) . (sr)
  1750. Doc 1747 Order Approving Interim Application of Chapter 11 Trustee and his Counsel, Paul Hastings LLP, for Reimbursement of Expenses; expenses awarded: $63,631.75 (RE: [1495]). (sr)
  1751. Doc 1746 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on May 2, 2023. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1674] Application for Compensation). (Skalka, Douglas)
  1752. Doc 1745 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1744] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1753. Doc 1744 Motion for Order Authorizing Operation of Lady May II Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1754. Doc 1743 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel Compliance with Bk. Rule 2004 Subpoena by UBS AG filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is continued to May 30, 2023 at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1495] Interim Application for Compensation filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins and [1669] Application to Employ Engineering Operations and Certification Services, LLC as Expert/Consultant filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) are granted and orders will enter. (RE: [1674] Interim Application for Compensation for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C.) is granted and a revised proposed order will be submitted on or before May 5, 2023. [1704] Amended Order Setting Status Conference). Status conference held. Matter taken under advisement. (rms)
  1755. Doc 1742 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on May 2, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1756. Doc 1741 Notice of Proposed Consent Order Extending Sotheby’s Int’l Realty as Broker for Sherry Netherland Apartment Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1425] Order on Motion for Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1757. Doc 1740 Order Concerning (I) Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Order to Show Cause [Docket No. [1453]] and (II) Debtor’s Motion for a Limited Stay of Order Granting In Part Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoena [Docket No. [164]]. (rms),5/1/2023
  1758. Doc 1739 Notice of Appearance of Stephen A. Best Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, . (Baldiga, William)
  1759. Doc 1738 Notice of Appearance of Stephen R. Cook Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, . (Baldiga, William)
  1760. Doc 1737 Supplemental Document – Debtor’s Supplemental Submission Regarding His Proposed Order Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1453] Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1649] Motion To Stay filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, [1698] Proposed Order Requested by Judge filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, [1699] Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Baldiga, William)
  1761. Doc 1736 Notice of Appearance Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, . (Baldiga, William)
  1762. Doc 1735 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on April 27, 2023. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1453] Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1649] Motion To Stay filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Skalka, Douglas)
  1763. Doc 1734 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING ON MOTION TO SEAL: On April 28, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) of the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the “”Individual Debtor””), filed, inter alia, a Motion for Entry of Order Approving Settlement Agreement (ECF No. [1724], the “”Motion to Compromise””) and a Motion to Seal Certain Exhibits to the Motion to Compromise (ECF No. [1727], the “”Motion to Seal””). A hearing on the Motion to Compromise will be held on May 4, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. Accordingly, it is herebyORDERED: A hearing on the Motion to Seal will be held on May 4, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Any responses to the Motion to Compromise shall be filed at or before 12:00 p.m. on May 3, 2023; and it is furtherORDERED: Upon the facts and circumstances of this case, and in accordance with D. Conn. Civ. L.R. 5(c) and D. Conn. Bankr. L.R. 1001-1(a)(1), service of this Order shall be made via the Court’s CM/ECF System upon appearing parties and upon any party who has consented to electronic service in this case. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 1, 2023. (rms)
  1764. Doc 1733 ORDER DENYING MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT/ORDER: On April 28, 2023, Ms. Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Attorney Lee Vartan, and Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC (collectively, the “”HK Parties,””) filed a Motion for Reconsideration pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 60, made applicable by Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9024 (ECF No. [1730], the “”Motion””), seeking relief from the Order Awarding Fees of Chapter 11 Trustee and His Counsel Pursuant to Sanctions Order entered on April 21, 2023 (the “”Order Awarding Amount of Sanctions,”” ECF [1693]). The arguments advanced in the Motion are without merit and/or not persuasive. Furthermore, none of the grounds for relief set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60 and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9024(b) exist to relieve the HK Parties from complying with the Order Awarding Amount of Sanctions. Therefore, it is hereby ORDERED: The Motion is DENIED. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 1, 2023. (rms)
  1765. Doc 1732 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION TO EXPEDITE: On April 28, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) of the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the “”Individual Debtor””), filed, inter alia, a Motion for Entry of Order Approving Settlement Agreement (ECF No. [1724], the “”Motion to Compromise””), which Motion to Compromise seeks approval of a settlement of certain pre-petition litigation between the Individual Debtor and Clark Hill PLC, and a Motion to Expedite Hearing on Motion to Compromise (ECF No. [1728], the “”Motion to Expedite””). It appearing that cause exists to expedite the hearing on the Motion to Compromise, it is herebyORDERED: The Motion to Expedite is GRANTED IN PART as set forth herein. A hearing on the Motion to Compromise will be held on May 4, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Any responses to the Motion to Compromise shall be filed at or before 12:00 p.m. on May 3, 2023; and it is furtherORDERED: Upon the facts and circumstances of this case, and in accordance with D. Conn. Civ. L.R. 5(c) and D. Conn. Bankr. L.R. 1001-1(a)(1), service of this Order shall be made via the Court’s CM/ECF System upon appearing parties and upon any party who has consented to electronic service in this case. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on May 1, 2023. (rms)
  1766. Doc 1731 Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1669] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Skalka, Douglas)
  1767. Doc 1730 Motion to Reconsider Entry of Order Awarding Fees of Chapter 11 Trustee and His Counsel Pursuant to Sanctions Order Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC, Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Lee Vartan,, Attorney (RE: [1693] Order on Application for Compensation) (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum of Law # (2) Proposed Order) (Vartan, Lee)
  1768. Doc 1729 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on April 27, 2023. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: 1453 Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, 1649 Motion To Stay filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Skalka, Douglas) (Entered: 04/28/2023)
  1769. Doc 1728 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1724] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1727] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1770. Doc 1727 Motion to Seal (RE: related document(s)[1724] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement, [1725] Sealed Document Filed, [1726] Sealed Document Filed). Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1724] Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1725] Sealed Document Filed filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1726] Sealed Document Filed filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Skalka, Douglas)
  1771. Doc 1726 Sealed Document Filed. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Skalka, Douglas) (Entered: 04/28/2023)
  1772. Doc 1725 Sealed Document Filed. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Skalka, Douglas) (Entered: 04/28/2023)
  1773. Doc 1724 Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1774. Doc 1723 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Record on Appeal to U.S. District Court 23-375(KAD). (RE:)[1647] Appellant Designation, [1700] Appellee Designation (rsm)
  1775. Doc 1722 Request for Transcript Sent. Hearing held on April 27, 2023. (RE: [1716] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). (lw)
  1776. Doc 1721 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1719] Transcript). (lw),4/28/2023
  1777. Doc 1720 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction. (RE: [1711] Transcript). (lw),4/28/2023
  1778. Doc 1719 Transcript . Hearing held on 4/20/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 05/19/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 05/30/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 07/27/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 04/28/2023)
  1779. Doc 1718 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), Authorizing (I) Moving Lady May to Navigable Waters of Rhode Island and (II) Entry Into, and Performance Under, Newport Dockage Agreement (RE: [1696]). (rms)
  1780. Doc 1717 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(a) and 328, Bankruptcy Rules 2014(a) and 2016, and Local Rule 2014-1, Authorizing Employment and Retention of Edmiston and Company Limited as Broker for Sale of Lady May and Lady May II (RE: [1675]). (rms)
  1781. Doc 1716 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1715] Hearing Held Hearing held on April 27, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1782. Doc 1715 Hearing Held. (RE: [1675] Application to Employ Edmiston and Company Limited as Broker for sale of Lady May and Lady May II filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, and [1696] Motion for Order Authorizing (I) Moving Lady May to Navigable Waters of Rhode Island and (II) Entry into, and Performance Under, Newport Dockage Agreement filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) are granted for the reasons stated on the record and orders will enter. (RE: [1704] Order Setting Status Conference). The status conference is continued to May 2, 2023 at 2:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT for the reasons stated on the record. (rms)
  1783. Doc 1714 Notice of / Trustee’s Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), Authorizing (I) Moving Lady May to Navigable Waters of Rhode Island and (II) Entry Into, and Performance Under, Newport Dockage Agreement Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1696] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1784. Doc 1713 Notice of / Trustee’s Notice of Filing of Revised Proposed Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(a) and 328, Bankruptcy Rules 2014(a) and 2016, and Local Rule 2014-1, Authorizing Employment and Retention of Edmiston and Company Limited as Broker for Sale of Lady May and Lady May II Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1675] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1785. Doc 1712 Response Reservation of Rights in Connection With Trustee’s Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing (i) Moving Lady May to Navigable Waters of Rhode Island and (ii) Entry Into, and Performance Under, Newport Dockage Agreement Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1696] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Vartan, Lee)
  1786. Doc 1711 Transcript . Hearing held on 4/18/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 05/17/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 05/30/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 07/25/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 04/26/2023)
  1787. Doc 1710 Affidavit / Sixth Supplemental Declaration of Disinterestedness of Luc A. Despins Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [515] Application to Appoint Trustee filed by U.S. Trustee U. S. Trustee, [538] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [633] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [802] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1435] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1581] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Despins, Luc)
  1788. Doc 1709 Order Holding Golden Spring and Lamp Capital in Contempt of Court. (RE: [1046], [1353], [1397], and [1546]. (sr)
  1789. Doc 1708 Response re: Brown Rudnick’s Proposed Representation of the Debtor as Special Criminal Counsel Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1686] Hearing Held). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1790. Doc 1707 Certificate of Service Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1696] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1701] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Bongartz, Georg)
  1791. Doc 1706 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [1495] Application for Compensation filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1792. Doc 1705 U.S. Trustee’s Statement of No Objection to Reduced Expenses of $13,064.04 (reduction of $83.75 relating to copy costs). Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [1674] Application for Compensation). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1793. Doc 1704 AMENDED ORDER SCHEDULING STATUS CONFERENCE: On April 24, 2023, the Debtor and Trustee filed competing proposed orders. (ECF Nos. [1698] & [1699].) The Trustee requested a Status Conference to discuss the issues. The Court mistakenly set the Status Conference for hearing on ZoomGov.com. Accordingly, it is herebyORDERED: A Status Conference will be held at 1:00 p.m. on April 27, 2023, in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on April 25, 2023. (rms)
  1794. Doc 1703 Transmittal of the Record of Appeal to the U.S. District Court 23-375(KAD) (RE:)[1647] Appellant Designation, [1700] Appellee Designation (Attachments: # (1) Appellant Designations # (2) Appellee Designations # (3) Bankruptcy Case Docket as Electronic Record of Appeal) Transcripts of hearings held on March 7 and 8, 2023, shall be transmitted via email due to the 90 day restriction.(rsm)
  1795. Doc 1702 ORDER SCHEDULING STATUS CONFERENCE: On April 24, 2023, the Debtor and Trustee filed competing proposed orders. (ECF Nos. [1698] & [1699].) The Trustee requested a Status Conference to discuss the issues. Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED: A Status Conference will be held at 1:00 p.m. on April 27, 2023, via ZoomGov.com. The parties shall obtain the remote hearing information from [email protected]. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on April 25, 2023. (rms)
  1796. Doc 1701 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO EXPEDITE HEARING: On April 24, 2023, Mr. Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the “”Individual Debtor””), filed a Motion for Entry of Order Authorizing (i) Moving Lady May to Navigable Waters of Rhode Island and (ii) Entry Into, and Performance Under, Newport Dockages Agreement (ECF No. [1696], the “”Yacht Location Motion””) as well as a Motion to Expedite the Hearing on the Yacht Location Motion (ECF No. [1697], the “”Motion to Expedite””). It appearing that cause exists to expedite the hearing on the Yacht Location Motion, it is herebyORDERED: The Motion to Expedite is GRANTED as set forth herein. A hearing on the Yacht Location Motion will be held at 1:00 p.m. on April 27, 2023, in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT; and it is furtherORDERED: The deadline to object to the Yacht Location Motion shall be 5:00 p.m. on April 26, 2023; and it is furtherORDERED: Under the specific facts and circumstances in the above-captioned cases, a copy of this Order, along with the Yacht Location Motion and any attachments thereto, shall be served upon all appearing parties and parties who have consented to electronic service. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on Apri 25, 2023. (rms)
  1797. Doc 1700 Appellee Designation of Contents for Inclusion in Record of Appeal (RE:)[1595] Notice of Appeal, [1647] Appellant Designation Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1798. Doc 1699 Notice of Competing Proposed Orders and Request for Hearing or Status Conference Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1686] Hearing Held, [1698] Proposed Order Requested by Judge filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1799. Doc 1698 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on April 20, 2023. Filed by William R. Baldiga on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1453] Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1649] Motion To Stay filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service) (Baldiga, William)
  1800. Doc 1697 Motion to Expedite Hearing / Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rules 9006(c)(1), for Entry of an Order Expediting Hearing on Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing (I) Moving Lady May to Navigable Waters of Rhode Island and (II) Entry Into, and Performance Under, Newport Dockage Agreement Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1696] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Bongartz, Georg)
  1801. Doc 1696 Motion for Order / Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 363(b), for Entry of Order Authorizing (I) Moving Lady May to Navigable Waters of Rhode Island and (II) Entry Into, and Performance Under, Newport Dockage Agreement Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Bongartz, Georg)
  1802. Doc 1695 Response Reservation of Rights in Connection with Trustee’s Application for Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Edmiston and Company Limited as Broker Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1675] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Vartan, Lee)
  1803. Doc 1694 Affidavit / Declaration of Nicholas A. Bassett in Support of Order to Show Cause Why Court Should not Hold Non-Responding Parties in Contempt Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1546] Order to Show Cause). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A – Delaware DOS Website for Golden Spring # (2) Exhibit B – New York DOS Lamp Capital Public Inquiry # (3) Exhibit C – Lamp Capital LLC – Certificate and Amendment (NJ-SOS)) (Bassett, Nicholas)
  1804. Doc 1693 Order Awarding Fees of Chapter 11 Trustee and his Counsel Pursuant to Sanctions Order for Paul Hastings LLP, fees awarded: $83,370.26, expenses awarded: $0.00 (RE: [1648]) . (sr)
  1805. Doc 1692 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription (RE: [1689] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on April 20, 2023 (lbw)
  1806. Doc 1691 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 03/31/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Despins, Luc)
  1807. Doc 1690 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1683] Transcript). (rms),4/20/2023
  1808. Doc 1689 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1686] Hearing Held Hearing held on April 20, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1809. Doc 1688 Order Scheduling Expedited Hearing on Application of Trustee, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(a) and 328, Bankruptcy Rules 2014(a) and 2016, and Local Rule 2014-1 for Entry of Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Edmiston and Company Limited as Broker for Sale of Lady May and Lady May II. Hearing to be held on 4/27/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: 4:00 pm (ET) on 4/24/2023. (RE: [1675] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (rms)
  1810. Doc 1687 Third Amended Emergency Order Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 102(1) and 363 Directing The Sherry-Netherland, Inc. to Restrict Access to Apartment Owned by Genever Holdings LLC (RE: [1549], [1582], [1633] ). (rms)
  1811. Doc 1686 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record (RE: [1453] Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Debtor, Mei Guo and HK (USA) Should Not be Held in Contempt filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1649] Motion for Limited Stay of Order Granting in Par Motion to Compel filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok) are continued to May 30, 2023 at 1:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1679] Order Scheduling Hearing on Oral Motion for Relief from Judgment or Order Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9024) is under advisement. (rms)
  1812. Doc 1685 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR COMPENSATION. Under the specific facts and circumstances of this case, it is hereby ORDERED: A hearing will be held on May 2, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. on the Interim Application for Compensation of Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. (the ‘Application,’ ECF No. [1674]); and it is further ORDERED: Any objection to the Application must be filed on or before April 28, 2023; and it is further ORDERED: In accordance with D. Conn. Civ. L.R. 5(c) and D. Conn. Bankr. L.R. 1001-1(a)(1), service of this Order shall be made via the Courts CM/ECF System upon appearing parties and upon any party who has consented to electronic service in this case. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on April 20, 2023. (rms)
  1813. Doc 1684 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING ON APPLICATION TO EMPLOY. Under the specific facts and circumstances of this case, it is hereby ORDERED: A hearing will be held on May 2, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. on the Trustee’s Application to Employ Engineering Operations and Certification Services (the ‘Application,’ ECF No. [1669]); and it is further ORDERED: Any objection to the Application must be filed on or before April 28, 2023; and it is further ORDERED: In accordance with D. Conn. Civ. L.R. 5(c) and D. Conn. Bankr. L.R. 1001-1(a)(1), service of this Order shall be made via the Court’s CM/ECF System upon appearing parties and upon any party who has consented to electronic service in this case. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on April 20, 2023. (rms)
  1814. Doc 1683 Transcript . Hearing held on 4/11/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 05/11/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 05/22/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 07/19/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 04/20/2023)
  1815. Doc 1682 Response to Oral Motion of Bravo Luck Limited Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1679] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1816. Doc 1681 Request for Transcript Sent. (RE: [1678] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on April 18, 2023. (lw)
  1817. Doc 1680 Objection Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1649] Motion To Stay filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1818. Doc 1679 ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING ON ORAL MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT OR ORDER: A hearing and Pre-trial conference were held on April 18, 2023, in the cases jointly administered under the caption In re Kwok, et al, Case No. 22-50073 and in the adversary proceedings consolidated under the caption Despins, et al. v. Bravo Luck Limited, et al., Adv. Pro. No. 22-5027. During the hearing and Pre-trial conference, counsel for Bravo Luck made an oral Motion for Relief from Judgment or Order pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 60 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9024 (the “”Motion””) with regard to the Order Granting Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Limit Notice and to Seal with Respect to Motion for Order Authorizing Abandonment of Property Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007 ( ECF No. [1672].) Therefore, it is hereby ORDERED: A hearing on the Motion will be held on April 20, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.; and it is further ORDERED: The Trustee shall file a response, if any, to the Motion at or before 4:00 p.m. on April 19, 2023. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on April 18, 2023. (rms)
  1819. Doc 1678 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1677] Hearing Held Hearing held on April 18, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1820. Doc 1677 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel Compliance with Bk. Rule 2004 Subpoena by UBS AG filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is continued to May 2, 2023 at 1:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1546] Order to Show Cause Why the Court Should Not Hold the Non-Responding Parties in Contempt of Court), a declaration in further support of the Order to Show cause will be filed on or before April 21, 2023. (rms)
  1821. Doc 1676 Motion to Expedite Hearing /Motion, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rules 9006(c)(1), for Entry of an Order Expediting Hearing on Application of Trustee, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(a) and 328, Bankruptcy Rules 2014(a) and 2016, and Local Rule 2014-1, for Entry of Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Edmiston and Company Limited as Broker for Sale of Lady May and Lady May II Filed by Georg Alexander Bongartz on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1675] Application for Approval filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Bongartz, Georg)
  1822. Doc 1675 Application for Approval to / Application of Trustee, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327(a) and 328, Bankruptcy Rules 2014(a) and 2016, and Local Rule 2014-1, for Entry of Order Authorizing Employment and Retention of Edmiston and Company Limited as Broker for Sale of Lady May and Lady May II Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Despins, Luc)
  1823. Doc 1674 Interim Application for Compensation / Allowance and Reimbursement of Expenses for Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C., Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $, Expenses: $13,147.79. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka, Attorney. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1824. Doc 1673 Consent Order Regarding Performance of Valve Service for Lady May and Funding Such Service from Repair Reserve (RE: [299], [930], [1255], [1377], [1608]). (rms)
  1825. Doc 1672 Order Granting Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Limit Notice and to Seal with Respect to Motion for Order Authorizing Abandonment of Property Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007 (RE: [1666]) . (rms),4/17/2023
  1826. Doc 1671 Supplemental Document / Certificate of Good Standing for Joanna J. Cline Filed by Joanna J. Cline on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited Interested Party, (RE: [1661] Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice). (Cline, Joanna)
  1827. Doc 1670 Response to Debtor’s Objection to Trustee’s Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Debtor Should Not Be Held in Contempt Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1650] Objection filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1828. Doc 1669 Application to Employ Engineering Operations and Certification Services, LLC as Expert/Consultant Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1212] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1829. Doc 1668 Objection / Bravo Luck Limited’s Objection to Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee to Limit Notice and to Seal with Respect to Motion for Order Authorizing Abandonment of Property Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 554 and Bankruptcy Rule 6007 Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited Interested Party, (RE: [1666] Motion to Limit Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Lawall, Francis)
  1830. Doc 1667 Notice of Proposed Consent Order re: Performance of Valve Service for Lady May and Funding Such Service from Repair Reserve Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1831. Doc 1666 Motion to Limit Notice and to File Under Seal Forthcoming Motion to Abandon Certain Property Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1] Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1832. Doc 1665 Notice of Appearance / Notice of Entry of Appearance and Demand for Notices and Papers for Joanna J. Cline Filed by Joanna J. Cline on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited Interested Party, . (Cline, Joanna)
  1833. Doc 1664 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription (RE: [1660] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on April 11, 2023 (pe)
  1834. Doc 1663 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION TO EXPEDITE AND CONTINUING HEARING: On April 10, 2023, Mr. Ho Wan Kwok’s (the ‘Individual Debtor’) criminal counsel filed a Motion to Stay Order Compelling Production (ECF No. [1649], the ‘Stay Motion’) and a Motion to Expedite Hearing on the Stay Motion (ECF No. [1651], the ‘Motion to Expedite’). The Stay Motion is related to Luc A. Despins’, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the ‘Trustee’) for the estate of the Individual Debtor, Motion for Order to Show Cause (ECF No. [1453], the ‘Show Cause Motion,’ and together with the Stay Motion, collectively, the ‘Motions’) currently scheduled for hearing on April 18, 2023. The Motion to Expedite sought to set the hearing on the Stay Motion for the same time as the hearing on the Show Cause Motion. The Court has been made aware that the parties consent to the hearing on the Motions being held on April 20, 2023 at or about 10:30 a.m. Accordingly, it isherebyORDERED: The Motion to Expedite (ECF No. [1651]) is GRANTED IN PART as set forth herein. The hearing on the Stay Motion (ECF No. [1649]) will be held at 10:30 a.m. on April 20, 2023, in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. The Trustee shall file any objection to the stay motion at or before 10:00 a.m. on April 19, 2023; and it is furtherORDERED: The hearing on the Show Cause Motion (ECF No. [1453]) is continued to 10:30 a.m. on April 20, 2023, in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on April 12, 2023. (rms)
  1835. Doc 1662 Order Authorizing Trustee To Enter Into, And Perform Under, Certain Postpetition Agreements Relating To Maintenance And Operation Of The Lady May (RE: [1637]). (rms)
  1836. Doc 1661 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Joanna J. Cline (RE: [1655]). (sr),4/12/2023
  1837. Doc 1660 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on April 11, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1838. Doc 1659 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Stephen R. Cook (RE: [1653]) . (sr),4/11/2023
  1839. Doc 1658 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Stephen A. Best (RE: [1652]). (sr),4/11/2023
  1840. Doc 1657 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1637] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1641] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1841. Doc 1656 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1645] Transcript). (pe),4/11/2023
  1842. Doc 1655 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Joanna J. Cline Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, David M.S. Shaiken on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited, Interested Party. Receipt #A10497405 Fee Amount $200. (Shaiken, David)
  1843. Doc 1654 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1644] Transcript). (pe),4/11/2023
  1844. Doc 1653 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Stephen R. Cook Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Dylan Kletter on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. Receipt #A10496984 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit # (2) Proposed Order) (Kletter, Dylan)
  1845. Doc 1652 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Stephen A. Best Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Dylan Kletter on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. Receipt #A10496983 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit # (2) Proposed Order) (Kletter, Dylan)
  1846. Doc 1651 Motion to Expedite Hearing on Debtors Motion for a Limited Stay of Order Granting in Part Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Dylan Kletter on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor (RE: [1649] Motion To Stay filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok) (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Kletter, Dylan)
  1847. Doc 1650 Objection to the Chapter 11 Trustee’s Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Debtor Should Not Be Held in Contempt Filed by Eric A. Henzy on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1453] Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Henzy, Eric)
  1848. Doc 1649 Motion To Stay Motion for a Limited Stay of Order Granting in Part Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Dylan Kletter on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor (RE: [1353] Order on Motion to Compel) (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Kletter, Dylan)
  1849. Doc 1648 Interim Application for Compensation (Special Fee Application for Services Rendered in Securing Compliance with Court-Authorized Subpoenas) for Paul Hastings LLP, Trustee’s Attorney, Fee: $83370.26, Expenses: $0. Filed by,. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1850. Doc 1647 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal and Statement of Issues to be Presented (RE:)[1595] Notice of Appeal. Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC, Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Lee Vartan,, Attorney. Appellee Designation due by 04/24/2023. (Vartan, Lee)
  1851. Doc 1646 Order Granting Fourth Supplemental Omnibus Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for entry of Order under Bankruptcy Rule 2004 and Local Rule 2004-1 Authorizing Discovery with respect to Additional Entities and Individuals affiliated with Debtor, Relevant Banks and Entities doing Business with Debtor and Affiliated Entities (RE: [1592]) . (sr)
  1852. Doc 1645 Transcript . Hearing held on 3/30/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 05/1/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 05/11/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 07/10/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 04/10/2023)
  1853. Doc 1644 Transcript . Hearing held on 3/27/23 Requested by James Moriarty Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 05/1/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 05/11/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 07/10/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 04/10/2023)
  1854. Doc 1643 Notice of / Notice Regarding Service of Objection to Proof of Claim Filed by Qiang Guo Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor, (RE: [1630] Notice filed by Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Barron, Douglass)
  1855. Doc 1642 Affidavit / Supplemental Declaration of George Weston in Support of Retention and Employment of Harney Westwood and Riegels LP, as British Virgin Islands Counsel to the Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Holdings Corporation Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [807] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [815] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Despins, Luc)
  1856. Doc 1641 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO EXPEDITE: On April 5, 2023, Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “”Trustee””) for the estate of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok, filed a motion seeking an order authorizing him to enter into and perform under post-petition maintenance and operation agreements relating to the pleasure yacht known as the Lady May. (ECF No. 1637, the “”Motion.””) The Trustee also filed a motion to expedite the hearing on the Motion and to limit notice of the Motion. (ECF No. 1638, the “”Motion to Expedite.””) Cause therefor having been shown, it is herebyORDERED: The Motion to Expedite is GRANTED as set forth herein. A hearing on the Motion will be held on April 11, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT. Objections to the Motion shall be filed on or before April 10, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. The Trustee may reply to any objection at the hearing; and it is furtherORDERED: A copy of this Order, along with the Motion and any attachments thereto, need to be served only upon (i) all parties who receive notice in these Chapter 11 cases by operation of the Courts electronic filing (“”CM/ECF””) system, (and ii) any party who requested notice in these chapter 11 cases, but is unable to accept electronic filing as indicated on the Notice of Electronic Filing. The Trustee shall file a certificate of service demonstrating compliance with this Order in advance of the hearing. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on April 6, 2023. (pe)
  1857. Doc 1640 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS ATTORNEY: The Motion to Withdraw as Attorney for the Hing Chi Ngok, Defendant filed by Evan S. Goldstein, ECF No. [1619] is GRANTED. Substitute counsel has filed a Notice of Appearance, ECF No. [1631], [1632] (RE: [1619]). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on April 6, 2023. (rms)
  1858. Doc 1639 The hearing scheduled for April 11, 2023 at 3:00 PM on the Motion to Remove Trustee, ECF No. [1274], will not be held in light of the withdrawal of the Motion, ECF No. [1635]. (RE: [1274] ). (rms)
  1859. Doc 1638 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1637] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1860. Doc 1637 Motion for Order Authorizing Agreements re: “”Lady May”” Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1861. Doc 1636 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1634] Transcript). (pe),4/5/2023
  1862. Doc 1635 Withdrawal of Motion for Order Removing Trustee Filed by Eric A. Henzy on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1274] Motion to Remove Trustee filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Henzy, Eric)
  1863. Doc 1634 Transcript . Hearing held on 3/23/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 04/26/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 05/8/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 07/5/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 04/05/2023)
  1864. Doc 1633 Second Amended Emergency Order Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 102(1) and 363 Directing The Sherry-Netherland, Inc. to Restrict Access to Apartment Owned by Genever Holdings LLC (RE: [1549], [1582] ). (rms)
  1865. Doc 1632 Notice of Appearance Filed by Austin D Kim on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok, . (Kim, Austin)
  1866. Doc 1631 Notice of Appearance Filed by Christopher J. Major on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok, . (Major, Christopher)
  1867. Doc 1630 Notice of / Supplemental Notice of Filing of Objection to Proof of Claim Number 3-1 filed by Qiang Guo Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor,. (Barron, Douglass)
  1868. Doc 1629 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1614] Transcript). (pe),3/31/2023
  1869. Doc 1628 Certificate of Service Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1495] Application for Compensation filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1612] Notice of Hearing). (Bassett, Nicholas)
  1870. Doc 1627 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Transcription and Reporting. (RE: [1624] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on March 30, 2023 (pe)
  1871. Doc 1626 Order, Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1452 and Bankruptcy Rules 9006(b) and 9027, Extending Trustee’s Deadline for Removal of Civil Actions. (RE:[1601]) . (rms)
  1872. Doc 1625 Supplemental Document Certificate of Good Standing for Sari Placona Filed by Sari Blair Placona on behalf of HCHK Property Management, Inc., HCHK Technologies, Inc., Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc., (RE: [1462] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Requested Notice Bonnie C. Mangan). (Placona, Sari)
  1873. Doc 1624 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1622] Hearing Held Hearing held on March 30, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1874. Doc 1623 Notice of Filing Documents Regarding Lady May II Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1613] Request for Hearing/Status Conference filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1615] Scheduling Order/Pretrial Order, [1622] Hearing Held). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A # (2) Exhibit B) (Romney, Aaron)
  1875. Doc 1622 Status Conference Held. Parties to submit modified agreed orders. (RE: [1615] ). (rms),3/30/2023
  1876. Doc 1621 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1592] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1877. Doc 1620 Certificate of Service Filed by Evan S. Goldstein on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok, (RE: [1619] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Interested Party Hing Chi Ngok, Interested Party Greenwich Land, LLC). (Goldstein, Evan)
  1878. Doc 1619 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Filed by Evan S. Goldstein on behalf of Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok,. (Goldstein, Evan) (Entered: 03/30/2023)
  1879. Doc 1618 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION TO CONTINUE: On March 30, 2023, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Ltd., LLC (HK USA) moved to continue a emergency status conference. (ECF No. 1617, the “”Motion.””) It is hereby ORDERED: An Emergency Status Conference will be held as previously scheduled on March 30, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. via ZoomGov.com and the parties shall obtain the remote hearing information from [email protected]; and it is further ORDERED: Attorney Vartan is not required to appear. Counsel from Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi P.C. and Zeisler & Zeisler, P.C., however, are required to appear.(RE: 1617). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 30, 2023. (rms) (Entered: 03/30/2023)
  1880. Doc 1617 Motion for Order to Continue 3/30/23 Status Conference Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party. (Romney, Aaron) (Entered: 03/30/2023)
  1881. Doc 1616 Supplemental Document Certificate of Good Standing for Anthony Sodono Filed by Sari Blair Placona on behalf of HCHK Property Management, Inc., HCHK Technologies, Inc., Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc., (RE: [1463] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice filed by Requested Notice Bonnie C. Mangan). (Placona, Sari)
  1882. Doc 1615 ORDER GRANTING EMERGENCY REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL STATUS CONFERENCE AND REQUIRING APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL: On March 29, 2023, the Chapter 11 Trustee filed an Emergency Request for Additional Status Conference (ECF No. [1613] in Case No. 22-50073 and ECF No. 174 in Adv. Pro. No. 22-5003, the “”Emergency Request””). For the reasons stated in the Emergency Request, it is hereby ORDERED: An Emergency Status Conference will be held on March 30, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. via ZoomGov.com and the parties shall obtain the remote hearing information from [email protected]; and it is further ORDERED: In addition to the Chapter 11 Trustee and his counsel, Attorney Vartan and Local Counsel from Zeisler & Zeisler shall appear at the Emergency Status Conference. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 30, 2023. (rms)
  1883. Doc 1614 Transcript . Hearing held on 3/21/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 04/19/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 05/1/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 06/27/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1884. Doc 1613 Request for Status Conference Filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1] Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Barron, Douglass)
  1885. Doc 1612 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1495] First Interim Application for Compensation filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 5/2/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 4/25/2023. Certificate of Service on or before 4/3/2023. Service to be made by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins on or before 3/31/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  1886. Doc 1611 Order Limiting Service of Notice for Applications Seeking Compensation of Fees or Reimbursement of Expenses (RE: [1610]) . (rms),3/29/2023
  1887. Doc 1610 Motion to Limit Notice for Applications Seeking Compensation of Fees or Reimbursement of Expenses Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors (RE: [1495] Application for Compensation filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1888. Doc 1609 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Transcription and Reporting (RE: [1607] Request for Transcript filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). Hearing held on March 27, 2023 (pe)
  1889. Doc 1608 Order Approving Emergency Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Modifying Repair Reserve Order (RE: [1588]). (rms),3/28/2023
  1890. Doc 1607 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on March 27, 2023 Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Moriarty, James)
  1891. Doc 1606 Hearing Held. (RE: [1588] Emergency Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Modifying Repair Reserve Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). The parties reported they will be submitting a consensual order. (rms),3/27/2023
  1892. Doc 1605 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court. Case Number: 23-375(AWT)(RE:)[1595] Notice of Appeal (rsm),3/27/2023
  1893. Doc 1604 Adversary case 23-05005. Complaint of Chapter 11 Trustee for Estate of Ho Wan Kwok Seeking (I) Declaratory Judgment that Greenwich Land LLC is Alter Ego of Debtor, and (II) Related Relief (91 (Declaratory judgment)) (02 (Other (e.g. other actions that would have been brought in state court if unrelated to bankruptcy))) filed by Douglass E. Barron on behalf of Despins, Luc A., Chapter 11 Trustee against Greenwich Land, LLC, Hing Chi Ngok. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 # 2 Exhibit 2 # 3 Exhibit 3 # 4 Exhibit 4 # 5 Exhibit 5 # 6 Exhibit 6 # 7 Exhibit 7 # 8 Exhibit 8 # 9 Exhibit 9 # 10 Exhibit 10 # 11 Exhibit 11 # 12 Exhibit 12 # 13 Exhibit 13 # 14 Exhibit 14 # 15 Exhibit 15 # 16 Exhibit 16 # 17 Exhibit 17 # 18 Exhibit 18 # 19 Exhibit 19 # 20 Exhibit 20 # 21 Exhibit 21 # 22 Exhibit 22 # 23 Exhibit 23 # 24 Exhibit 24 # 25 Exhibit 25 # 26 Exhibit 26 # 27 Exhibit 27 # 28 Exhibit 28 # 29 Exhibit 29 # 30 Exhibit 30 # 31 Exhibit 31 # 32 Exhibit 32 # 33 Exhibit 33 # 34 Exhibit 34 # 35 Exhibit 35 # 36 Exhibit 36 # 37 Exhibit 37 # 38 Exhibit 38 # 39 Exhibit 39 # 40 Exhibit 40 # 41 Exhibit 41 # 42 Exhibit 42 # 43 Exhibit 43 # 44 Exhibit 44 # 45 Exhibit 45 # 46 Exhibit 46 # 47 Exhibit 47 # 48 Exhibit 48 # 49 Exhibit 49 # 50 Exhibit 50) (Barron, Douglass) (Entered: 03/27/2023)
  1894. Doc 1603 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription (RE: [1590] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on March 23, 2023 (pe)
  1895. Doc 1602 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE:) [1595] Notice of Appeal [1537] Order Holding HK Parties in Contempt of Court and Sanctioning HK Parties, Attorney Vartan and Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order on Appeal ECF 1537)(rsm)
  1896. Doc 1601 Motion to Extend Time to Remove Civil Actions to 08/03/2023 (Trustee’s Third Motion) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1897. Doc 1600 Notice of Appearance and Request for Service of Papers Filed by Melissa I Falk Wernick on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, . (Falk Wernick, Melissa)
  1898. Doc 1599 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50592 for the Month Ending: 12/31/2022 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1899. Doc 1598 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50592 for the Month Ending: 11/30/2022 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1900. Doc 1597 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50592 for the Month Ending: 10/31/2022 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  1901. Doc 1596 Order (A) Granting Application Of Chapter 11 Trustee For Entry Of Order Pursuant To Bankruptcy Code Sections 327,328,And 330, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 And 2016, And Local Bankruptcy Rules 2014-1 And 2016-1,Authorizing And Approving Retention And Employment Of Pallas Partner LLP As Solicitors In United Kingdom (RE: [1496]). (sds)
  1902. Doc 1595 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A10480583 Fee Amount of $298 From [1537] Order Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC, Lee Vartan, Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC,, Attorney. Appellant, Mei Guo; HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC; Lee Vartan, Esq.; and Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC. Appellee(s), Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 04/7/2023. Transmission of Designation due by 04/24/2023. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A – March 10, 2023 Order)(Vartan, Lee)
  1903. Doc 1594 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1588] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1591] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1904. Doc 1593 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1546] Order to Show Cause). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1905. Doc 1592 Motion for 2004 Examination of Additional Individuals and Entities (Fourth Omnibus) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1906. Doc 1591 Order Scheduling Expedited Hearing. Hearing to be held on 3/27/2023 immediately after the conclusion of the hearing on the Partial Summary Judgment Motion at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1588] ) (rms)
  1907. Doc 1590 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1586] Hearing Held Hearing held on March 23, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1908. Doc 1589 Motion to Expedite Hearing on Emergency Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Modifying Repair Reserve Order Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1588] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Despins, Luc)
  1909. Doc 1588 Motion for Order / Emergency Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Modifying Repair Reserve Order Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Despins, Luc)
  1910. Doc 1587 CLERK’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor, ECF No. 1584, will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received and processed accordingly, see ECF No. 1578. To request a copy of the official transcript(s) prepared by Fiore Reporting and Transcription, please contact the Transcriber directly. (RE: [1584] Request for Transcript filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (pe)
  1911. Doc 1586 Hearing Held. (RE: [1465] Motion to Quash Subpoena filed by Interested Party Jiaming Liu, [1487] Objection and Cross Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1541] Motion to Quash Subpoena filed by Interested Party Himalaya Investment LLC, and [1576] Objection and Cross Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) are withdrawn on the record for the reasons stated on the record. (RE: [1496] Application to Employ Pallas Partners LLP as United Kingdom Solicitorsfiled by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is granted and an order will enter with the minor changes noted on the record. (rms)
  1912. Doc 1585 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME: On March 20, 2023, Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the “Individual Debtor”) filed a Motion to Extend Time to Respond to Motion for Order to Show Cause (ECF No. 1565, the “Motion”). The Motion seeks to extend the Individual Debtor’s time to respond from March 28, 2023 to April 27, 2023 because (i) Zeisler & Zeisler, P.C. (“Z&Z”) is encountering difficulty communicating with the Individual Debtor regarding a response to the Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Debtor, Mei Guo, and HK (USA) Should Not Be Held in Contempt of Court (ECF No. 1453, the “Motion for Order to Show Cause”) because the Individual Debtor is presently incarcerated; (ii) Z&Z needs to coordinate with the Individual Debtor’s criminal counsel, who have yet to be retained; and (iii) the Individual Debtor cannot produce anything while confined.During a Status Conference on March 21, 2023, Luc A. Despins, in his capacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “Trustee”) of the estate of the Individual Debtor, objected to the Motion on the grounds that (a) the Individual Debtor asserted his fifth amendment rights against self-incrimination in relation to the Trustee’s document requests and the Order Granting in Part Motion to Compel Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoenas (ECF No. 1353, the “Order Compelling Production”) on or before February 7, 2023, (see ECF No. 1444) and, therefore, has had substantial time to formulate his argument supporting that assertion; (b) the pending criminal proceeding cannot be used to bring these Chapter 11 cases and the Trustee’s ongoing investigation to a halt; and (c) the Individual Debtor can produce documents in his custody and control while confined, e.g., through Z&Z and his other agents and advisors. Afterconsideration of the arguments advanced during the Status Conference, it is hereby
  1913. Doc 1584 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on March 21, 2023 Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Moriarty, James)
  1914. Doc 1583 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Transcription and Reporting (RE: [1578] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on March 21, 2023 (pe)
  1915. Doc 1582 Amended Emergency Order Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 102(1) And 363 Directing The Sherry-Netherland, Inc. To Restrict Access To Apartment Owned By Genever Holdings LLC (RE: [1549] Order). (sds)
  1916. Doc 1581 Affidavit / Fifth Supplemental Declaration of Disinterestedness of Luc A. Despins Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [515] Application to Appoint Trustee filed by U.S. Trustee U. S. Trustee, [538] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [633] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [802] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1435] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Despins, Luc)
  1917. Doc 1580 ORDER GRANTING IN PART MOTION TO CONTINUE HEARING: On March 17, 2023, Mr. Ho Wan Kwok (the “Individual Debtor”) filed the Motion to Continue Hearing on Motion to Remove Trustee (ECF No. 1557, the “Motion”). The Motion seeks to continue the hearing for two reasons: (i) Attorneys Henzy and Kindseth cannot attend the presently scheduled March 23, 2023, hearing and (ii) Zeisler & Zeisler, P.C. is encountering difficulty communicating with the Individual Debtor regarding the Motion for Order Removing Trustee filed in accordance with the Court’s Contested Matter Procedure, D. Conn. Bankr. L. R. 9014-1 (ECF No. 1274, the “Motion to Remove Trustee”) because the Individual Debtor is presently incarcerated. The Motion seeks a continuance of the hearing to a date after April 13, 2023. The Motion was discussed during a Status Conference on March 21, 2023. Luc A. Despins, in hiscapacity as Chapter 11 trustee (the “Trustee”) for the estate of the Individual Debtor, and the United States Trustee (the “UST”), objected to a continuance to a date after April 13, 2023. After consideration of the arguments advanced during the Status Conference, it is hereby
  1918. Doc 1579 Status Conference Held. ECF No. 1562 to enter. ECF No. 1557 to enter. Order Granting In Part ECF No. 1565 to enter. (RE: [1557] Motion to Continue/Reschedule Hearing filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, [1562] Proposed Order Requested by Judge filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1565] Motion to Extend Time filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (lw)
  1919. Doc 1578 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on March 21, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1920. Doc 1577 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 363, Authorizing Sales Officer and Sotheby’s International Realty to Market Sherry Netherland Apartment for Rent (RE: [1446] ). (rms)
  1921. Doc 1576 Objection and Cross-Motion to Compel Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1541] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Himalaya Investment LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1922. Doc 1575 Order Granting Motion To Appear Remotely (RE: [1573]). (pe),3/21/2023
  1923. Doc 1574 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 02/28/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Despins, Luc)
  1924. Doc 1573 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on March 21, 2023 at 2:30PM for hearing to be held on, ECF No. 1557, 1561, 1565 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Birney, Patrick)
  1925. Doc 1572 Certificate of Service Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1570] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Moriarty, James)
  1926. Doc 1571 Order Granting Request To Appear Remotely (RE: [1567]). (rms),3/21/2023
  1927. Doc 1570 Order Granting Motion for Expedited Hearing. Hearing to be held on 3/21/2023 at 02:30 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1565] Motion to Extend Time filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok) (rms)
  1928. Doc 1569 Order Granting Request To Appear Remotely (RE: [1564]). (rms),3/21/2023
  1929. Doc 1568 Certificate of Service Filed by Evan S. Goldstein on behalf of Hing Chi Ngok Interested Party, (RE: [1567] Motion to Appear Remotely filed by Interested Party Hing Chi Ngok). (Goldstein, Evan)
  1930. Doc 1567 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on at for hearing to be held on Status Conference, ECF No. 1559 Filed by Evan S. Goldstein on behalf of Hing Chi Ngok, Interested Party. (Goldstein, Evan)
  1931. Doc 1566 Motion to Expedite Hearing On Individual Debtor’s Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Order to Show Cause Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor (RE: [1565] Motion to Extend Time filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok) (Moriarty, James)
  1932. Doc 1565 Motion to Extend Time to Respond to Order to Show Cause to April 27, 2023 Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. (Moriarty, James)
  1933. Doc 1564 Motion to Appear Remotely via ZoomGov on March 21, 2023 at 2:30 pm for hearing to be held on, ECF No. 1557, 29, 31, 149 / Motion to Appear Remotely for the March 21, 2023 Status Conference Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited, Interested Party. (Lawall, Francis)
  1934. Doc 1563 Order Granting Motion to Extend Time. (RE: [1558]) . (rms),3/20/2023
  1935. Doc 1562 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on 03/15/2023. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1549] Order). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1936. Doc 1561 ORDER GRANTING REQUEST FOR STATUS CONFERENCE: On March 17, 2023, the Chapter 11 Trustee filed a Request for Status Conference (the “”Request,”” ECF No. [1559]). For the reasons stated in the Request, it is herebyORDERED: A Status Conference will be held on March 21, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. in the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT, to address the matters in the Request and the Debtor’s Motion to Continue Hearing on Motion to Remove Trustee, ECF No. [1557]; and is furtherORDERED: The Motions to Extend Time, ECF Nos. [29] and [31], filed in Adv. Pro. No. 23-05002, shall also be addressed during the Status Conference; and it is furtherORDERED: The Motion to Expedite Hearing, ECF No. [149], filed in Adv. Pro. No. 22-05003, shall also be addressed during the Status Conference. (RE: [1559] ). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 20, 2023. (rms)
  1937. Doc 1560 BNC Certificate of Mailing – PDF Document. (RE: 1548 Notice of Hearing). Notice Date 03/18/2023. (Admin.) (Entered: 03/19/2023),3/19/2023
  1938. Doc 1559 Request for Status Conference Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1] Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1939. Doc 1558 Motion to Extend Time to File Fee Application to April 4, 2023 (Unopposed) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1940. Doc 1557 Motion to Continue Hearing on Motion to Remove Trustee Filed by John L. Cesaroni on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor (RE: [1548] Notice of Hearing) (Cesaroni, John)
  1941. Doc 1556 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1550] Transcript). (pe),3/17/2023
  1942. Doc 1555 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1541] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Himalaya Investment LLC). Hearing to be held on 3/23/2023 at 11:00 AM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  1943. Doc 1554 The hearing on the Motion to Modify Consent Order Granting HK International Funds Motion for Order Establishing Repair Reserve for The Lady May, ECF No. [1216], scheduled to be held on March 23, 2023 at 11:00 AM will not be held in light of the withdrawal of the Motion, ECF No. [1551]. (RE: [1216] Notice filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC). (rms)
  1944. Doc 1553 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1541] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Himalaya Investment LLC). Hearing to be held on 3/23/2023 at 11:00 AM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  1945. Doc 1552 Order Granting Motion To Seal and for Protective Order (Related Doc # [1328]). (rms),3/17/2023
  1946. Doc 1551 Withdrawal of Motion to Modify Consent Order Granting HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLCs Motion for Order Establishing Repair Reserve for the Lady May Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1216] Notice filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC). (Vartan, Lee)
  1947. Doc 1550 Transcript . Hearing held on 3/7/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 04/6/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 04/17/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 06/14/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  1948. Doc 1549 Emergency Order Under Bankruptcy Code Sections 102(1) And 363 Directing The Sherry-Netherland, Inc. To Restrict Access To Apartment Owned by Genever Holdings LLC. (rms)
  1949. Doc 1548 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1274] Motion to Remove Trustee filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). Hearing to be held on 3/23/2023 at 12:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  1950. Doc 1547 ORDER CONTINUING MARCH 22, 2023 HEARINGS TO MARCH 23, 2023: Hearings are presently scheduled to be held on March 22, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. on the Motion to Quash Subpoena (ECF No. [1465]), the Objection and Cross Motion to Compel (ECF No. [1487]), and the Application to Employ Pallas Partners LLP (ECF No. [1496]). Another hearing in the case is presently scheduled to be held on March 23, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. To provide for the efficient administration of the Court’s docket, and for convenience of the parties, it is herebyORDERED: The hearings on the Motion to Quash Subpoena, the Objection and Cross Motion to Compel, and the Application to Employ are continued to 12:00 p.m. on March 23, 2023, at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard Courtroom, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 16, 2023. (rms)
  1951. Doc 1546 Order to Appear at Continued Hearing and Show Cause for Why the Court Should Not Hold the Non-Responding Parties in Contempt of Court. Golden Spring (New York) Ltd. and Lamp Capital LLC shall appear at the Show Cause hearing to be held on 4/18/2023 at 02:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Service to made on or before 3/24/2023. Certificate of service to be filed on or before 3/27/2023. (rms)
  1952. Doc 1545 Notice of Appearance Filed by Keith N. Costa on behalf of Leonard Scudder Interested Party, . (Costa, Keith)
  1953. Doc 1544 Response Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC Interested Party, (RE: [1537] Order). (Vartan, Lee)
  1954. Doc 1543 Response Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo Interested Party, (RE: [1537] Order). (Vartan, Lee)
  1955. Doc 1542 Statement of U.S. Trustee – No Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee. (RE: [1496] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Claiborn, Holley)
  1956. Doc 1541 Motion to Quash Subpoena Filed by Richard N Freeth on behalf of Himalaya Investment LLC, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Subpoena) (Freeth, Richard)
  1957. Doc 1540 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription. The transcript request was filed in the main case. The hearing was held in Adversary Proceeding No. 22-5003 on March 8, 2023. The transcript shall be docketed in the Adversary Proceeding. (RE: [1531] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on March 8, 2023 (pe)
  1958. Doc 1539 Withdrawal (Without Prejudice) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1521] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1523] Motion to Expedite Hearing filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1959. Doc 1538 Certificate of Service Filed by Sam Della Fera Jr on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1525] Amended Scheduling Order). (Della Fera, Sam)
  1960. Doc 1537 Order Holding HK Parties in Contempt of Court and Sanctioning HK Parties, Attorney Vartan and Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC (RE: [1353], [1455] ). (rms)
  1961. Doc 1536 Response (Supplemental) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1492] Motion To Stay Pending Appeal filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1962. Doc 1535 Order Granting Motion to File under Seal Supplemental Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee to HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC’s Motion to Modify Consent Order Granting HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC’s Motion for Order Establishing Repair Reserve for the Lady May (RE: [1489] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (sr)
  1963. Doc 1534 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Record on Appeal to U.S. District Court. 23-153(JBA) (RE:)[1443] Notice of Appeal, [1466] Appellant Designation, [1520] Appellee Designation, Sealed Exhibits and Sealed Transcript. (rsm)
  1964. Doc 1533 ORDER DENYING MOTION TO AMEND: A hearing was held on March 7, 2023, on the Motion to Extend Time to Comply with the Court’s Order Dated January 20, 2023, filed on behalf of Mei Guo and HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (the ‘Motion,’ ECF No. [1353]). For the reasons stated on the record during the hearing, it is herebyORDERED: The Motion is DENIED. (RE:[1454]) . Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 10, 2023. (rms)
  1965. Doc 1532 Transmittal of Record of Appeal to U.S. District Court 23-153(KAD) (RE:)[1443] Notice of Appeal, [1466] Appellant Designation, [1520] Appellee Designation (Attachments: # (1) Appellant Designations # (2) Appellee’s Designation # (3) Bankruptcy Case Docket as Electronic Record on Appeal)Sealed Exhibits and Sealed Portion of Transcript of hearing held on November 18, 2022 will be transmitted via email to the U.S. District Court. (rsm)
  1966. Doc 1531 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on March 8, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1967. Doc 1530 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Transcription and Reporting (RE: [1522] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on March 7, 2023 (pe)
  1968. Doc 1529 January 20, 2023 Deposition Transcript of Mei Guo Filed by Nicholas A. Bassett on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1527] Order). (Bassett, Nicholas)
  1969. Doc 1528 Withdrawal of Objection to Production Request Filed by Sari Blair Placona on behalf of HCHK Property Management, Inc., HCHK Technologies, Inc., Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc., (RE: [1291] Objection filed by Interested Party HCHK Technologies, Inc., Interested Party HCHK Property Management, Inc., Interested Party Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc.). (Placona, Sari)
  1970. Doc 1527 ORDER REQUIRING FILING OF TRANSCRIPT: On March 7, 2023, hearings were held on, inter alia, the Order Granting In Part Motion For Order to Show Cause Why the HK Parties Should Not Be Held In Contempt (ECF No. 1455, the “”Show Cause Order””). As discussed on the record, the declaration of counsel for Ms. Mei Guo and HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC was not, among other things, timely filed (ECF No. 1512) and did not provide the Trustee with adequate time to analyze the declaration prior to the Show Cause hearing scheduled to be held at 1:00 p.m. on March 7, 2023. Due to the fact that the Trustee was not provided with the court ordered time to review any declaration filed, the Trustee argued during the Show Cause hearing about information contained in deposition testimony of Ms. Mei Guo which allegedly demonstrates the failure of Ms. Mei Guo and HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC to complywith the Order to Show Cause and the Order Compelling Production (ECF No. 1353). Therefore, it is hereby ORDERED: The Trustee is to file the transcript of the deposition of Ms. Mei Guo on the docket by 5:00 p.m. on March 9, 2023. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 9, 2023. (pe)
  1971. Doc 1526 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record [1397] Order to Show Cause) is continued to April 18, 2023 at 2:00 PM and service must be made by March 24, 2023. [1455] Order on Motion to Appear and Show Cause) is under advisement. [1454] Motion to Extend Time filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo) is denied. [1453] Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) a brief shall be filed by Attorney Kindseth no later than March 28, 2023. A reply shall be filed by Attorney Bassett no later than April 7, 2023. A hearing shall be held if necessary on April 18, 2023 at 2:00 PM. [1492] Motion To Stay Pending Appeal filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok) is under advisement. [1489] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is granted. Revised proposed order due March 10, 2023.[1499] Order Setting Status Conference). Notice of Evidentiary Hearing to be issued for a hearing to be held on the underlying Motion to Modify Consent Order, ECF No. [1216], on March 23, 2023 at 11:00 AM. List of Witnesses and Exhibits to be filed in pdf format by noon on March 17, 2023. (RE: [1291] Objection filed by Interested Party HCHK Technologies, Inc., Interested Party HCHK Property Management, Inc., Interested Party Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc.) is to be withdrawn by 5:00 PM March 28, 2023. [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is continued to April 18, 2023 at 2:00 PM. [1446] Supplemental Document filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) is granted. Revised proposed order due March 10, 2023. (rms)
  1972. Doc 1525 AMENDED ORDER SCHEDULING EVIDENTIARY HEARING ON MOTION TO MODIFY CONSENT ORDER ESTABLISHING REPAIR RESERVE AND REQUIREING MEI GUO AND HK INTERNATIONAL FUNDS INVESTMENTS (USA), LLC TO APPEAR AND TESTIFY AT HEARING. (RE: [1216] Motion to Modify Consent Order Granting HK International Funds Motion for Order Establishing Repair Reserve for The Lady May Filed by Christopher H. Blau on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC Interested Party). Evidentiary Hearing to be held on 3/23/2023 at 11:00 AM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1524] ). (rms)
  1973. Doc 1524 ORDER SCHEDUILNG EVIDENTIARY HEARING ON MOTION TO MODIFY CONSENT ORDER ESTABLISHING REPAIR RESERVE AND REQUIREING MEI GUO AND HK INTERNATIONAL FUNDS INVESTMENTS (USA), LLC TO APPEAR AND TESTIFY AT HEARING. (RE: [1216] Motion to Modify Consent Order Granting HK International Funds Motion for Order Establishing Repair Reserve for The Lady May Filed by Christopher H. Blau on behalf of HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC Interested Party). Evidentiary Hearing to be held on 3/23/2023 at 11:00 AM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  1974. Doc 1523 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1521] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  1975. Doc 1522 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on March 7, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  1976. Doc 1521 Motion to Compel Motion to Compel TD Bank, N.A. To Comply With Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1977. Doc 1520 Appellee Designation of Contents for Inclusion in Record of Appeal (RE:)[1267] Appellant Designation, [1443] Notice of Appeal, [1466] Appellant Designation Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Linsey, Patrick)
  1978. Doc 1519 Withdrawal of Motion to Quash and/or Motion to Modify 2004 Examination Subpoenas Filed by Sari Blair Placona on behalf of HCHK Property Management, Inc., HCHK Technologies, Inc., Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc., (RE: [1291] Objection filed by Interested Party HCHK Technologies, Inc., Interested Party HCHK Property Management, Inc., Interested Party Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc.). (Placona, Sari)
  1979. Doc 1518 Certificate of Service Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, (RE: [1509] Notice of Appearance filed by Interested Party UBS AG). (Fried, Lisa)
  1980. Doc 1517 Response to Declaration of Lee Vartan Regarding Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoenas and January 20, 2023 Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1512] Objection filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1981. Doc 1516 Reply in Further Support of Motion for an Extension of Time to Comply with the Court’s Order Dated January 20, 2023 Brief Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1510] Objection filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Vartan, Lee)
  1982. Doc 1515 The hearing on the Motion to Compel, ECF No. [1303], scheduled to be held on March 7, 2023 at 1:30 PM will not be held in light of the withdrawal of the Motion, ECF No. [1513]. (RE: [1303] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (rms)
  1983. Doc 1514 The hearing on the Motion to Quash, ECF No. [1385], scheduled to be held on March 7, 2023 at 1:30 PM will not be held in light of the withdrawal of the Motion for Examination, ECF No. [638], as to Bravo Luck Limited only, ECF No. [1508]. (RE: [1385] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Bravo Luck Limited). (rms)
  1984. Doc 1513 Notice of Withdrawal (Without Prejudice) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1303] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1985. Doc 1512 Objection Opposition to Trustee’s Order to Show Cause Regarding Compliance with Rule 2004 Subpoenas and January 20, 2023 Order Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1453] Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Vartan, Lee)
  1986. Doc 1511 Certificate of Service Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1455] Order on Motion to Appear and Show Cause). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1987. Doc 1510 Objection Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1454] Motion to Extend Time filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1988. Doc 1509 Notice of Appearance of Lisa J. Fried Filed by Lisa Fried on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, . (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service) (Fried, Lisa)
  1989. Doc 1508 Notice of Withdrawal of Rule 2004 Subpoena Without Prejudice Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [638] Motion for Examination filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1385] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Bravo Luck Limited, [1386] Memorandum of Law filed by Interested Party Bravo Luck Limited). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1990. Doc 1507 ORDER CONTINUING HEARING: On March 2, 2023, the Trustee filed his Application to Employ Pallas Partners LLP as United Kingdom Solicitors, ECF No. [1496], (the “”Application””). A hearing on the Application is scheduled to be held at 1:00 p.m. on March 21, 2023. Today, the Court has scheduled other matters in Mr. Ho Wan Kwoks case for March 22, 2023. Therefore, for the convenience of the parties and the Court, it is hereby ORDERED: The hearing on the Application is continued to 12:00 p.m. on March 22, 2023, at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard Courtroom, Bridgeport, Connecticut. (zaz)
  1991. Doc 1506 ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED MOTION: On February 20, 2023, Mr. Jiaming Liu filed his Motion to Quash Subpoena, ECF No. [1465], (the “”Motion””). On February 28, 2023, the Trustee filed his Objection and Cross-Motion to Compel, ECF No. [1487], (the “”Cross-Motion””). A hearing on the Motion and Cross-Motion are scheduled to held at 1:30 p.m. on March 7, 2023. (ECF [1471].) On March 6, 2023, Mr. Liu filed his Motion to Postpone Argument on Motion to Quash and Extend Time to Respond to Motion to Compel, ECF No. [1504], (the “”Stipulated Motion””). The Stipulated Motion states that the Trustee consents to the relief requested therein. Accordingly, it is herebyORDERED: The Stipulated Motion is GRANTED as set forth below. The hearing on the Motion and the Cross-Motion is continued to 12:00 p.m. on March 22, 2023, at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Boulevard Courtroom, Bridgeport, Connecticut; and it is furtherORDERED: Mr. Liu shall file any objection to the Cross-Motion, insofar as it is a cross-motion to compel, on or before March 15, 2023, and any reply to the Cross-Motion, insofar as it is an objection to the Motion, on or before March 15, 2023. The Trustee shall file any reply in support of the Cross-Motion, insofar as it is a cross-motion to compel, on or before March 20, 2023; and it is furtherORDERED: Mr. Liu shall serve this Order on all parties entitled to service and file a certificate of service demonstrating compliance with this Order on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 7, 2023. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 6, 2023. (zaz)
  1992. Doc 1505 Objection Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1492] Motion To Stay Pending Appeal filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (Linsey, Patrick)
  1993. Doc 1504 Stipulated Motion by and between Jiaming Liu and Trustee For Postpone Argument on Motion To Compel Filed by Richard N Freeth on behalf of Jiaming Liu, Interested Party. (Freeth, Richard)
  1994. Doc 1503 BNC Certificate of Mailing (RE: [1499] Order Setting Status Conference). Notice Date 03/05/2023. (Admin.),3/5/2023
  1995. Doc 1502 Sealed Transcript: Transcript of Sealed Portion of Hearing Held on November 18, 2022, before the Honorable Julie A. Manning Filed by Fiore Reporting and Transcription Service. (rsm)
  1996. Doc 1501 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1496] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 3/21/2023 at 01:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 3/14/2023. (pe)
  1997. Doc 1500 Order Granting Motion to Expedite Hearing. Hearing to be held on 3/7/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1492] Individual Debtor’s Motion for Stay Pending Appeal of Order Holding Him in Contempt of Corporate Governance Order filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). Objection(s) shall be filed by 12:00 PM on March 6, 2023. (rms)
  1998. Doc 1499 Order Scheduling Status Conference (RE: [1490] Supplemental Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee to HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC’s Motion to Modify Consent Order Granting HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLCs Motion for Order Establishing Repair Reserve for The Lady May filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Status Conference to be held on 3/7/2023 at 01:30 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  1999. Doc 1498 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1489] Motion to Seal Supplemental Objection of Chapter 11 Trustee to HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLCs Motion to Modify Consent Order Granting HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLCs Motion for Order Establishing Repair Reserve for The Lady May filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 3/7/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 12:00 pm on 3/6/2023. (rms)
  2000. Doc 1497 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1487] Objection to Motion to Quash Third-Party Subpoena to Jiaming Liu and Cross Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). Hearing to be held on 3/7/2023 at 01:30 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  2001. Doc 1496 Application to Employ Pallas Partners LLP as United Kingdom Solicitors Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A – Harrison Declaration # (2) Proposed Order) (Despins, Luc)
  2002. Doc 1495 Interim Application for Compensation of Chapter 11 Trustee and his Counsel, Paul Hastings LLP, for Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period from July 8, 2022 through October, 2022 for Luc A. Despins, Trustee Chapter 11, Fee: $, Expenses: $63,631.75. Filed by Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Skalka, Douglas)
  2003. Doc 1494 ORDER SEALING ATTACHMENTS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO VARIOUS CLAIMS ON THE CLAIM REGISTER. The Clerk’s Office has received several proofs of claims with supporting documentation in the Jointly Administered Chapter 11 cases of In re Ho Wan Kwok, et al., 22-50073, which include personal identifying information. D. Conn. Bank. L. R. 1007-1(b) states that, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, all individuals and entities shall not include, and shall redact, personal identifiers from all documents and pleadings filed with the Court, whether filed electronically or in paper. Pursuant to D. Conn. Bank. L. R. 1007-1(b), and to protect the privacy of the claimants, it is herebyORDERED: Attachment 1 (also labeled “”Part 2″” in CM/ECF) to Claims 93-1 through and including 97-1; 99-1; 100-1; 101-1; 103-1; 104-1; 105-1; 107-1; 108-1; 110-1; 111-1; 113-1; 114-1; 115-1; 121-1; 123-1; 124-1; 125-1; 126-1; 127-1; 129-1 through and including 145-1; 147-1 through and including 157-1; 159-1; 162-1; 163-1; 164-1; 167-1 through and including 174-1; 176-1; 179-1; 180-1; 182-1 through and including 188-1; 190-1 through and including 205-1, on the claims register in the Chapter 11 case 22-50073, In re Ho Wan Kwok, et al., are sealed until further order of the Court. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 1, 2023. (pe)
  2004. Doc 1493 Motion to Expedite Hearing on Individual Debtor’s Motion for Stay Pending Appeal Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor (RE: [1492] Motion To Stay Pending Appeal filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok) (Moriarty, James)
  2005. Doc 1492 Motion To Stay Pending Appeal Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. (Moriarty, James)
  2006. Doc 1491 ORDER DENYING MOTION TO EXPEDITE AS MOOT: On February 21, 2023, the Trustee and the Corporate Debtors filed a Motion to Authorize Epiq to Exclude All Attachments from Confidential Proofs of Claim to be uploaded on Epiq’s public claims register (ECF No. [1469], the “”Motion””) and also a Motion to Expedite Hearing on the Motion (ECF No. [1470], the ‘Motion to Expedite’). As the Court has entered an order granting the Motion (ECF No. [1486]), it is herebyORDERED: The Motion to Expedite is DENIED as moot. (RE: [1470] Motion to Expedite Hearing filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on March 1, 2023. (rms)
  2007. Doc 1490 Objection (Supplemental) (Redacted Version, see Mtn to Seal ECF # 1489) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1216] Notice filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2008. Doc 1489 Motion to Seal (RE: related document(s)[1488] Sealed Document Filed). re: Ch. 11 Trustee’s Supplemental Objection to HK Int’l Funds Investments (USA) Ltd, LLC’s Mtn to Mod Consent Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee (RE: [1488] Sealed Document Filed filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) (Linsey, Patrick)
  2009. Doc 1488 Sealed Document Filed. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Linsey, Patrick)
  2010. Doc 1487 Objection and Cross Motion to Compel Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1465] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Jiaming Liu). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2011. Doc 1486 Order Granting Motion To Authorize Claims Agent To Exclude All Attachments From Confidential Proofs of Claim (RE: [1297] [1469] ). (pe),2/28/2023
  2012. Doc 1485 Notice of Appearance Filed by Sari Blair Placona on behalf of HCHK Property Management, Inc., HCHK Technologies, Inc., Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc., . (Placona, Sari)
  2013. Doc 1484 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Melissa F. Wernick (RE: [1476]). (sr),2/23/2023
  2014. Doc 1483 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Patricia B. Bergamasco (RE: [1475]). (sr),2/23/2023
  2015. Doc 1482 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Anthony Sodono, III (RE: [1463]). (sr)
  2016. Doc 1481 Order Granting Motion for Admission of Visiting Attorney Sari B. Placona (RE: [1462]). (sr),2/23/2023
  2017. Doc 1480 Acknowledgment of Request for Transcript (RE:)[1464] Request for Transcript. Request was received 2/22/23. Transcript will be completed by 3/1/23 pending full payment. A deposit has not been received. (Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  2018. Doc 1479 Mediator’s Report. A Settlement of this Matter Has Not Been Reached Filed by Hon. James J. Tancredi. (pe),2/22/2023
  2019. Doc 1478 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor (Second Supplemental) Filed by Stephen M. Kindseth on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor,. (Kindseth, Stephen)
  2020. Doc 1477 Request for Transcript of portion of transcript under seal sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription (RE: [1464] Request for Transcript filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). Hearing held on November 18, 2022 Transcript due by 3/24/2023.(pe)
  2021. Doc 1476 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Melissa F. Wernick Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Aaron Romney on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Receipt #A10450017 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order # (2) Affidavit # (3) Certificate of Good Standing NJ # (4) Certificate of Good Standing NY) (Romney, Aaron)
  2022. Doc 1475 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Patricia Belmonte Bergamasco Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Aaron Romney on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Receipt #A10449906 Fee Amount $200. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order # (2) Affidavit # (3) Certificate of Good Standing NJ # (4) Certificate of Good Standing NY) (Romney, Aaron)
  2023. Doc 1474 SCHEDULING ORDER SETTING RESPONSE DEADLINE: On February 21, 2023, the Trustee and the Corporate Debtors filed a Motion to Authorize Epiq to Exclude All Attachments from Confidential Proofs of Claim to be uploaded on Epiq’s public claims register (ECF No. 1469, the “”Motion””) and also a Motion to Expedite Hearing on the Motion (ECF No. 1470). The Motion addresses a time sensitive manner regarding the administration of the public claims register. Accordingly, it is herebyORDERED: Any interested party wishing to respond to the Motion shall file a response at or before 10:00 a.m. on February 24, 2023. The Court will thereafter determine whether to schedule a hearing or otherwise rule on the Motion; and it is furtherORDERED: The Trustee is to direct Epiq not to process any further unprocessed proofs of claim until further order of the Court. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 22, 2023. (RE: [1469], [1470] (pe)
  2024. Doc 1473 Statement – of Non-Objection. Filed by Taruna Garg on behalf of The Sherry-Netherland, Inc. Creditor, (RE: [1446] Supplemental Document filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Garg, Taruna)
  2025. Doc 1472 Order on Motion to Withdraw (RE: [1460]). (sr),2/22/2023
  2026. Doc 1471 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1465] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Jiaming Liu). Hearing to be held on 3/7/2023 at 01:30 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 2/28/2023. (pe)
  2027. Doc 1470 Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors (RE: [1469] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) (Linsey, Patrick)
  2028. Doc 1469 Motion for Order Authorizing Claims Agent to Exclude All Attachments from Confidential Proofs of Claim to be Uploaded to Claims Agent’s Public Claims Register Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors. (Linsey, Patrick)
  2029. Doc 1468 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for the Month Ending: 01/31/2023 Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee,. (Despins, Luc)
  2030. Doc 1467 Objection / Bravo Luck’s Objection to Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Debtors, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 363, for Entry of Order Authorizing Sales Officer and Sotheby’s International Realty to Market Sherry Netherland Apartment for Rent Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited Interested Party, (RE: [1446] Supplemental Document filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Lawall, Francis)
  2031. Doc 1466 Appellant Designation of Contents For Inclusion in Record On Appeal and Statement of Issues to be Presented (RE:)[1443] Notice of Appeal. Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. Appellee Designation due by 03/7/2023. (Moriarty, James)
  2032. Doc 1465 Motion to Quash Subpoena from Trustee Filed by Richard N Freeth on behalf of Jiaming Liu, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Subpoena) (Freeth, Richard)
  2033. Doc 1464 Request for Transcript on November 18, 2022 of “”Sealed Portion Only”” (RE:)[1124] Digital Audio Recording, [1125] Digital Audio Recording, [1126] Digital Audio Recording Hearing held on November 18, 2022 Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Moriarty, James)
  2034. Doc 1463 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Anthony Sodono, III Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Bonnie C. Mangan on behalf of Bonnie C. Mangan, Requested Notice.. (Mangan, Bonnie)
  2035. Doc 1462 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Visiting Attorney, Sari B. Placona Filed by Sponsoring Attorney, Bonnie C. Mangan on behalf of Bonnie C. Mangan, Requested Notice.. (Mangan, Bonnie)
  2036. Doc 1461 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor (Amended Supplement Statement) Filed by Stephen M. Kindseth on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor,. (Kindseth, Stephen)
  2037. Doc 1460 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney (and certificate of service) Filed by Scott M. Charmoy on behalf of Charmoy & Charmoy, LLC, Attorney. (Charmoy, Scott)
  2038. Doc 1459 Adversary case 23-05002. Complaint (91 (Declaratory judgment)) filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Genever Holdings LLC, Luc A. Despins against Ho Wan Kwok, Mei Guo, Qiang Guo, Hing Chi Ngok. Receipt #Deferred Fee Amount $350. Fee Deferred. (Linsey, Patrick) (Entered: 02/15/2023)
  2039. Doc 1458 ORDER SEALING ATTACHMENTS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO VARIOUS CLAIMS ON THE CLAIM REGISTER. The Clerk’s Office has received several proofs of claims with supporting documentation in the Jointly Administered Chapter 11 cases of In re Ho Wan Kwok, et al., 22-50073, which include personal identifying information. D. Conn. Bank. L. R. 1007-1(b) states that, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, all individuals and entities shall not include, and shall redact, personal identifiers from all documents and pleadings filed with the Court, whether filed electronically or in paper. Pursuant to D. Conn. Bank. L. R. 1007-1(b), and to protect the privacy of the claimants, it is hereby ORDERED: Attachment 1 (also labeled “”Part 2″” in CM/ECF) to Claims 20-1 through and including 40-1, 42-1, 43-1, 45-1, 46-1, 48-1 through and including 57-1, 59-1, 60-1, 61-1, 62-1, 64-1, 67-1, 68-1, 70-1, 71-1, 73-1, 74-1, 75-1, 76-1, 77-1, 78-1,80-1, 81-1, 82-1, 83-1, 84-1, 85-1, 86-1, 87-1, 89-1, 90-1, 91-1, 92-1, on the claims register in the Chapter 11 case 22-50073, In re Ho Wan Kwok, et al., are sealed; and it is furtherORDERED: The Clerk’s Office shall seal the main document in Claims 18-1, 65-1, 70-1, and 72-1 on the claim register, and provide access in a separate, unrestricted attachment, to the portions of the Proof of Claim that do not disclose personal identifying information; and it is furtherORDERED: The documents referenced above shall remain sealed until further order of the Court. Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on February 15, 2023. (pc)
  2040. Doc 1457 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1452] Notice of Hearing). (Skalka, Douglas)
  2041. Doc 1456 Hearing Continued (RE: [1291] Objection to Production Request and Motion to Quash and/or Modify 2004 Examination Subpoenas Filed by Scott M. Charmoy on behalf of HCHK Property Management, Inc., HCHK Technologies, Inc., Lexington Property and Staffing, Inc.). The Hearing scheduled for February 21, 2023 at 10:00 AM is continued to March 7, 2023 at 01:30 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  2042. Doc 1455 Order Granting In Part Motion For Order To Appear And Show Cause Why The Court Should Not Hold The HK Parties In Contempt of Court (RE: 1453) Show Cause hearing to be held on 3/7/2023 at 01:00 PM United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT for 1454 and for 1453, (RE: 1453 Motion for Order to Show Cause filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, 1454 Motion to Extend Time filed by Interested Party HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, Interested Party Mei Guo, 1353, 1444) (pe) (Entered: 02/13/2023)
  2043. Doc 1454 Motion to Extend Time to Comply With the Court’s Order Dated January 20, 2023 [ECF no.1353] to March 13, 2023 Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC,. (Vartan, Lee) (Entered: 02/10/2023)
  2044. Doc 1453 Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Debtor, Mei Guo, and HK (USA) Should Not Be Held in Contempt for Failure to Comply w/ Order to Compel re FRBP 2004 Subpoenas Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Nicholas A. Bassett) (Linsey, Patrick) (Entered: 02/10/2023)
  2045. Doc 1452 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1446] Motion for Order Authorizing Sales Officer and Sotheby’s International Realty to Market Sherry Netherland Apartment for Rent filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing to be held on 3/7/2023 at 02:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 2/22/2023. Certificate of Service due by 2/28/2023. Service to be made on or before 2/13/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  2046. Doc 1451 Affidavit of Service of Panagiota Manatakis Filed by Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC Claims/Noticing Agent, (RE: [1297] Order on Motion for Order). (Garabato, Sid)
  2047. Doc 1450 Withdrawal of Claim(s): 10008, 10009, 10014 & 10017 Filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC (Garabato, Sid)
  2048. Doc 1449 Amended Order (I) Approving Retention and Appointment of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC as Claims and Noticing Agent, Effective as of December 1, 2022, and (II) Granting Related Relief (RE: [1198], [1298] ). (rms)
  2049. Doc 1448 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor Filed by Aaron A Mitchell on behalf of Lawall & Mitchell, LLC Debtor’s Attorney,. (Mitchell, Aaron)
  2050. Doc 1447 Notice and Acknowledgement of Docketing Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court. Case Number: 23-153(JBA) (RE:)[1443] Notice of Appeal (rsm),2/8/2023
  2051. Doc 1446 Supplemental Document Motion for Order Authorizing Sales Officer and Sotheby’s International Realty to Market Sherry Netherland Apartment for Rent Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors, (RE: [1425] Order on Motion for Order). (Skalka, Douglas)
  2052. Doc 1445 Transmittal of Notice of Appeal to U.S. District Court (RE:) [1443] Notice of Appeal [1372] Order Granting Motion for Contempt. (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Appeal # (2) Order Granting Motion for Contempt)(rsm),2/7/2023
  2053. Doc 1444 Notice of Filing of Declaration of Mr. Ho Wan Kwok Concerning Invocation of 5th Amendment Privilege in Regard to Rule 2004 Discovery Filed by James M. Moriarty on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1353] Order on Motion to Compel). (Moriarty, James)
  2054. Doc 1443 Notice of Appeal to District Court. Receipt #A10435066 Fee Amount of $298 [1372] Order on Motion for Contempt Filed by Eric A. Henzy on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok, Debtor. Appellant, Ho Wan Kwok. Appellee(s),. Appellant Designation or Agreed Statement due by 02/21/2023. Transmission of Designation due by 03/9/2023. (Henzy, Eric)
  2055. Doc 1442 Certificate of Service Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited Interested Party, (RE: [1427] Notice of Hearing). (Lawall, Francis)
  2056. Doc 1441 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1440] Transcript). (sr),2/6/2023
  2057. Doc 1440 Transcript . Hearing held on 1/26/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/24/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/6/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 05/4/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  2058. Doc 1439 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50542 for the Month Ending: 12/31/2022 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  2059. Doc 1438 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50542 for the Month Ending: 11/30/2022 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  2060. Doc 1437 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report for Case Number 22-50542 for the Month Ending: 10/31/2022 Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Genever Holdings Corporation Debtor,. (Skalka, Douglas)
  2061. Doc 1436 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1434] Transcript). (sr),2/3/2023
  2062. Doc 1435 Affidavit / Fourth Supplemental Declaration of Disinterestedness of Luc A. Despins Filed by Luc A. Despins on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [515] Application to Appoint Trustee filed by U.S. Trustee U. S. Trustee, [538] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [633] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [802] Affidavit filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Despins, Luc)
  2063. Doc 1434 Transcript . Hearing held on January 31, 2023 Requested by Francis J. Lawall Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/23/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/6/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 05/3/2023.(Matthews, Gene)
  2064. Doc 1433 Chapter 11 Trustee Luc Despins’ List of Exhibits entered into evidence during the hearing held on January 26, 2023 regarding ECF No. 1345 Motion to Compel Compliance with Preliminary Injunction and Quashing Individual Debtor’s Claims Objections (Emergency Motion) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins,Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC, Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors (pe)
  2065. Doc 1432 CLERKS’S NOTICE REGARDING TRANSCRIPT REQUEST. The Request for Transcript Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., ECF No. 1424, will not be processed as a transcript request for the same hearing was earlier received and processed accordingly, see ECF No. 1431. To request a copy of the official transcript prepared by Reliable, please contact the Transcriber directly. (pe)
  2066. Doc 1431 Request for Transcript Sent to Reliable (RE: [1423] Request for Transcript filed by Interested Party Bravo Luck Limited). Hearing held on January 31, 2023 (pe)
  2067. Doc 1430 Notice Regarding the Filing of an Amended Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1429] Transcript). (sr),2/1/2023
  2068. Doc 1429 Transcript Amended to correct date of hearing. Hearing held on 1/24/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/22/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/6/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 05/2/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  2069. Doc 1428 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1373] Order). (Skalka, Douglas)
  2070. Doc 1427 Notice of Hearing Issued (RE: [1385] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Bravo Luck Limited). Hearing to be held on 3/7/2023 at 01:30 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. Objection deadline: before 4:00 pm on 2/28/2023. Certificate of Service due by 2/28/2023. Service to be made on or before 2/6/2023 by 4:00 P.M. (rms)
  2071. Doc 1426 Notice of Appearance and Request for Service of Papers Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, . (Vartan, Lee)
  2072. Doc 1425 Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 363, Further Extending (I) Sale Process of Sherry Netherland Apartment and (II) Retention of Sotheby’s International Realty as Broker (RE: [1257]). Supplemental Motion to lease Sherry-Netherland Apartment to be filed on or before February 10, 2023. Objections to the Supplemental Motion to be filed on or before February 22, 2023. A hearing on the Supplemental Motion to be held on March 7, 2023 at 2:00 PM at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Courtroom 123, Bridgeport, Connecticut. (rms)
  2073. Doc 1424 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1422] Hearing Held Hearing held on January 31, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  2074. Doc 1423 Request for Transcript . Hearing held on 1/31/2023 Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited, Interested Party Transcription Service Requested: Reliable (Lawall, Francis)
  2075. Doc 1422 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record (RE: [1257] Motion for Order Further Extending Sale Process of Sherry Netherland Apartment and Retention of Sotheby’s International Realty as Broker filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) is granted in part. (RE: [1297] Order Establishing Deadlines for Filing Proofs of Claim and Approving Form and Manner of Notice Thereof). The bar date will not be extended at this time. Status conference held(RE: [1298] Order (I) Approving Retention and Appointment of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC as Claims and Noticing Agent, effective as of December 1, 2022, and (II) Granting Related Relief ). Trustee’s counsel shall submit proposed order in Word format by February 2, 2022. (RE: [1303]Motion to Compel JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) and [1362] Motion to Compel Compliance with Bk. Rule 2004 Subpoena by UBS AG filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) are continued to March 7, 2023 at 1:30 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1328] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) is taken under advisement. (rms)
  2076. Doc 1421 Notice of Appearance Filed by Julie A Lavoie on behalf of The Sherry-Netherland, Inc. Creditor, . (Lavoie, Julie)
  2077. Doc 1420 Transcript . Hearing held on 1/24/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/21/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/3/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 05/1/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  2078. Doc 1419 Withdrawal of Claim(s): 10012 Filed by Claims/Noticing Agent Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC (Garabato, Sid)
  2079. Doc 1418 Statement – of Chapter 11 Trustee and Genever Debtors in Connection with Jan. 31, 2023 Hearing. Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors, (RE: [1345] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2080. Doc 1417 Reply to (related document(s): [1390] Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited Interested Party, (RE: [1390] Notice filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Revised Proposed Order # (2) Exhibit B Blackline of Revised Proposed Order) (Lawall, Francis)
  2081. Doc 1416 Reply to (related document(s): [1362] Motion to Compel Compliance with Bk. Rule 2004 Subpoena by UBS AG Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2082. Doc 1415 Reply to (related document(s): [1328] Motion to Seal (RE: related document(s)[1327] Sealed Document Filed). Exhibit A to Objection to Debtor’s Motion to Remove Trustee Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Chapter 11 Trustee filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1328] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2083. Doc 1414 Proposed Order Requested by Judge. Hearing was held on January 26, 2023. Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors, (RE: [1198] Application to Employ filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [1298] Order on Application to Employ). (Skalka, Douglas)
  2084. Doc 1413 Statement – /Declaration of Scott Lipnick in Support of UBS AGs Objection to Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply With Rule 2004 Subpoena. Filed by Marc Gottridge on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Gottridge, Marc)
  2085. Doc 1412 Certificate of Service Filed by John L. Cesaroni on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1399] Order on Objection to Claim(s)). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A) (Cesaroni, John)
  2086. Doc 1411 Statement – /Declaration of Gary Gao in Support of UBS AGs Objection to Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply With Rule 2004. Filed by Marc Gottridge on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1) (Gottridge, Marc)
  2087. Doc 1410 Statement – /Declaration of Felix Dasser in Support of UBS AGs Objection to Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply With Rule 2004 Subpoena. Filed by Marc Gottridge on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 # (2) Exhibit 2 # (3) Exhibit 3 # (4) Exhibit 4) (Gottridge, Marc)
  2088. Doc 1409 Statement – /Declaration of Eugene Fung in Support of UBS AGs Objection to Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply With Rule 2004 Subpoena. Filed by Marc Gottridge on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 # (2) Exhibit 2 # (3) Exhibit 3 # (4) Exhibit 4 # (5) Exhibit 5 # (6) Exhibit 6 # (7) Exhibit 7 # (8) Exhibit 8 # (9) Exhibit 9 # (10) Exhibit 10 # (11) Exhibit 11 # (12) Exhibit 12 # (13) Exhibit 13 # (14) Exhibit 14 # (15) Exhibit 15 # (16) Exhibit 16 # (17) Exhibit 17 # (18) Exhibit 18 # (19) Exhibit 19 # (20) Exhibit 20 # (21) Exhibit 21 # (22) Exhibit 22 # (23) Exhibit 23 # (24) Exhibit 24) (Gottridge, Marc)
  2089. Doc 1408 Statement – /Declaration of Lisa J. Fried in Support of UBS AGs Objection to Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply With. Filed by Marc Gottridge on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Gottridge, Marc)
  2090. Doc 1407 Objection to Motion of Chapter 11 Trustee for Entry of an Order Compelling UBS AG to Comply with Rule 2004 Subpoena Filed by Marc Gottridge on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Gottridge, Marc)
  2091. Doc 1406 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: [1403] Transcript). (sr),1/30/2023
  2092. Doc 1405 Notice Regarding the Filing of a Transcript and Important Deadlines for Redaction and Restriction (RE: 1402 Transcript). (sr) (Entered: 01/30/2023),1/30/2023
  2093. Doc 1404 BNC Certificate of Mailing – PDF Document. (RE: [1399] Order on Objection to Claim(s)). Notice Date 01/29/2023. (Admin.),1/29/2023
  2094. Doc 1403 Transcript . Hearing held on 1/17/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/21/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/1/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 05/1/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC)
  2095. Doc 1402 Transcript . Hearing held on 1/10/23 Requested by Patrick M. Birney Pursuant to the new policy adopted by the judicial conference, viewing of a transcript is restricted for 90 days from the file date. Transcripts will be available for viewing only at the clerk’s office during the 90 day period or may be purchased from the court transcriber. For more information contact the Clerk’s Office. The following deadlines apply: Redaction Request due By 02/21/2023. Redacted Transcript Submission due By 03/1/2023. Transcript access will be restricted through 05/1/2023.(Fiore Reporting Service, LLC) (Entered: 01/29/2023)
  2096. Doc 1401 Objection Limited Filed by Lee Vartan on behalf of Mei Guo, HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC, (RE: [1328] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Vartan, Lee)
  2097. Doc 1400 Objection Filed by Aaron Romney on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1328] Motion to Seal filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins). (Romney, Aaron)
  2098. Doc 1399 Order Overruling Objections to Claims 16, 17 and 18. (RE: [1332] Objection to Claim filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, [1334] Objection to Claim filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok, [1335] Objection to Claim filed by Debtor Ho Wan Kwok). (rms)
  2099. Doc 1398 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Reporting and Transcription (RE: [1395] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on January 26, 2023 (pe)
  2100. Doc 1397 Order to Appear and Show Cause Why the Court Should Not Hold the Non-responding Parties in Contempt of Court. Golden Spring (New York) Ltd. and Lamp Capital LLC shall appear at the Show Cause hearing to be held on 3/7/2023 at 01:00 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (rms)
  2101. Doc 1396 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor – Supplement Statement Filed by Stephen M. Kindseth on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor,. (Kindseth, Stephen)
  2102. Doc 1395 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1393] Hearing Held Hearing held on January 26, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  2103. Doc 1394 Movants’ Exhibits from Jan. 26, 2023 Hearing Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors, (RE: [1345] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2104. Doc 1393 Hearing Held. For the reasons stated on the record (RE: [1257] Motion for Order Further Extending Sale Process of Sherry Netherland Apartment and Retention of Sotheby’s International Realty as Broker filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [1297] Order Establishing Deadlines for Filing Proofs of Claim and Approving Form and Manner of Notice Thereof, [1298] Order (I) Approving Retention and Appointment of Epiq Corporate Restructuring, LLC as Claims and Noticing Agent, effective as of December 1, 2022, and (II) Granting Related Relief are continued to January 31, 2023 at 2:30 PM at the United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT. (RE: [1345] Motion to Compel Compliance with Preliminary Injunction and Quashing Individual Debtor’sClaims Objections filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC), ruling to follow. (rms)
  2105. Doc 1392 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1373] Order). (Skalka, Douglas)
  2106. Doc 1391 ORDER DENYING MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT/ORDER: On January 24, 2023, the Court entered an Order granting the Trustee’s motion to expedite the hearing on the Trustee’s Motion to Compel UBS AG to comply with Rule 2004 subpoena(s) and set a deadline for UBS AG to file a response to the Motion to Compel. (ECF No. [1370], the “”Order.””) That same day, UBS AG filed a motion to vacate the Order, which the Court deems to be a Motion for Relief from Judgment/Order pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60 and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9024. (ECF No. [1381], the “”Motion.””) On January 25, 2023, the Trustee filed an objection to the Motion. (ECF No. [1384].) On that date, UBS AG also filed a reply.(ECF No. [1387].) None of the grounds for relief set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60 and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9024(b) exist to relieve UBS AG from the Order. UBS AG was served with a subpoena onSeptember 26, 2022, and has had ample time to formulate an objection to the subpoena. Accordingly, it is herebyORDERED: The Motion is DENIED; and it is furtherORDERED: UBS AG is granted an extension to time to file its response to the Motion to Compel at or before 10:00 a.m. on January 30, 2023. (RE: [1381]) . Signed by Judge Julie A. Manning on January 26, 2023. (rms)
  2107. Doc 1390 Notice of Revised Proposed Order Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors, (RE: [1257] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2108. Doc 1389 Affidavit of Douglass Barron (Second) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors, (RE: [1345] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, [1388] Reply filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2109. Doc 1388 Reply to (related document(s): [1345] Motion to Compel Compliance with Preliminary Injunction and Quashing Individual Debtor’s Claims Objections (Emergency Motion) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings L filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC) Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins, Genever Holdings Corporation, Genever Holdings LLC Chapter 11 Trustee, Debtors, (RE: [1345] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2110. Doc 1387 Reply to (related document(s): [1381] Motion for Relief from Judgment/Order Under Rule 9024 (1) VACATE ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO EXPEDITE HEARING ON MOTION OF CHAPTER 11 TRUSTEE FOR ENTRY OF ORDER COMPELLING UBS AG TO COMPLY WITH RULE 2004 SUBPOENA (MOTION TO COMPEL), PURSUANT TO BANKR filed by Interested Party UBS AG) Filed by Marc Gottridge on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, (RE: [1381] Motion for Relief from Judgment/Order Under Rule 9024 filed by Interested Party UBS AG). (Gottridge, Marc)
  2111. Doc 1386 Memorandum of Law in Support/ Bravo Luck Limited’s Memorandum of Law In Support of Its Motion to Quash Subpoena Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited Interested Party, (RE: [1385] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Bravo Luck Limited). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Rule 2004 Subpoena # (2) Exhibit B 1.25.2023 Letter) (Lawall, Francis)
  2112. Doc 1385 Motion to Quash / Bravo Luck Limited’s Motion to Quash Subpoena Filed by Francis J. Lawall on behalf of Bravo Luck Limited, Interested Party. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Lawall Declaration # (2) Exhibit B Proposed Order) (Lawall, Francis)
  2113. Doc 1384 Objection Filed by Patrick R. Linsey on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1381] Motion for Relief from Judgment/Order Under Rule 9024 filed by Interested Party UBS AG). (Linsey, Patrick)
  2114. Doc 1383 Request for Transcript Sent to Fiore Transcription and Reporting (RE: [1379] Request for Transcript filed by 20 Largest Creditor Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P.). Hearing held on January 24, 2023 (pe)
  2115. Doc 1382 Certificate of Service Filed by Douglas S. Skalka on behalf of Luc A. Despins Chapter 11 Trustee, (RE: [1362] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, [1370] Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing). (Skalka, Douglas)
  2117. Doc 1380 Objection Filed by John L. Cesaroni on behalf of Ho Wan Kwok Debtor, (RE: [1345] Motion to Compel filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A) (Cesaroni, John)
  2118. Doc 1379 Request for Transcript (RE:)[1374] Hearing Continued/Rescheduled Hearing held on January 24, 2023 Filed by Patrick M. Birney on behalf of Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P., 20 Largest Creditor Transcription Service Requested: Fiore Reporting and Transcription (Birney, Patrick)
  2119. Doc 1378 Notice of Appearance Filed by Marc Gottridge on behalf of UBS AG Interested Party, . (Gottridge, Marc)
  2120. Doc 1377 Second Consent Order Modifying Consent Order Granting HK International Funds Investments (USA) Limited, LLC’s Motion for Order Establishing Repair Reserve for the Lady May (RE: [299], [728], [930], and [1255]. (sr)
  2121. Doc 1376 Order, Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 327, 328, and 330 and Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, Authorizing and Approving Retention and Employment of Paul Hastings LLP as Counsel to Genever Debtors (RE: [1293]). (sr)
  2122. Doc 1375 Hearing Held. (RE: [1293] Application to Employ filed by Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC, Order Granting to enter for the reasons stated on the record, [1301] Motion to Quash filed by Interested Party Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara LLC, Withdrawal of Motion filed as ECF No. 1369). (pe)
  2123. Doc 1374 Hearing Held. (RE: [1257] Motion for Order filed by Chapter 11 Trustee Luc A. Despins, Debtor Genever Holdings Corporation, Debtor Genever Holdings LLC, Interested Party Genever Holdings LLC). Hearing continued to 1/26/2023 at 12:00 PM at United States Bankruptcy Court, 915 Lafayette Blvd., Room 123, Courtroom, Bridgeport, CT for the reasons stated on the record. (pe)